Newbie's Guide to Archer-ism!



  • windbolt
    windbolt Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Hi, I think I'm quite new here since I just started a few weeks ago, you see, I was hunting Chaos Undines for quest with another person I meet at the Dreaming Stronghold when I was suddenly disconnected from my server, when i tried to logged in again, it says someone already logged in, so I tried safe log and i DID log in and find myself in another location....

    Can you guys tell me what is wrong? Is my character bugged?
    If it's really that case, are there any other solutions, I don't like to start another character again

  • aeyrnflam
    aeyrnflam Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    As a level 45 archer I am speaking from experience of building an archer. You want 2 points in Dex 2 points in vitality and 1 in strength to start. You need just enough strength to use your light armor. In armor you want to look for things that add to dex, and vitality. When you hit level 30 you get your rank 1 armor this is the best till you complete the lv 40 quest and kill chin to get your next piece. For weapons I suggest Crossbows personally, they do the most damage though they shoot slower, Upgrade your type of cross bow as your base damage in your char goes up so your crossbow doesnt take away from your damage potential.
    As for droprates and the important quest infor look it up on It has a listing of armor, weapons, and everything for your charactar.
    As for Archer skills, Blazing arrow is important to add to your damage, Winged shell to soak damage, You passive skills for bow mastery to, and winged blessing, your ligthening attacks as well as your viscious arrow for poisoning them I have found are important. The skills that do damage over time while you are attacking are important for kills becuase even if you have to step back and heal it is still killing them. Winged pledge unless you have no other choice I found has little use. Serated arrow like viscious arrow will bleed them while they are poisoned to add damage even while you have to step back for a sec to heal. Aim low level up when you have extra points to spend it's useful on bosses. Spark is important it increased your damage and for one sec makes you invicible. the second is usually crucial in killing bosses. Stunn arrow is good for interupting magick attacks of creatures and preventing damage, I suggest level 2 or 3 when you have the points. Knockback I use in my sequence with frost arrow, so you can push they away from you doing damage and slow them to get more hits in before they get to you. I use aimed shot first in my sequence for initail damage because it does alot of damage if you level it to 4 or 5, followed by my over time damages ie viscious arrow and serated arrow. Then I use thundershock to penetrate thier armor, lightening does alot of damage. Then my knock back arrow.
    My second macro for use right after is set up with my knockback ,frost arrow to slow them down, quickshot for initaial damage, and my two lightening attacks. I use my spark and the attck that uses spark for bosses. . My archer set up this way can Tank FB 19's at level 30 with two clerics and a wizard. One cleric for attack, one wizard for attack and one cleric for healing. when you get to the boss, the wizard attacks while the two clerics heal one for each attacker.
  • Legerity - Sanctuary
    Legerity - Sanctuary Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    no offense but I stopped reading when you said 2 dex 2 vit and 1 str per level.

    you are going to really feel the pain soon with such low dex.
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    please disregard aeyrnflam's post theres so much wrong with it
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    please disregard aeyrnflam's post theres so much wrong with it

    Archers typically need 3 dex/level if they want to be using good ranged weapons right away. (But you can also wear +dex gear and you can also wait several levels.)

    Other than this one issue, Aerynflam's post did not seem too much worse than other forum guides or posts -- not completely accurate, but interesting and with some good suggestions.
  • Legerity - Sanctuary
    Legerity - Sanctuary Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I'd actually disagree with you there, Fleuri. (btw I hate you Fleuri, you made me read his ugly post b:laugh)

    His post was pretty...well... **** to put it. He's a level 45, telling people to go 2dex 2vit and 1 str per level, gimping what archers are suppose to do (damage). This is almost an extreme tanking build and if you do this you might even want to not play Archer at all (or go HA but you might aswell not play Archer if you go HA, lol). We are not TANKS, I have no idea why you want 2 vit per level. I'd be damned if I ever saw my vit value as high or higher than my dex value, honestly.

    So you can tank fb19 with TWO clerics - big deal. What now? You need a wizard to DD? Archers are suppose to DD, you only need the wizard because you gimped your attack power to "tank". You could get a barb to do that and only need ONE cleric. I don't see why you want to do it like this... but whatever floats your boat.

    DoT skills are only useful right off the bat in the game (very early levels or later levels i.e TW etc but lets just say they arent important for simplicity). Poison and bleed lose their values when you get a decent weapon and can kill them before it makes a difference. Your combos are mana intensive, one which I do not recommend anyone do unless they are dropping gold out of their pants (and not because of a hole either).

    There is so much wrong in his post. I agree with Mosz - just ignore it... it's BAD advice for a beginning archer, seriously.
  • sinistervii
    sinistervii Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    About Aeyrnflam's post... Well, his build probably works and all since he has managed to play with it so far. And if he were to get Arrow Barrage (Barrage of Arrows or w/e) I'm sure he could tank some mobs for a short amount of time... One issue though with this so called TANK build for archers of his:
    1 STR each level means no heavy armor for tanking, or not good enaugh heavy armor. He will be stuck with the latest light armor or old heavy armor for early levels which will be worse than the latest light armor, so he's basically toast when he fires the first Barrage.

    I went pure dex archer as a start, and I don't need to use potions anylonger whenever I grind since they never get a chance to hit me (Unless I miss, and in the worst case of scenario: Miss ALOT b:shocked ).

    Anyway back to the reason I was going to post.

    Sacchin update your guide! Im 44 and I need more info in the future! It wont be long till im 49! XD
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    yah what sinister and leg said, also stuns and knockbacks dont work on bosses
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I'd actually disagree with you there, Fleuri. (btw I hate you Fleuri, you made me read his ugly post b:laugh)

    Oohh noes! Not his ugly post!

    His post was pretty...well... **** to put it. He's a level 45, telling people to go 2dex 2vit and 1 str per level, gimping what archers are suppose to do (damage).

    I thought I had gone "except for this issue"?

    DoT skills are only useful right off the bat in the game (very early levels or later levels i.e TW etc but lets just say they arent important for simplicity). Poison and bleed lose their values when you get a decent weapon and can kill them before it makes a difference. Your combos are mana intensive, one which I do not recommend anyone do unless they are dropping gold out of their pants (and not because of a hole either).

    I think you devalue damage over time skills too much, but everyone has their own style and issues.

    For example... damage over time skills can be valuable when you kite, since they help you see if you hit, or not, and give you timers which can help you keep track of when you need to be attacking, to keep from losing aggro.
    There is so much wrong in his post. I agree with Mosz - just ignore it... it's BAD advice for a beginning archer, seriously.

    I think beginning archers should get 3 dex per level and 1 strength per level, and they should maximize their passive combat skills. But I would hesitate about making any other strong statements about any particular skill choice.
  • Legerity - Sanctuary
    Legerity - Sanctuary Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Oohh noes! Not his ugly post!


    I thought I had gone "except for this issue"?


    I think you devalue damage over time skills too much, but everyone has their own style and issues.

    For example... damage over time skills can be valuable when you kite, since they help you see if you hit, or not, and give you timers which can help you keep track of when you need to be attacking, to keep from losing aggro.

    I think beginning archers should get 3 dex per level and 1 strength per level, and they should maximize their passive combat skills. But I would hesitate about making any other strong statements about any particular skill choice.

    Basically, there is little reason to kite if you have a min of 3dex per level. A point in dexterity acts as a modifier to damage. It is very significant imo so I see no reason why he would need DoT skills.

    Yes it is a matter of preference, but for beginning archers, they will quickly learn that DoT skills are not as useful as one would make it out to be. The only reason anyone would use it is 1. they are low level and 2. mana efficient.

    Yes, 3 dex per level is an absolute must I agree with you there - my response previously saying I disagreed with you was when you said his post was "interesting" and had some "good suggestions".

    Basically the foundation of an archer is 3dex, 1str... left over point can go to whatever... vit for more survivability or a point in dex which acts as a damage modifier in the damage calculations.

    And as for strong statements about skill choice, I didn't explicitly say anything about skills. I only mentioned that his combo for a mob is mana intensive, one that I do not recommend. It does not mean I am against the skills he has, just the way he uses it. DoT will end up being leveled atleast once anyway since you would want sharp tooth arrow. Besides, most skill recommendations are pretty much similar. I'm sure after playing a bit as an archer, they will know what these "staple" skills are.

    And yes, his post was ugly. Could of been worse with bad grammar and alternating caps though.
  • babidi
    babidi Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    well, my archer is just 11 yet but i really need to know, which build would suit my style.
    ive read quite a lot opinions about builds, n i started to build my char according to the pure dex suggestions but than i read some more guides, n they recommended the hybrid build, which helps you to keep ur hp relatively not so low...(enough str to wear ur latest light armor, enough dex to use the latest weapon, n the rest to vit)
    so im a bit confused now... b:surrender

    i think im the kinda player who is soloing a lot, so i started to think that i should add 1 vit after every second level, 1str after each lvl and put 3 and 4 on dex instead of the pure 4dex, 1str...
    pls help me out from high lvls! is that worth in long terms, or the dex-loss would cause me headache later on??
    oh, n i dont understand whats wrong w take aim?? its been useful so far, n charging time is gonna be less n less throught time if im why is it a prob if i level it until i dont gain sg more useful?
    thx for ur help people!!!
  • Legerity - Sanctuary
    Legerity - Sanctuary Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I was a hybrid for the first 55 levels and had a decent amount of hp. I ended up restating to "try" out the difference. Hybrid allows for more hp meaning you can tank a bit better (esp. low level bosses i.e chin etc... more hp = longer time to die = more time for ironheart to stack). It really does come down to your preference. I enjoy the pure build more since lvl 60... however I didn't like it pre TT60 bow.

    So based on my experience (and feel free to send hate) I think if you have decent money management (which means you will be able to afford a restat note with ease) I recommend a hybrid type build for survivability (since lots complain about it). Also since your crit rate is relatively low and your damage sucks you will eventually get hit at low levels anyway. I recommend a restat at later levels (~60). If you are a bad money manager, then just go pure dex and **** through it. I guess you could also learn what combos suit you best to avoid dying if you go the glass cannon path.

  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Basically, there is little reason to kite if you have a min of 3dex per level.

    Sure, but this also depends. For example, if I want to kill dragon quest mini-bosses (Sori Dualhammer, for example), I either need to get myself some help or I need to kite. Edit: and I can usually kite him in less time than I would take getting someone to help me.

    Further edit: and if I miss four times in a row when I am fighting solo, and if I am smart, I should probably think about kiting instead of just standing there.
  • Wolvesfury - Lost City
    Wolvesfury - Lost City Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    little story about kiting. me and cleric are lvl 26 and running around to get haggisgezzelot (sp?) for my bael necklace find him and proceed to rest mana/hp for fight as were waiting lvl 27 archer and lvl 27 cleric ask if were going to fight him and if we could could squad we say sure np invite them in and immediately 27 archer runs up and attacks him totally unbuffed and me at half mana. His cleric goes airborne and hovers above him 27 archer starts spamming Cure me cure me and starts close range fighting meanwhile my cleric is like umm wtf nobodies ready!! but this doesn't faze archer he keeps up close range attacks and getting pounded after less then 30 secs 27 archer goes airborne and starts blasting my cleric for being a too weak healer by this time i'm up and hot keying potions while buffing shell/eva/blaze arrow I walk out fire my stay the "bleep" away from me macro Take aim/frost arrow/Viscious arrow /Knock back and start hauling **** in circles around him while re buffing shell every 30 secs meanwhile my Cleric is dropping thunderball and plume while keeping me cured/regen'd i'm taking good hate and using quickshot/ viscious arrow at every opportunity, had to use a couple Knockbacks when he got too close and frost arrow for measure, twice cleric spikes my dmg to draw hate which i counter with lighting to pull back after a couple of intense minutes things dead and i still have plenty of good mana from hot keying potions and mana regen from shell and cleric is pretty much unscathed whole time the other cleric and archer are sitting on the hut watching battle and spamming my Cleric abut being on the ground and actually fighting him?? Clerics DoT Stacked to my DoT and idc what any ones says but Plume shot hits f'n hard, pretty much the way we won this battle was by using range and good hate control had my cleric just started spamming cure on him all that would have lead to imo is a dead cleric then dead archer.. guess what i am trying to say is DoT kiting is what an archer gets as part of an arsenal of weapons by design so why not use it? And to try and straight tank any mob is silly you neg your max dmg and increase mana depletion of your healer. IMO archers have to kite in order to be effective DD's when Tanks are not an option or you could just ( i like this term so thiev'n it) Carebear your way thru and have some one hold your hand to take on the mobs for ya. Tanks are not always going to be there so learn you JOB correctly to be effective for yourself. Enjoying this game immensely and the lessons i learn the hard way build me a better Archer -.^
    and Knock back looked like it worked to me?? or is Geez not a Boss Mob? these are things i am learning maybe since i was constantly Moving/Jumping rotating camera angles to keep him in sight i was missing
    that completely if KB isn't effective on this Mob then i am eating my humble pie other then that we still kicked his **** so...
  • Legerity - Sanctuary
    Legerity - Sanctuary Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Sure, but this also depends. For example, if I want to kill dragon quest mini-bosses (Sori Dualhammer, for example), I either need to get myself some help or I need to kite. Edit: and I can usually kite him in less time than I would take getting someone to help me.

    Further edit: and if I miss four times in a row when I am fighting solo, and if I am smart, I should probably think about kiting instead of just standing there.

    Now you're just nit picking. Normal situations do not require kiting.
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Now you're just nit picking. Normal situations do not require kiting.


    But sometimes nit picking can be fun?

    And skills you can use in kiting can have other uses in normal situations.

    For example:

    Drains have relatively low mana costs, and 0.6 second casting time and 1.0 second channeling time, and they build chi. If you use a crossbow and you work through your calculations for damage per second, mana per second and chi per second you might get really bored. Meanwhile, I am using my damage over time skills in pve and I am having fun!


  • Legerity - Sanctuary
    Legerity - Sanctuary Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited February 2009

    But sometimes nit picking can be fun?

    And skills you can use in kiting can have other uses in normal situations.

    For example:

    Drains have relatively low mana costs, and 0.6 second casting time and 1.0 second channeling time, and they build chi. If you use a crossbow and you work through your calculations for damage per second, mana per second and chi per second you might get really bored. Meanwhile, I am using my damage over time skills in pve and I am having fun!




    Your new nickname is Nit-Picking :D
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited February 2009

    Your new nickname is Nit-Picking :D


    I will keep your new nickname for me in my nickname chest and treasure forever!


    And I remembered another occasion when I kite: when monsters get packed close together, so shooting one pulls several, I can kite one of them out so I can fight safely!
  • babidi
    babidi Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    ahh, thats sg new!! i didnt know that u can reset ur stats. b:surprised
    i dont really waste money i think n im farming a lot so if theres no other tricky way to earn extra billions, than i think ill be able to manage this money issue...
    but im curios now: how much u have to pay if u want to restat?
  • Legerity - Sanctuary
    Legerity - Sanctuary Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited February 2009

    I will keep your new nickname for me in my nickname chest and treasure forever!


    And I remembered another occasion when I kite: when monsters get packed close together, so shooting one pulls several, I can kite one of them out so I can fight safely!

    Or you could knockback one (away from any other mobs) and aggro that single foe.
  • Legerity - Sanctuary
    Legerity - Sanctuary Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    babidi wrote: »
    ahh, thats sg new!! i didnt know that u can reset ur stats. b:surprised
    i dont really waste money i think n im farming a lot so if theres no other tricky way to earn extra billions, than i think ill be able to manage this money issue...
    but im curios now: how much u have to pay if u want to restat?

    zzzz, probably shouldn't double post, but a bit tired to edit 2 posts atm.

    There are 4 types of reset notes:
    TEN points in ONE field = 3 gold = ~300k
    FIVE points in each field over ALL fields = 3 gold = ~300k
    FIFETY points in ONE field = 5 gold = ~500k
    TWENTY FIVE points in each field over ALL fields = 5 gold = ~500k
    note that points do not carry over in fields(attributes)

    so for example if you had 61 vitality and wanted to bring it down to 3 (lowest possible) you need a 50 point restat in vitality and then a 10 point restat in vitality again coming to a total of 58 points restatted (yes you wasted 2 points, but that's the cheapest way).
  • superman1359
    superman1359 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    dude this is an amazing guide and has helped me get started....i am a noob lvl 4 and i was wondering y my acceleration button isnt working. it doesnt look like i go any faster when i press it
  • orangeladey
    orangeladey Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Thank you for the guide, it's very informative.

    There are a few things that I haven't seen mentioned anywhere, I can kind of understand why, but I'm newbie as well and am not trying to play entirely serious. I've enjoyed the game for the music, the 'ooh pretty!' and for the 'been a bad day, let's kill something' mood, so I'm not too concerned with a bad build while I solo. I hardly buy anything except maybe ammo, meditate between most battles (or use life powder) and fly everywhere, so money is not yet a problem, and harvest lots of everything (my one problem is Inv. space and I'm saving up for Gold for the S.Inventory Stone.)

    I've two pieces of bad advice/observation

    The first I never see mentioned: At the lowest level, having a melee weapon on hotkey helped. It did more damage much faster when the mob closed in on me. I'd think this would work in reverse for close combat specialists, take some damage when they are far away then **** at what's left.

    The second is that due to some magic bonuses, I noticed that at Magic Level 20, I lost NO mana while flying. In combat, I can actually take more skill shots, and enter combat more often before having to rest.

    Now I'm only just barely lvl25, so my playing experience is rather low. I've gathered from reading around that higher levels have a harder time leveling, which irritates me as it seems I can't finish half my quests for the level without leveling. At the same time I wonder about layering quests that kill the same thing (like adding on a Solo Mission for the celestone fragment (I managed to have a solo and two other quests after the same mob) do the kills then get you more exp? less?) I guess there is the question in there about whether I should try to separate the quests and just level up ASAP.

    As for this great guide - The skill list is exactly what I was hoping for. Do you think that at the end would it be possible to have a listing of the Skills and your recommend leveling priority. Probably broken into separate lists for PvP and PvE, and a when to level column would just round it out. (I also had the feeling that you're biased towards PvP, that's not bad, but as PvP I then wonder how much I should place my character in its care.)

    I did however find you're priority levels confusing. It seemed '0' was bad, '1' was great, and 2/3/4 were descending usefulness. If it wasn't for my confusion there, I would have offered a list pulled from your own.

    Still, thanks for the great work.

    PS Anybody is free to point out what a bad example I am ^_^, I don't care, I'm doing this for fun.
    ♪ "Once I thought the World was made for me"
    ♫ "Once I thought experience was Free"
    ♪ "Never knew you had to pay the Price"
    ♫ "Then I found you sometimes pay it Twice!"
    --The Fraggles of Fraggle Rock
  • Kakashi_San - Heavens Tear
    Kakashi_San - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    After reading some of the post I have began to rethink my char a bit. IE my chars vit. I knew beforehand that vit is considered unnessary for archers after about 50 vit points, but I put it on neways because im am more of a PvE player (im not into killing ppl's chars in this game). The vit allows me to basically take a magic hit (cause when is the last time you saw an archer dodge a magic attack?)...

    So far I put one vit point per lvl I have and it works great in PvE; it allows me to pot a charm way easier, but my dex lacks a bit (1:4 chance of my lvl mob missing, 1:5 chance of me criting the mob).

    Now putting points into magic is a mistake many archers make early on, it does relativly nothing, so if u have more that 5 points (base default) of magic, you have free points you can loosen towards dex, str, and vit.

    Good and helpfull post throughout this thread, keep up the good work.
    PWI is kinda fun
  • Xandreana - Dreamweaver
    Xandreana - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Great guide you got here. From what I know and looking at the numbers I think the glass cannon is the way to go, but first I have to learn how to keep ammo and play it correctly. Only level 2 lol.
  • Zerogodlike - Sanctuary
    Zerogodlike - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    fyirefly wrote: »
    I am one of those noobs who have just went thru the game trial by error. I am now a level 28 and am having a hard time killing mosters lower lvl than I I came to this forum and see that I have been misplacing my build pts the entire time. I was distributing them evenly the 1rst 20 lvls....then realizing I couldn't upgrade my weapons without dex and str....i have been focusing on them.

    I only have quick shot and take to I get the training for and where do I go to get blazing arrow.....frost arrow...and winged shell?

    Should I reset my points and if I do....what are the reprecussions?

    Thanks for your help.


    Ok first dont ever do trial by error it will only waste your time and all skills that do damage over time are useless thank you and good by
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Ok first dont ever do trial by error it will only waste your time and all skills that do damage over time are useless thank you and good by

    Damage over time skills have several uses. They have a level 1 use, and they also have a "maxed" use.

    If you have level 1 damage over time skills, you can use them in your crossbow skill rotation, when you want to be overcoming your weapon's slow firing rate. If you have ever found your crossbow's normal shot useful, I think you should not be saying damage over time skills have no use.

    If you have maxed your damage over time skills, they can help you deal with increased life monsters (and bosses). (You do not get critical hit bonuses from damage over time skills, but they give you good "bonus damage per mana point spent" ratios, and sensible archers should care about this unless they have bought up their magic, or unless they always have too many coins.)

    (And, damage over time skills can tell you if you hit or not even if you were not paying attention when you took your shot, and knowing if you hit can be very important for holding aggro when you kite. Also, their cooldown timers can be very useful for knowing when you should take your next shot to avoid losing aggro.)

    (Of course you often do not need to kite, and sometimes knockback can be used instead of kiting but kiting can be useful in lots of situations where you would otherwise be taking too much damage.)

    Then again, other skills also are useful and you also have to choose if you want to take any skill past level 1. Also, ultimately, when they reach high levels, archers with lots of level 1 skills might be better off, in terms of efficiency and crossbow use, than archers with high level skills. But getting there might be frustrating.
  • King_jester - Dreamweaver
    King_jester - Dreamweaver Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    sacchin wrote: »
    What exactly is way off? The site you linked even has a heavy Vit build? Just enough Dex and Str for Light Armor and the rest into Vit...what exactly are you attacking with? Your hands? To equip the best bow, you need 3 Dex every level, and 1 Str every level for armor. That leaves 1 Vit per level if you choose to pump it. Archers gain 13 HP per Vit, and lose the crit, damage, accuracy, and evasion from the Dex. There are countless discussions about it already, and I think most will agree Pure Dex is the best way to go. +'d armors and HP shards give you all the HP you need. Archers aren't tanks, and they aren't meant to be tanks. They are meant to do as much damage as they can as quickly as they can.

    Whether you want a PvE or PvP build, Pure Dex gives the most benefit. In PvE, obviously you want to do as much damage as possible. In PvP, PKing is about spike damage, and you will rarely have solo PKs except in the early levels. You shouldn't need to be a tank at all. Similar for TWs, you aren't supposed to be tanking. If you are, then you are probably doing something wrong.

    well one thing thats way off is that fact that you stated that archers weren't about the DoT skills. in every game i've seen with archers archers are the DoT specialists, honestly i'm suprised we don't have more poisons in this game.

    oh and while i agree that puttin mag stats on are completely useless, and haven't put any mag stats on my archer at all, here is one piece of information you should include in your guide

    archers and clerics may both have the same mp cost for flying, however clerics have such a high regeneration rate for thier mag it just cancels out the mp cost. if any archer feels the need to incraese thier flight time, so they can fly all the way across the map, then all they need to do is increase thier mg stats to 20, and it will cancel out the mp cost of flying.
  • King_jester - Dreamweaver
    King_jester - Dreamweaver Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Ok first dont ever do trial by error it will only waste your time and all skills that do damage over time are useless thank you and good by

    dude DoT skills are one of an archers defining qualities. it is in every game. max your DoT skills out, cause since you do pathetic damage at close range your DoT skills will still be grinding away at your oponent if they manage to get close enough to you for the damage decrease to take effect.
  • King_jester - Dreamweaver
    King_jester - Dreamweaver Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    in adition to the last two posts i just made i'd like to state one more slight error in your guide. bows fire at 0.67 sec, crossbows fire at 0.61 sec, and slingshots fire at 0.71 sec. so the info about which fires fastest and slowest is incorrect. i'm not sure if the damage is right either, but i forgot the exact damage ratios, so i'll have to check on that ingame later. you might wanna do the same.