best damage dealer?



  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    venos dont deal high damage at all lol
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Lockie - Heavens Tear
    Lockie - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Yes. I am a battle (attack) cleric lvl 60 (full mag) and i've beaten lvl 68 veno, 70barb, and completely destroy wizards within a 10-15 lvl range (they all had charms). ...

    Guys, read the title. We're not talking about who pwns at duels, the topic at hand is who deals the most damage. In PvE dex archers, mag wizards, and arguably mage-form venos w/ phoenixes do the best damage. If FACs did THE most damage, we'd all go roll clerics.

    One more thing: wizards and from what I suspect, archers, may have naturally powerful spells. I have my doubts about weaponless venos/clerics killing mobs nearly as easily as I (wiz) could when I feel like a bit of fun.
  • booboostains
    booboostains Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    u guys are missing the point. let me illustrate at lvl 100:
    Cleric Tempest(demon)
    400% of weapon damage plus 9337
    plus spirits gift(150% weap for 15 sec), elemental seal(-30% mag def), metal Mastery (20% additional metal dmg)

    Wizard Black Ice Dragon Strike (sage cuz they hit harder with water mast.)
    500% of weapon damage plus 9648.9
    plus water mastery(25% additional water dmg)

    Now assuming they both have the same full magic build and same equipment. which would hit harder? As u guys failed to read, i said without the help of any other char clerics hit harder than Wizards. this is assuming that whatever they're hitting has the same water def as metal def.

    do the math. ur getting 25% water increase + 500% weap + 9648 for wiz
    20% metal increase + 550% weap dmg +9337 + a mag def decrease of 30% (on whatever you're hitting)

    come on now get serious. everyone is just talking with no proof but 1 screen shot of a 1 char that did awesome dmg but im sure there are clerics that do the same if not more. if you know your math then this should be enough proof to show that clerics most powerful skill out dmgs a wiz most powerful. add it up people.

    Oh and if u add spark they both increase the same amount so....

    "i said without the help of any other char clerics hit harder than Wizards"
  • booboostains
    booboostains Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    ecatomb is source if you're wondering
  • Jrudora - Lost City
    Jrudora - Lost City Posts: 445 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    u guys are missing the point. let me illustrate at lvl 100:
    Cleric Tempest(demon)
    400% of weapon damage plus 9337
    plus spirits gift(150% weap for 15 sec), elemental seal(-30% mag def), metal Mastery (20% additional metal dmg)

    Wizard Black Ice Dragon Strike (sage cuz they hit harder with water mast.)
    500% of weapon damage plus 9648.9
    plus water mastery(25% additional water dmg)

    Now assuming they both have the same full magic build and same equipment. which would hit harder? As u guys failed to read, i said without the help of any other char clerics hit harder than Wizards. this is assuming that whatever they're hitting has the same water def as metal def.

    What about:
    Undine strike: 60% reduced water resistance for Mages?
    That's higher than -30% magic def.
  • booboostains
    booboostains Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    What about:
    Undine strike: 60% reduced water resistance for Mages?
    That's higher than -30% magic def.

    yes it does but after the the attack it reduces def. Undine lowers the def after it deals dmg. so you would have to hit the target with two dmging attacks versus 1???? doesnt that prove my point?

    even if you took off elemental seal. you still hit harder cuz of spirits gift. wiz doesnt have dmg increasing buff. 550% plus 9337 versus 500% plus 9648
    max attk for mag weap lvl100(basic. no added attr) is 1750 do the math
  • Jack - Heavens Tear
    Jack - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2008

    Your stupidity has now reached epic proportions. I recommend shutting up while you're not so far behind.

    I loled at your posts so hard, i almost rofled. But not quite.
  • booboostains
    booboostains Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    and yet you still havent explained why u loled at what i just posted. maybe because you dont have any intelligent input on the current topic
  • Lockie - Heavens Tear
    Lockie - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    yes it does but after the the attack it reduces def. Undine lowers the def after it deals dmg. so you would have to hit the target with two dmging attacks versus 1???? doesnt that prove my point?

    First of all, you fail because Undine Strike is a debuff, exactly like the cleric Elemental Seal, except the Wizzie spell takes only 1.5 sec to pull off (chanting + casting), 0.5 sec shorter than your precious Seal. Second, did you even read the descriptions? Because Elemental Seal reduces both your enemy's and YOUR OWN mdef by the same percentage, canceling itself out against a magic class. Although I guess we would Blade Tempest you. Not only does Undine Strike do a minimal amount of damage, casts faster, but also it does not negatively affect the caster in any manner. Since you're talking about only the ulti (one spell), Undine Strike is also 60% reduction in mdef (doubled).

    even if you took off elemental seal. you still hit harder cuz of spirits gift. wiz doesnt have dmg increasing buff.

    Fail again. Manifest Virtue (lvl 100 spell): Increases magic attack by (maximum mana/100)%. That easily negates your 150% weapon damage increase because with our maxed wizzie buff, 15k mana is nowhere near impossible.
    550% plus 9337 versus 500% plus 9648
    max attk for mag weap lvl100(basic. no added attr) is 1750 do the math

    Now I may not be a math genius, but you do not simply ADD percentages.

    Oh and before I forget, Wizards have their own version of buffs: Target's Metal, Water, Fire, and Earth resistance increases by 1000% for 4 seconds. I don't need to even do the math to prove to you that you have not done your research thoroughly enough.

    Shall we say, EPIC fail? b:chuckle
  • Jack - Heavens Tear
    Jack - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    told ya so.

    Should've shut up while you had the chance.

    Can I say...

  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    First of all, you fail because Undine Strike is a debuff, exactly like the cleric Elemental Seal, except the Wizzie spell takes only 1.5 sec to pull off (chanting + casting), 0.5 sec shorter than your precious Seal. Second, did you even read the descriptions? Because Elemental Seal reduces both your enemy's and YOUR OWN mdef by the same percentage, canceling itself out against a magic class. Although I guess we would Blade Tempest you. Not only does Undine Strike do a minimal amount of damage, casts faster, but also it does not negatively affect the caster in any manner. Since you're talking about only the ulti (one spell), Undine Strike is also 60% reduction in mdef (doubled).

    Fail again. Manifest Virtue (lvl 100 spell): Increases magic attack by (maximum mana/100)%. That easily negates your 150% weapon damage increase because with our maxed wizzie buff, 15k mana is nowhere near impossible.

    Now I may not be a math genius, but you do not simply ADD percentages.

    Oh and before I forget, Wizards have their own version of buffs: Target's Metal, Water, Fire, and Earth resistance increases by 1000% for 4 seconds. I don't need to even do the math to prove to you that you have not done your research thoroughly enough.

    Shall we say, EPIC fail? b:chuckle

    you just went on my "send a xmas gift to" list, your the first and only person, expect a present this christmas.

    booboo just got OWNED SO HARD
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Lyndura - Lost City
    Lyndura - Lost City Posts: 829 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I lol'ed so much at that FAC trying to beat the damage of a Wizard. OWNED!
  • booboostains
    booboostains Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    LMAO did you not read your previous post.
    "Guys, read the title. We're not talking about who pwns at duels,"

    We arent talking about pvping so lowering self mag def wouldnt matter and even if we were u would've gotten slept and plumed to death cuz u take too long to cast anything before i sleep you. Secondly, my point still stands u are using 2 dmging spells to overcome 1. undine and whatever else u choose. Third, i never said you add the percent to the 9k. i put the weapon attack right below. you add 550% of the weap attack to the base attack plus the 9k. geez r u stupid lol. fourthly, once again u didnt even read ur previous post. u increasing mag def by 1000% doesnt matter cuz we're not talking about pvp nor are we talking about receiving dmg and one again that doesnt matter when i start hitting you with phy attk lol; so stupid. since when did wiz get 4spark to cast undine, manifest, and black ice consecutively??? and as forward as jack goes, why havent you added any input outside of riding the band wagon of another. so sad....

    I know how about we let Jack put up an argument before anyone else adds anything and see what he thinks lol yeah right!!!!

    Lockie u do have good point just not enough spark to do so
  • booboostains
    booboostains Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Since Lockie brought up pvping, FAC beat wiz anyday at any lvl. so dont say what you would do in a duel cuz the fact of the matter is you get 2 shots, 1 with crit or spark. same goes for veno. only class that can win is archer and thats a huge coin toss. and barbs last for a while but ultimately die
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    HAHAHA OMG FUNNY you play on HT? come, ill one hit you, stupid FAC you are so ignorant.
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Jordanfox - Heavens Tear
    Jordanfox - Heavens Tear Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    To answer the OP's question, don't worry too much about your DPS, or you'll spend all your time boasting about it like these people.
  • Jack - Heavens Tear
    Jack - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    BTW, this is by no means complete, I was laughing too hard at how dumb you are. Oh god, wading through this hellhole of grammar and spelling will be a very difficult trial for me.

    Oh, and for general reference? EPs only have Tempest, whereas Mages have... more. Wayyyy more damage dealing skills.
    LMAO did you not read your previous post.
    "Guys, read the title. We're not talking about who pwns at duels,"

    We arent talking about pvping so lowering self mag def wouldnt matter and even if we were u would've gotten slept and plumed to death cuz u take too long to cast anything before i sleep you.

    We weren't talking about PvP. Exactly. EPs are the undisputed masters of 1v1 PvP. We were arguing about damage until you brought up the def reduction spells.
    Lockie was merely pointing out that a single one of the mage's spells is by far more effective than the cleric equivalent.
    By the way, mages have an insta-cast sleep, "Soporific Whisper" vs. the EP 1 + 1 sec.
    Also, the whole point of using Blade Tempest rather than BIDS (<-- lol acronym) is due to the physical damage it inflicts.
    I don't believe you actually understood what she wrote..? Dunno. I wouldn't be surprised.

    Secondly, my point still stands u are using 2 dmging spells to overcome 1. undine and whatever else u choose.

    ... This is so idiotic I don't know how to respond. Isn't the point more damage? And faster, too.

    Third, i never said you add the percent to the 9k. i put the weapon attack right below. you add 550% of the weap attack to the base attack plus the 9k. geez r u stupid lol.

    ... Someone shoot me now, I think I've been blinded by stupidity.
    Game mechanics, son! Percentages don't add like that.

    fourthly, once again u didnt even read ur previous post. u increasing mag def by 1000% doesnt matter cuz we're not talking about pvp nor are we talking about receiving dmg and one again that doesnt matter when i start hitting you with phy attk lol; so stupid.

    Please, please. Tell me this. Are we talking about PvP? Nope, we're not. That's a whole other thing, and for that FACs are the best. But thats only 1v1.

    since when did wiz get 4spark to cast undine, manifest, and black ice consecutively???

    Psst. Undine doesn't take spark. Thats why its awesome. Manifest takes 1.
    Also, remember casting stuff gives chi too. So 3.99 -> 4 after the first spell.

    and as forward as jack goes, why havent you added any input outside of riding the band wagon of another. so sad....

    I know how about we let Jack put up an argument before anyone else adds anything and see what he thinks lol yeah right!!!!

    Lol, wut? I can't believe I wasted so much time on an idiot. =( I'm so sad...

    Lockie u do have good point just not enough spark to do so

    Thank you. Chatting with you has been fun, and please don't STFU. I want to hear more b:pleased
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    booboo you fail so hard, ask jackbui, in PvP clerics cant take me down, it took a level 80+cleric, level 82 bm, level 70+ barb, and a 60+ cleric to take me down, they ticked my charm for about 2 minutes before they dropped me, your ignorant, what level are you? 15?
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Jack - Heavens Tear
    Jack - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Oh right, we aren't talking about spike damage.

    As for playing a class for damage... The usual DDs are Archers and Mages.
    Archers tend to be best for the mid-levels, which is as far as most people get. As for end game, Mages end up rocking at the upper levels.
    (Plus, just look at the screenshot of 201k damage. Ridiculous! Just the big numbers would make anybody jealous)

    Veno + Pheonix = Broken. End of story.
    Full Attack Cleric = Good for earlier levels, but nobody likes them in parties since they don't heal right.
    Barb = Uhh... I don't deal damage. b:sad
    Blademasters = So cool for AOE and stunlocking.

    So, as to answer the question at hand... Any class can deal good damage if you play it right. <-- Useless statement.
  • TigerLily - Lost City
    TigerLily - Lost City Posts: 1,209 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Best damage dealer by far in TT is veno. The pet itself does more dmg on bosses than archers/wizards on same lvl. Players have a huge dmg reduction in TT, just like in pvp, while veno pet does same dmg as usual. If i hit a TT-boss for 2k the venos golem hit for 3k and even 5k when using skills. Than add the venos own magic attack to that. No archer or wizard will ever be close to that. But pets are kinda glitched in TT, just like the bleed skill in pvp. Makes TT-runs alot faster tho, if ure smart enough to bring a veno b:victory.

    Mages are really only the best DD if theyre facing the right element, like if killing a water element boss in FB and nuking with earth magic. Otherswise they arent that amazing as DDs in pve due to slower dps. And undine strike dont really help that much unless its 2 mages in party that both benefit from the debuff. Everytime undine strike is used a veno or archer is using a regular attack that actually does real dmg instead of just debuffing b:surrender.
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    not to burst ur bubble, but arent we talking about PvP? .-.
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • peregryn
    peregryn Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    i've been having a problem figuring out what class is the best DD, so can anyone post their opinions of which class is the best DD?
    not to burst ur bubble, but arent we talking about PvP? .-.

    *ponders* reading original post ...... he does not say, he simply asks for opinions of which class makes best DD.
    Perhaps the greatest secret to getting along with others lies in learning to respect their opinion(s) even while you disagree with them.
  • Bows_Spirit - Lost City
    Bows_Spirit - Lost City Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    yea i didnt ask who pwns who at pvp... i simply asked WHO IS THE BEST DD
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    be mor specific when saying "DD" do you mean dps? spike damage?
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Lockie - Heavens Tear
    Lockie - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    The best damage dealer in TT is definitely the veno's pet. Note. not the veno.

    "Mages are really only the best DD if theyre facing the right element"
    That's almost all the time. Mages get the most choice in matching elements, and there isn't really an occasion where we are stumped since we have 3 to choose from. To the FAC: how well do you do against Increased Defense Metal mobs?

    "And undine strike doesn't really help that much..."
    I was merely responding the lack of thorough thought applied to a previous post. I never said it helps "that much", but since we were talking about NUMBERS...

    "We arent talking about pvping so lowering self mag def wouldnt matter and ..."
    You got me there. Not talking about PvP? I had the impression that being a good DD isn't just about 1 good spell. Or can you actually stand there and nuke the mob over and over again with your awesome Tempest?

    "even if we were u would've gotten slept and plumed to death cuz u take too long to cast anything before i sleep you. "
    Oh, now we're talking about PvP again. The last time I checked, clerics do not have exclusive abilities when it comes to Sleeping. Wizards have a handy little instant sleep. Granted, it doesn't last nearly as long, but... I could easily sleep you, sutra, 2 quick spells for chi, and blade tempest you. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's even quicker than plume quilling wizards to death.

    Btw, I'm by no means flaunting wizard's damage or their ability to PvP. Personally I believe wizzies are rather gimped in several aspects of PvE and PvP. But the potential is there, and I've simply had it with FACs who play a mid-level character and think they're the best at everything. Oh, and people who think they can do math when they can't. That too b:pleased
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    +2 for lockie...

    wizards are in no way gimped. in duels maybe, but in PvP they rock. wait till endgame. wizards will own
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Bows_Spirit - Lost City
    Bows_Spirit - Lost City Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    be mor specific when saying "DD" do you mean dps? spike damage?

    i mean who is the best DAMAGE DEALER
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    BE MORE SPECIFIC DD is ****ing vague it can be interpreted many different ways
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Drazo - Heavens Tear
    Drazo - Heavens Tear Posts: 947 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I seen some pretty jaw-dropping veno and blademaster attacks and venos are great boss soloers I've seen. b:victory
    Non-mule alts:

    Drazo - Venomancer - Dreamweaver - Semi-active
    Knatami - Barbarian - Heavens Tear - Inactive
    Drazorus - Archer - Sanctuary - Inactive
    Cidemami - Cleric - Dreamweaver - Inactive
    Recilsami - Blademaster - Heavens Tear - Inactive
    DrazoThePsy - Psychic - Dreamweaver - Active
    DrazoTheSas - Assassin - Dreamweaver - Active
  • peregryn
    peregryn Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    be mor specific when saying "DD" do you mean dps? spike damage?
    i mean who is the best DAMAGE DEALER

    PvE, PvP, Highest Possible Damage, Most Consistant Damage, Most Versitile, all different ways Best Damage Dealer can be judged ... which one or more are you asking about? Oh and must not forget two other catagories Best in Teams, and Best Solo'er.
    Perhaps the greatest secret to getting along with others lies in learning to respect their opinion(s) even while you disagree with them.
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