Wizard Guide for Newcomers.



  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Hey everybody! I am brand new to PW, and so far I love it. I started out with a wizard on my friends account, and decided to make my own.

    This is an amazing thread, and has been a great resource for me as I've been learning my way around the game. This Thread should be Sticky'd!
  • Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    plarzay wrote: »
    Havn't play yet (and won't be able to for a while :( ) so correct me if I'm wrong but I didn't think wizards used swords/blades. not in this game at any rate. As well, I'd like to know how hard it is to solo as a wizard, my friend says it's incredibly difficult if not impossible :( !

    i solo most of the time and party up with bosses with my faction or group of friends.. or group of strangers then became friends...

    :) though you need to have good stuff on and stuff to kill with...
    if u cant manufacture ur own armor then u can buy from players, auction or NPC (not too good).

    Good luck!!!

    i might be seen by somebody who is into font sizes and colors... zipped
    b:cute *** Life can be bittersweet...
    but it is always Beautiful ***
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I've been doing a lot of solo hunting with my wizard, i usually waer the basic armor, if i don't get something better drom the mobs:P i can't say i have had a hard time so far, i'm only lvl 23 atm, bit it takes a little longer to kill mobs alone since i'm kiting to avoid getting hit:P
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    plarzay wrote: »
    For a pure biuld wizzard (4 mag 1 str) is there a point where i'll be able to stop putting points in strangth. I know that magic is required for magic weapons and str for armour, but if im using arcane what is the min i need for the best armour? thx for the advice (in advance :P)

    You also need str for your weapons.
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Ive read through pandora'a giude and i think its gr8...lets u know wats good and wats not and that helps..i hav a lvl 47 archer with all gr8 eqiupment..and i still think i will perfer a wizard when i start 1 and get it lvl'd... the part tho where it said that a wizard does most damage..think of a high lvl archer with good eqiupment and a high Critical hit rate...thats gunna b strong..i know a lvl 8x archer and while in gsc talking to him...all i here is 25k critical..30k critical... he has a 32% critical hit rate...thats good !!
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    hey just wondering i didnt see anything about lvling divine pyrogram. should i replace pyrogram with this spell or should i keep it as a secondary skill to lvl up only when i got cash/spirit to do it
    Meh toons:
    cookieninja-BM-dreamweaver-being revived
    IHealYou-Cleric-Dreamweaver-main alt
  • Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I think you should go with your own preferences, but divine pyrogram takes 3 seconds to channel, unless you use essential sutra. So in typical cases you should compare half of its damage with regular pyrogram's damage. (And you should compare half of its mana cost with regular pyrogram's mana cost.)
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    heyy i just started playing PW and already made a lvl 10 wiz....so far i been noticing my char always havint to pot alot of hp pots and oftenly is close to dieing or already did lol......is this normal? or did i mess up already, cuz i put most stats on STR and MAG thinking monsters will die before touching me...any suggestions?
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    heyy i just started playing PW and already made a lvl 10 wiz....so far i been noticing my char always havint to pot alot of hp pots and oftenly is close to dieing or already did lol......is this normal? or did i mess up already, cuz i put most stats on STR and MAG thinking monsters will die before touching me...any suggestions?

    hi blue,

    how did you allocate points?

    I don't know in which situations you have been, but I remember that I did use a lot of kiting (pressing s to run backwards).
    If you have low defense, get used to a lot of running, until you get distance shrink (to leap), will of phoenix (to push back), and force-of-will (to "confuse")

    Use gush during kiting. It channels quick and slows the enemy.

  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    ooh....ide use gush alot, and i read on forums of how the "S" key is essential, i guess ill just get used to it lol.....and i put mostly all stats on MAG and only enough STR to wear light armor....and im just doing alot of PVM to get all the sp i need, and quests as well, as its highly recomended lol
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Does the pure magic build call for robe armor?
  • Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    incorrect wrote: »
    Does the pure magic build call for robe armor?

    Yes it does
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    actually, there is no way to prevent a failure.
    wizard = fail class
  • Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    This read has been so helpful. I wasn't sure what the best way was to level up my Wizard but now I do; and the list of spells was also extremely helpful. Thanks a bunch!
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    2) You say that Mountain's Seize is a "must-have" in the description, but... I really, really disagree with that. The main uses for a stun are to stop a player from running or to stop a player from finishing you off, and the long cast time of Mountain's Seize makes it useless for both reasons. The only thing it could ever be useful for is prolonging a stun cloud started by a warrior and that potential use is wrecked by the fact that stuns don't stack. So if a warrior stuns everyone for 4 seconds, and 3 seconds later your mountain seize hits, they've only got 1 second of stun left (from the warrior) regardless of if your stun would have kicked in or not. When there's no stun cloud from a warrior, you won't have the chance to use this skill and make it useful, really. I'd take either damage ult before Mountain Seize and, personally, not even bother with the skill at all.

    While I agree this is a great guide. I wont entirely disagree with the above quote. What I do think however is that this is a situational spell. For example
    as an opener spell, the stun effect would be great for splitting a duo-pull. If Target A and Target B link then you would want to delay one of the targets for a few seconds while you nuke down the other. Second situation is if you can get the range versus cast time down so the stun effect hits just outside of targets melee range of you, then you can buy the time to run a short distance to continue nuking with a safety barrier.
  • Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Huge thanks for the 'S' key tips. I'll try that with my veno and cleric also. b:thanksb:kiss
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    If a character has 100% physical resistance, can that character take any normal physical damage? I notice that the stone barrier spell of wizards goes up 10% per level gained. So, at lvl 10 of that spell, you should get a 100% increase in your physical defense... so, if a wizard should get the very best physical defense armor in the game, and then use the stone barrier spell to increase it even further, will the wizard take any damage from a normal attack? I consider a normal attack to be a normal Blademaster attack without the use of skills. I know that this is kind of a loaded question, but I would very much appreciate it if somebody could answer this. Thank you.
    - Poly_Atomic
  • Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    ptf720 wrote: »
    If a character has 100% physical resistance, can that character take any normal physical damage? I notice that the stone barrier spell of wizards goes up 10% per level gained. So, at lvl 10 of that spell, you should get a 100% increase in your physical defense... so, if a wizard should get the very best physical defense armor in the game, and then use the stone barrier spell to increase it even further, will the wizard take any damage from a normal attack? I consider a normal attack to be a normal Blademaster attack without the use of skills. I know that this is kind of a loaded question, but I would very much appreciate it if somebody could answer this. Thank you.
    - Poly_Atomic

    The 100% increase in physical def (120% for sage and 150% for demon) is not reduction nor is it a flat increase. It is an increase of your CURRENT physical resis. Example, if you have 1000 phys resistance (which is different to how much you actually REDUCE) you get 2000 physical resist which does NOT equate to a simply add and subtract thing. You cannot NEVER take no physical damage as a wizard.

    Say 900 physical defense gives a 25% reduction in physical damage taken, the stone barrier buff will only take that to 1800 resistance which will be roughly 40% reduction to physical. (you suffer from diminishing returns and you can never reach 100% because it asymptotes at 100%)

    In short, you will still take damage and die relatively easily.
  • Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Level 10 Stone Barrier will double your current pdef. Wizards won't have much pdef to double. Don't think you can take more damage than a Barbarian.
  • Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Well, when i first started, i oscillated heavily between wizard and venomancer, since veno also has a mage line build.
    My veno is pure mag, and without pet, at lvl 49 i pretty much own wizards lvl 50, i waited for this level to get some spells and fought on purpose with about 20 wizards, in over 100 duels. ( i love ingame testings)
    I made a veno because its supposed to be best beginner class and i had in mind that once i consider learning the gameplay, i would start a wizard and build on it.
    All duels started with 2 sparks, full original class buffs.
    The result was surprising: roughly speaking, force of will+glacial snare+emberstorm simply did not finished me off. My hp is only 1,5k, equipped with 6 average mag def stones, total of 4-4,2k magic defense. When they used pitfall+force of will+any other spells, in 50% of cases, my soul transfusion did not saved me. When i used pets with breaking channeling / stun / range dmg+me kite / high phys dmg, wizard died in like 80% of cases (no phoenix/hercules used). Overall, i can say a veno pwns a wizard same lvl at 49-50. I'll remake test after 79, when both classes get power skills, and at 100 (just a hope for now) when i will also compare demon/sage effects.
    Conclussion: I'll stick to my venomancer for now, maybe at later tests I'll change my mind, depending on result. I love pets + nuke type magic, so its a win-win situation for me.
  • Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Well, when i first started, i oscillated heavily between wizard and venomancer, since veno also has a mage line build.
    My veno is pure mag, and without pet, at lvl 49 i pretty much own wizards lvl 50, i waited for this level to get some spells and fought on purpose with about 20 wizards, in over 100 duels. ( i love ingame testings)
    I made a veno because its supposed to be best beginner class and i had in mind that once i consider learning the gameplay, i would start a wizard and build on it.
    All duels started with 2 sparks, full original class buffs.
    The result was surprising: roughly speaking, force of will+glacial snare+emberstorm simply did not finished me off. My hp is only 1,5k, equipped with 6 average mag def stones, total of 4-4,2k magic defense. When they used pitfall+force of will+any other spells, in 50% of cases, my soul transfusion did not saved me. When i used pets with breaking channeling / stun / range dmg+me kite / high phys dmg, wizard died in like 80% of cases (no phoenix/hercules used). Overall, i can say a veno pwns a wizard same lvl at 49-50. I'll remake test after 79, when both classes get power skills, and at 100 (just a hope for now) when i will also compare demon/sage effects.
    Conclussion: I'll stick to my venomancer for now, maybe at later tests I'll change my mind, depending on result. I love pets + nuke type magic, so its a win-win situation for me.

    you will always win against wizards thats why we are the "gimpped" class so if your tests are gonna gonna be against wizzard dont bother testing anymore venos lvl 60 own me with pets and its a pretty hard battle without pets lol..
    Is Back once more.

    sorry med school needs some time.
  • Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    awesome guide man
    short and to the point
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    i Have a question, all the wizards i know always complains about their hp. is it really easy to die with wizards? and if it is easy to die with wizards, how will they even survive in a TW?
  • Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    one hit one mod is great
  • Posts: 598 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I think a lvl 14 barb had more hp then I do....b:shocked
    Dalamaar: Mizorie you have no soul.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    All duels started with 2 sparks, full original class buffs.
    The result was surprising: roughly speaking, force of will+glacial snare+emberstorm simply did not finished me off. My hp is only 1,5k, equipped with 6 average mag def stones, total of 4-4,2k magic defense. When they used pitfall+force of will+any other spells, in 50% of cases, my soul transfusion did not saved me. When i used pets with breaking channeling / stun / range dmg+me kite / high phys dmg, wizard died in like 80% of cases (no phoenix/hercules used). Overall, i can say a veno pwns a wizard same lvl at 49-50. I'll remake test after 79, when both classes get power skills, and at 100 (just a hope for now) when i will also compare demon/sage effects.
    Conclussion: I'll stick to my venomancer for now, maybe at later tests I'll change my mind, depending on result. I love pets + nuke type magic, so its a win-win situation for me.
    b:shocked with those skills they deserved to loose
    Remember, remember, the Fifth of November, the Gunpowder Treason and Plot. I know of no reason why the Gunpowder Treason should ever be forgot...
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    im lvl 20 and wondering what build would be better for an aoe so i can start early . I also want to know what build would be good when im a higher lvl and helping with the fb-19 , 29 , ect. By the way that was a really good post and was really helpful. b:victory
  • Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    im lvl 20 and wondering what build would be better for an aoe so i can start early . I also want to know what build would be good when im a higher lvl and helping with the fb-19 , 29 , ect. By the way that was a really good post and was really helpful. b:victory

    pure int is good for zhen

    LA is good if u want to solo FBs or TT
    but they have to be around 10 levels lower than u cuz wizzies are just sorta weakb:cry
  • Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    pure int is good for zhen

    LA is good if u want to solo FBs or TT
    but they have to be around 10 levels lower than u cuz wizzies are just sorta weakb:cry
    Pure int is a good way to die trying to Zhen. Your pdef is low, and your damage is high = you get aggro but can't survive the hits. :/

    Light Armor deals less dmg to mobs = less helpful in FB squads. You won't get aggro with a good group, it doesn't matter what your pdef is. :/

    Nice try, though!
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Umm.. wizards never taking agro? what lvl is your wizy lol?

    And dont post about venos here, everyone knows bah blah, venos are best, yeah yeah, they are also easiest to lvl, make money, pvp, and get invited to squads all the time. Venos are just for people who want to be "good" at the game without having to try, period, simple :P

    If your making a wizard... be prepared to not be wanted in groups right away, get beat by most other classes in low lvls.

    Though.. wizards are in my opinion great for lvling themselves, with your ability to kill soo fast and kite, then be able to ehal yourself, then pop on GE to regen your mp and do it all again within two mins, easy xD
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