1000 ways to get kicked out of wallmart



  • Banki_Soul - Sanctuary
    Banki_Soul - Sanctuary Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    ive done this one its HALARIOUS!
    put wemons underwear in random mens carts ( make sure they are shoping alone) Even funnier when u put them in old mens carts watch them go through check out

    try to gather a bunch of people and creat a row of human dominos throughout the store
    [SIGPIC]one day your cuddly bears will distroy us all![/SIGPIC] One day your cuddly bears will distroy us all!!!b:victory
  • battlehymnrepublic
    battlehymnrepublic Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I thought the thread was what you'd do to get kicked out of Wal-Mart?
    I highly doubt anyone that suggested anything here, would actually do it themselves.
    Not to mention, more than 90% of the stuff I read, would have you jailed, not just kicked out of Wal-Mart.
    Either way...
    Beating up a department manager got me fired. So that always works, just pray that he/she doesn't press charges afterwards.
    Snag one of the Telzon's carelessly lying around, and do some random price-changes for the benefit of customers. They're almost always logged in, or if you don't care to risk it on chance... Make sure to spot/stalk one of the Department Managers or Supervisors until they set one down, so you know you'll have the authority to make such changes. Wipe out inventories, create panic in the hearts of Wal-Mart management. No need to belittle the employee's, our jobs are **** as it is.
  • bobzilla21
    bobzilla21 Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Not to mention, more than 90% of the stuff I read, would have you jailed, not just kicked out of Wal-Mart.

    As long as you're kicked out, it's OK, right?

    You could try impersonating an employee, I'm sure you'd get kicked out for that.
    I figured I should do something with my sig, so I made this for fun. My very first (poorly made) animation. b:victory
    As for why Luffy is murdering Naruto, I have no idea either, but it looks cool.b:laugh
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Go in drunk and be very rude, start shouting nonsense, etc (A friend of mine did that once)
  • Sajra - Lost City
    Sajra - Lost City Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    dress up in a mouse suit, scream something about pudding and steal a refrigerator.
    Forsaken Sigs

    Sajra - Level 31 - Hell Archer.
  • Hit_N_Run - Lost City
    Hit_N_Run - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Announce over the intercom that you "Have a man by the balls in the toy department".
  • KaimerasPain - Heavens Tear
    KaimerasPain - Heavens Tear Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Go to Walmart with a group of say 15 or more friends

    Start in the food section and get chips and soda

    Make your way to the camping section and find the biggest tent available with fold up sides, along with a few folding chairs

    move from the camping section to the electronics section in front of the BIG SCREENS (preferably one in an isle so you can pitch the tent)

    Pitch tent and sit in folding chairs while eating chips and drinking soda and watch the TV (look for football if its avail)

    When store personnel come by and ask what the !@#)%*!@#$^)(* you are doing, inform then that you are testing out the gear, food, and entertainment for your next BBQ/Football party.

    MysticAve- What the Deuce?! Pwnt again.....
  • ScorpiaV - Heavens Tear
    ScorpiaV - Heavens Tear Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    1) Destroy the floor with a jackhammer and say that you are looking for some mines left from WW2

    2) Call the SWAT team telling them that the manager is a TERRORIST XD
    [SIGPIC]<a href="http://s218.photobucket.com/albums/cc158/owenleu/?action=view&current=Gundamseed-freedom.jpg&quot; target="_blank"><img src="http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc158/owenleu/Gundamseed-freedom.jpg&quot; border="0" alt="Scorpia signature 1 gundam seed freedom"></a>[/SIGPIC]

    ^This is the first signature i created , i hope that you guys think its nice b:victory

    P.s. A big thanks to ForsakenX in teaching how to outline my name in the sig! Also another thanks to Sindygoboom for replying me on how to outline my name , unfortunately ForsakenX was the first to tell me how, BOTH OF YOU RULE! b:laugh
  • WuSuang - Sanctuary
    WuSuang - Sanctuary Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    How to get kicked out of Walmart:

    1) Take out your cellphone (If you have one) and pretend your calling somebody. Swear real loud and say really unusual things that make people go b:shocked. When a employee comes by and says "Sir (or Ma'm or w/e) please stop swearing." Ignore him and continue.

    2) Go with about 6 friends to Walmart. Get 3 shopping carts. 2 friends go with one cart. One stands in the cart. Race to the wherever you want in the store or just fool around.

    3) Take the merchendise and throw it at people. Shoes are really good for that.

    4) Throw all merchendise off the shelfs and on to the floor.

    5) Smoke weed in the middle off Walmart.

    6) Scare little kids and old people.

    Some of these are mean. Haha.. I can't think of anymore lol. I apologize if some of my spelling is incorrect.
  • bobzilla21
    bobzilla21 Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Wow, you necroed this old thread...

    I only have 1 right now. Steal a bike and go rampaging through the store, running into as many people as possible. GTA FTW!
    I figured I should do something with my sig, so I made this for fun. My very first (poorly made) animation. b:victory
    As for why Luffy is murdering Naruto, I have no idea either, but it looks cool.b:laugh
  • Ence - Lost City
    Ence - Lost City Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    THIS, my friends actually did. Record: 14 Wal-marts kicked out of. And if you're wondering why they did this, it's because they were trying to film for a video they were showing at school at the end of the year.

    Take cans off the aisles. Any aisle with cans will do. In this particular case, it was like, green beans and stuff.

    Make a pyramid out of the cans at one end of the aisle.

    At the other end, HURL cans at the stack as hard as you can, or roll them as hard as you can down the aisle (Like bowling)

    And for a twist, they did this in the frozen foods section (Big pyramid of cans, all that glass...)

    2. I'm surprised no one mentioned this...My ex-gf just mentioned it when I showed her the thread lol. She looked at the title and said "Simple, play Calvinball"
  • tekyo
    tekyo Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    1. Get 4-5 friends with you
    2. Wear a Balaclava and wait in line near the checkout.
  • Iados - Lost City
    Iados - Lost City Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    act like ur stealing something run outside and come back in a couple of times
  • Naku - Lost City
    Naku - Lost City Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    seth31 wrote: »
    1: Walk in and propose to random people.
    2: Ask the checkout chick/guy for a date.
    3: When they refuse run away to the clothes section and cry loudly.
    4: Go to the intercom and ask for Santa.
    5: Jump on Santa's lap and ask for a V8 for Christmas, If he refuses tell the kids that he will give the presents to their enemies.
    or just tell the kids there that Santa is not real..... oops.. sorrie to whoever still blieves it ;_;
  • bobzilla21
    bobzilla21 Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Santa's not real? noooooooooo b:shocked
    I figured I should do something with my sig, so I made this for fun. My very first (poorly made) animation. b:victory
    As for why Luffy is murdering Naruto, I have no idea either, but it looks cool.b:laugh
  • Agravain - Heavens Tear
    Agravain - Heavens Tear Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    1. Bring a copy of "WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price" and play on DVD in electronics section.

    2. Compete with the mentally handicapped greeter at door for most obnoxious greeting

    3. Rearrange manikins in... um... positions

    4. Yell "BOMB"

    5. Get a musical instrument from toy section, sit in middle of aisle, play badly, beg for money
  • Oldbear - Sanctuary
    Oldbear - Sanctuary Posts: 486 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Pick a most mean/frown looking security guard they have there and say:
    "Excuse me- is this Wal-Mart?"
  • Foxdarkveno - Sanctuary
    Foxdarkveno - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    i dont know what number this is at but). start re-arranging large objects in the store
  • Foxdarkveno - Sanctuary
    Foxdarkveno - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    meaning the furniture, cd aisle (they move, ive tried), big toys in boxes, ect
  • XXWolfrinXx - Heavens Tear
    XXWolfrinXx - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    1. Set all the alarm clock to go off at 5min intervals
    2. Make a trail of tomato juice to the restrooms
    3. Walk up to an employee and say "code 3 in house wares" and watch what happens
    4. Go to the service desk and ask to put a bag of M&M's on lay-away
    5. Move a Caution: Wet Floor sign to a carpeted area
    6. Set up a tent in the camping department and tell shoppers you would let them in if they brought pillows
    7. If any staff asks "how may I help u" scream "YOU CANT U PPL JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!"
    8. Stare into a security camera and pretend its a mirror
    9. Go to the gun department and ask where the antidepressants r
    10. Walk around the store humming suspiciously loudly the mission impossible theme song
    11. Hide in a clothing rack and when ppl walk by say "PICK ME! PICK ME!"
    12. Hide in a clothing rack and jump out and scare ppl
    13. When the intercom comes on scream loudly "NO! NO! NOT THE VOICES AGAIN!!!"
    14. Go to the fitting room, wait a while, then yell "There is no toilet paper in here!"
    15. Have a fight with a friend with the foam tub things for swimming (yes i have done this, but it was in a Bass Pro Shop XD, no i didn't get kicked either :p)
    16. Ask for assistance in the fish department, wait till they call in someone, go to fish department, then walk away before assistance comes
    17. Go up to a cacti, pretend to poke it (make sure ppl r watching) then scream loudly "OWWWW IT BIT ME!!!!!!!!"
    18. Go to the deli and ask for a free sample, dispute that the food was bad and ask for your money back
    19. Follow random ppl around the store whistling and holding your hands behind your back
    20. Get some friends and start a paint ball fight in the middle of the store

    sorry if some of these have been mentioned XD I didn't feel like reading all those posts
    Don't let these blue eyes fool you
  • parusama
    parusama Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    1.pretend you are drunk and sing "never gonna give you up" in the middle of the frozen food section too a bucket of ice cream
    2.hook up one of the microwaves and make ten tv dinners in the store
    sry if those one were already taken
    they're coming to take me away haha they're coming to take me away
    to the funny farm hahahahaHAHAHAHAHA AHAH AHAHAHAHAHA *cackles like a lunatic*
  • bobzilla21
    bobzilla21 Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    **** all the computers and make them play the Barney theme song at Max Volume. Or better yet, do it over the speakers.
    I figured I should do something with my sig, so I made this for fun. My very first (poorly made) animation. b:victory
    As for why Luffy is murdering Naruto, I have no idea either, but it looks cool.b:laugh
  • danny0
    danny0 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    1. go into your sex's clothing department and start putting on as many clothes as possible over your reg clothes. when caught argue about which clothes you came in with.
    2. see how long you can stand in the bra section with your hand down your pants.
    3. race the handicap carts w/ a friend
    4. start a game of red rover in the main isle
    5. goto every department but pharmacy and ask where the head lice medicine is. then ask if it also works on crabs
    6. open things up to "demonstrate the items quality" then don't buy it (my mom used to embaress me so bad doing this)
    7. say you trying to get into a gang and ask where the women shoppers hang out
    8. if all else fails...fling poo
    9. pretend you lost your child/little brother and make up a fake description
    10. plant items in other customers carts when they leave it unattended
    11. beat a song on rock band and trash the guitar while the crowd cheers
    12. approach the service desk and ask if the womens panties you are holding smell funny to them
    13. win items out of the claw machine and try to buy them at the check out line
    14. buy alot of groceries and an expensive digital camera. write a rubber check and return the camera. (not a good idea to use your own checks)
    15. start breakdancing in the car audio section of the store
    16. ask an associate if you could roll back that a$$ after she gets off
    17. ask for an application. explain how you don't work very well with the females because you used to be one. ask if their insurance covers testosterone injections
    18. tip over your cart and crawl inside like a fort. now comence barking and growling
    19. knock of a large stack of items on display eg. papertowels and say "OHH YEA!!!"
    20. demand you see their finest selection of wals. claim the sign out front is false advertising

    more to come if I ever get this bored again and cannot find a razor
  • Jackburro - Heavens Tear
    Jackburro - Heavens Tear Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    My favorite is going to a smaller retail store that does not have electronic theft detectors at the store exit. Buy things you need that have those little magnetic theft deterent strips, when you have a bunch, put them in your pocket and go to Wal_Mart. Do not go into the store until the exact moment someone with a heaping cart of non-groceries passes the security device. (Hang out by the vending machines with a friend until such time). While in the store stick a strip on a few carts and if some one is wearing a hoodie, throw one in the hood. Make sure that you plant one on your friend(s) just for good measure. If you still have some on you when you leave the store, not having bought anything, make sure you walk out beside another cart load of non-groceries. If you do it every time you visit Wal-Mart, your fun and games is sure to be discovered. Do not forget to super glue one to the bottom of every cart you take to the car! If the alarm goes off on you...run and be sure to look back every few steps as running with a skeered look on your face. Fun for the whole family, get the kids involved for a nice outing and loads of laffs.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]What is the worst thing that can happen?
  • chriscames1
    chriscames1 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    when ur at the check out say u need something else then run of to get it but dont come back
  • Corwin - Harshlands
    Corwin - Harshlands Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    "can I help you find anything today?"
    "yes, I was looking for the clitorous"
    "How can I get blood stains out of my carpet? I mean ALOT of blood."

    Write "Happy birthday ________(your name)" on a $20, $50, or $100 and have a friend go in and spend it on something small. Go in awhile later and buy a pack of gum or some **** and pay with $1 (use the same checkout line). Wait for the associate to close the drawer and hand you the change and start to walk off, but turn around and say, wait a damn min here! I gave you a hundred! when they protest and swear you did not, say it was a birthday present from your grandma and you can prove it! have her open the drawer to her suprise and presto! spend the money you earned on drugs and drop out of high school because your on your way to becoming a lvl 3x con artist.
  • Rakthor - Lost City
    Rakthor - Lost City Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    1. come in your workout outfit and start doing some running on the checkout
    2. have cart races
    3. go around acting like your the manager and fyre (is that how you spell it?) workers.
  • Cgl_ifrit - Harshlands
    Cgl_ifrit - Harshlands Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    1. walk into wal-mart in a 2 piece bikini(men included)
    2. take the managers wig and sell it back to him/her
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] u people make me stupid
  • anneugc
    anneugc Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Eat an icecream from the freezer.
  • Starchief - Sanctuary
    Starchief - Sanctuary Posts: 606 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Play chariot races with their carts at 4 in the morning... guaranteed kick out.
    if that doesnt work, rip off the red thing that covers the cement poles blocking the entrance, and beat your friends with em.
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