Territory War Abuse - Warning



  • yoshixx
    yoshixx Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    The proof is now there for all to see, and it is clear that the perpetrators are completely unremorseful for their actions. I believe Saska now deserves a permanent ban and the members who abused global chat and claimed they would make further TOS infractions be banned for a significant period of time.

    What speek you?
    You help with the GM the bid!
    Who is a Cheater you and your Guild have 2 territories with the GM help!!!???
  • laszlo01
    laszlo01 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    What are you speaking about huh?
    You ganged with GM in territorial bid.

    I Think only u need ban and your Gm Friend.
  • thugstaz
    thugstaz Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    ok boys and girls, its time you guys stop blindly believing saska's lies. GMs dont just ban like that, Saska here forgot apperently that there is such thing as logs and IPs, which basically got him banned. No need a GM friend, just active GMs who do their job

    it is written that fake guilds to counter another guild's bids is illegal, learn to read and do your abc if you do not know this.

    Saska apperently scored a below average on his IQ test and failed at this. So went to do it anyway and take our chances to take a tactical land, because it's a tactical move for HH. Now he's crying and lying that we are homies with the GM, because this little brat cant admit that he did it and is a lil girl for it.

    and now we're your KOS with your remaining members, holyhell (whatever that supposed to mean anyway) are just some fkn girls
  • kluheht
    kluheht Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    you guys from HH really have nothing to say.. b:laugh
  • leslysw
    leslysw Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    why did he help him? Who they are in order to favour them.
  • Twilyte - Heavens Tear
    Twilyte - Heavens Tear Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    yoshixx wrote: »
    ASCENSION Leader is a Cheater and GM help????!!!!

    Where in the post above does your warped mind find any guilty action done by the Ascension guild or their leader? Truely, Halcyon post is merely stating that they suspected something odd going on (a fake guild being made by another guild, which GMs stated would not be tolerated even back in CB) they called on a GM to look into the matter and guess what?

    They were right! Another guild DID make a dummy guild for the sole purpose counter bidding to block the advance of a rival guild without any intent to truely "conquer" that territory, rather just to allow it to be free for another week until they themselves could attack it with their main guild.

    Ascension did nothing wrong. They saw a cheater, they called for an investigation, and the GMs discovered the truth.

    As for Saska and her/his whining followers: your letter to the officials declaring how much you spend and how much potential money will be lost is nothing more than a threat translated into this" We spend so much money that you stand to lose if you don't let us stay and break the rules"

    You brag about your 90+ level chars on the other server. Go back. That threatening tactic only works on those corrupt **** GMs overseas that join guilds, ban key members of enemy guilds DURING a TW battle when things don't go well for their favored guild, do work arounds after a guild leader gets banned for using a **** by transferring leadership to the vice guild leader, etc.

    That **** works over there and I am so frickin glad they made their stance very clear on this over here so early. None of this "we'll talk to them , then send a stern email warning, then ignore repeated screenshots of someone cheating before declaring an investigation that never ends and never does anything, etc ,etc."

    You cheated. You got caught. You got punished. Your total lack of remorse, not understanding or caring that you did anything wrong at all, I hope the rest of the Lost City server hunts you and yours down with the same lack of remorse and makes your life miserable until you take your crappy under handed gamestyle back across the ocean where you can play with all the other cheating twits and proclaim yourselves gods.

    Buh bye! Don't let the door **** hit ya where the good Lord split ya!
  • Halcyon - Lost City
    Halcyon - Lost City Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Sham stop reading forum - The FB69 is waiting for you b:angry
  • Shamrock - Lost City
    Shamrock - Lost City Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Don't mind them, even though they're starting to **** me off because they been spending the last two hours on WC using at least 200+ trumpets between three people trying to accuse us of cheating for noticing an infraction of territory wars. I mean, when you're one of the starting factions on the server and you get outbidded by a little guild when there was still land available, wouldn't you assume that it was fake guild? Plus it had a name of a fake guild at MY-EN so that just led to further suspicion.

    Halcyon decided to use a trumpet to contact a GM. Is that wrong? No. So he did and he got into contact with one and laid out the situation. Yadda yadda yadda, Saska got banned and now he has tons of idiots in guild assuming that we did something wrong. Plus we didn't get anything of this territory war. HolyHell got a piece of land, and we received nothing.

    Further accusations was that we made the fake guild to bid against ourselves and frame Saska. Any real logic to that? Once again, no. HolyHell is barely a threat to our guild, though it is near our territory, was nothing impenetrable. Probably upset to the fact that 10+ HH members left for Ascension because they were capable of getting any help that they wanted us to pay by having a fake guild bid over.

    Now that being said, Saska admitted it that he did this. His defense is that it was not a violation of a EULA or other rules. So once again lets just get over the ordeal that this was some type of EVIL ploy by Ascension to get a guild leader banned when he devised this situation.
  • davies007
    davies007 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    GM MUST POST THE LOG about reason. Becoz Saska was online when somebody was take fake bid.

    I hope Ironman get fired!
  • yoshixx
    yoshixx Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    GM is enlarge the BID TIME and why?
    But why only 1 territories?
    Cheater is not Saska, and i think this is not telling with Halcyon and GM Ironman.
    Ban Halcyon and fired GM Ironman.
  • davies007
    davies007 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Gm Please Wake Up, And Do Anything!
  • Halcyon - Lost City
    Halcyon - Lost City Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Sorry to burst your bubble but bidding time is extended whenever there is a late bid. Any bid near 22.00 automatically extends bidding to 22.20. If this bid is outbidded before 22.10, the new close of bidding will be at 22.30 (final = no more extensions). If it is outbidded after 22.10 and before 22.20, then the new close bidding will be at 22.40 (no more extensions). We deliberately waited until after 22.10 to bid in order to maximize the bidding time (since we assumed the GM was investigating). If you thought we cheated to extend bidding time, sadly you are an idiot.
  • thugstaz
    thugstaz Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    davies007 wrote: »
    GM MUST POST THE LOG about reason. Becoz Saska was online when somebody was take fake bid.

    I hope Ironman get fired!

    another low IQ test scorer

    geez duel client programm? geez laptop? geez second computer


    2-0 Thugstaz- HolyHell
  • yoshixx
    yoshixx Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Sorry to burst your bubble but bidding time is extended whenever there is a late bid. Any bid near 22.00 automatically extends bidding to 22.20. If this bid is outbidded before 22.10, the new close of bidding will be at 22.30 (final = no more extensions). If it is outbidded after 22.10 and before 22.20, then the new close bidding will be at 22.40 (no more extensions). We deliberately waited until after 22.10 to bid in order to maximize the bidding time (since we assumed the GM was investigating). If you thought we cheated to extend bidding time, sadly you are an idiot.

    I'am NOT Idiot but you a f u***** cheater
  • thugstaz
    thugstaz Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    yoshixx wrote: »
    I'am NOT Idiot but you a f u***** cheater

    another boy scout tryna earn his stripes @ saska

    dont know about bidding time extension? then wait and see when PVP TW begins, tadaaaa its part of the system

    and yes you are an idiot lol
  • Triss - Lost City
    Triss - Lost City Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    To HolyHell,

    You guys got off easy this time. Don't worry you have nothing to lose.

    Create a new guild, and transfer 30-40 level 50+ to it... just enough man power to take down new land. The rest stays to defend your existing land.

    And no, this is not a violating of TOS because it is not a fake guild. This will be a split of your current guild, so you will not be banned for doing this.

    While I do not like the concept of using 1 level20 in a guild for fake bidding, I do support the split guild to strategicly gain advantage in TW. Consider it as a huge army splitting in to two or three to goto war.

    I am quite surprised that none of the current big guilds have done this. You guys are limiting yourself to 1 land per week. Splitting your guild into two, will double your land at the moment.

    Once all the free lands are taken, then remerge your guild to defend strategic pieces of land.
  • rev
    rev Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    yoshixx, quit being a baby, seriously, Ascention (and no I'm not with them) did not cheat, they smelled a rat and were right.
    "Either you die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." Harvey Dent - The Dark Knight

    Phase 1 Dungeon Design Contest Winner!
    Entry: Hall of Forsaken Souls, Twas fun to design.
  • Shamrock - Lost City
    Shamrock - Lost City Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Read post #113 and #117 on page 12.. thank you very much.

    EDIT: decided to add page 12 for easy referencing
  • yoshixx
    yoshixx Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    rev wrote: »
    yoshixx, quit being a baby, seriously, Ascention (and no I'm not with them) did not cheat, they smelled a rat and were right.
    Holcyon wrote:
    We requested that he stick around until bids were finalized, and then placed another bid to extend closing time to 22.40. At 22.39 the fake guild continuously outbid us and unfortunately was able to squeeze in an outbid right at the death. At this time, I was told that GM Ironman had left his shift and went home already and the new GM BearClaw was unable to handle the case as it was Ironman's.

    are you complett?
  • Shygirl - Lost City
    Shygirl - Lost City Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    triss, that would take ALOT of loyalty to get 30-40 of your own members to join a NEW guild, and follow the lead of someone you appoint, and then to still be loyal to you after its all said and done.

    It seems like a good idea, but it seems a little unrealistic dont you think triss?
  • Halcyon - Lost City
    Halcyon - Lost City Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Sorry to burst your bubble but bidding time is extended whenever there is a late bid. Any bid near 22.00 automatically extends bidding to 22.20. If this bid is outbidded before 22.10, the new close of bidding will be at 22.30 (final = no more extensions). If it is outbidded after 22.10 and before 22.20, then the new close bidding will be at 22.40 (no more extensions). We deliberately waited until after 22.10 to bid in order to maximize the bidding time (since we assumed the GM was investigating). If you thought we cheated to extend bidding time, sadly you are an idiot.

    Just in case you missed it the first time.
  • Triss - Lost City
    Triss - Lost City Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    triss, that would take ALOT of loyalty to get 30-40 of your own members to join a NEW guild, and follow the lead of someone you appoint, and then to still be loyal to you after its all said and done.

    It seems like a good idea, but it seems a little unrealistic dont you think triss?

    Nope, after the first land, all the members as well as officers should know each other quite well.
    When you are splitting the guild for TW purpose, you are not kicking them out of the guild. These people are on a mission to gain new land.

    I usually pay these guys more because of the separation (leaving their gf/wife behind etc...hahhaa j/k), but on a serious note, I never encounter problems with this because all communications can still be done in Vent/TS even though the group is split up.
  • Shygirl - Lost City
    Shygirl - Lost City Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    triss what guild are you in if you dont mind me asking...?
  • Triss - Lost City
    Triss - Lost City Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I used to run DESTINY in CB, but I left the game after first week of OB for reasons I will not bother with anymore.

    My char is still level 44 since first week of OB.
  • Shygirl - Lost City
    Shygirl - Lost City Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    you dont play anymore triss?
  • Lorelai - Lost City
    Lorelai - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    So why should we endure this on world chat?

    Stuff like this is annoying.

    That first quote is particularly interesting.
  • Triss - Lost City
    Triss - Lost City Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    you dont play anymore triss?

    No, I am currently in CB of another game. I came back to this thread because I heard that HolyHell was being banned for fake guild bidding. HolyHell was a friend once I was still playing.

    It is unfortunate that Saska used a fake guild... if he splitted his level 3 guild instead, he would have double his land this week, and will not face the ban for next 2 weeks.
  • Dior - Lost City
    Dior - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I do not believe it that he would have done it but he was punished for him. My knowledge the truth the holyhell stands a breast in increasingly more they would join them and many people are at a standstill the truth breast.
  • Evilangel - Lost City
    Evilangel - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    What would you have done if you got ban without any reason ? -Thinking about this....
    Saska got banned coz, he knows someone who sent money to someone who made 'dummy' faction.
    BTW Ascension says HolyHell is a cheater guild, HolyHell's leader got ban, meanwhile Ironman(THE GM)
    extended +20 mins every bidds (2x) for ascension.

    The answer simple: Ascension wanted own territories and KOS us.
    Please tell me ((ONLY GM) not any idiot ppl from ascension) why are dummy guild?
    Please show the depends are the HolyHell and DwarfS.

    Show any log, but GMs are cant speak now, they know: there'll be the devil to pay.

    It seems abnormal game, I found a lot of bug and I helped this game, i dont want play it more, becoz GMs are.....
    Please refund my money, or ...

    Dont defend yourself, thinking about this: Which faction will the next victim?!
  • thugstaz
    thugstaz Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    What would you have done if you got ban without any reason ? -Thinking about this....
    Saska got banned coz, he knows someone who sent money to someone who made 'dummy' faction.
    BTW Ascension says HolyHell is a cheater guild, HolyHell's leader got ban, meanwhile Ironman(THE GM)
    extended +20 mins every bidds (2x) for ascension.

    The answer simple: Ascension wanted own territories and KOS us.
    Please tell me ((ONLY GM) not any idiot ppl from ascension) why are dummy guild?
    Please show the depends are the HolyHell and DwarfS.

    Show any log, but GMs are cant speak now, they know: there'll be the devil to pay.

    It seems abnormal game, I found a lot of bug and I helped this game, i dont want play it more, becoz GMs are.....
    Please refund my money, or ...

    Dont defend yourself, thinking about this: Which faction will the next victim?!

    +40 min is part of the system if thers a bidding war

    the rest of ur post made less sense than a phycho who sees things.
This discussion has been closed.