Since people want screenies



  • kinetikop
    kinetikop Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    godcrusher wrote: »
    I don't know if you're being sarcastic but that's all true :xD

    lol It is all true, and I am not being sarcastic, I just realized it sounded like it was either sarcastic or mean, I didn't mean it to be either. Sorry about that ^^ it came out a bit wrong but I am sure the general idea is right.
  • embl3m
    embl3m Posts: 494 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    kinetikop wrote: »
    They did not come specifically for you, they were bored and running around looking for people to kill, sort of like you were doing to me. They just happened to show up where you just happened to be, guess that means they had to be there looking just for you right?

    Nope we where killing some RQs 4v2 and you guys brought out 6 more.
  • kinetikop
    kinetikop Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    embl3m wrote: »
    Nope we where killing some RQs 4v2 and you guys brought out 6 more.

    I see, didn't hear anything about that on vent, or read anything of it in guild chat, but i'll take your word on it since I like you anyways... I guess.
  • socomguy1
    socomguy1 Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    dayzd wrote: »
    1. Yes you are, you were casting the one green werefox attack spell on me.

    2. Rose isn't white, she's pink, she was attacking me.

    3. AfroMan was attacking ordain.

    We killed Miko, Demo, and Exposed who was a cyanide. You just admited Miko was fighting and died, way to lie more.

    4. Evil didn't kill ordain, exposed and demo did, nice lie.

    5. And once again, my heiro broke, the only reason I died. I should have payed more attention and equiped another one. I have 2k hp, like EvilDrag's 150dmg is gonna kill me alone LOL.

    Ok i think you have something twisted dude. AfroMan was at silverpool with you guys (im assuming this fight with evil came after the gang **** at the pool). He was no where near this pk war lol. Don't go dragging other people into your fabrications:rolleyes:
  • evrilysis
    evrilysis Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Hey buddy.

    "Awsome" already admitted to making the timed screenshots and has already begged us to drop it, in multiple threads.

    Do your guildie a favor and honor his wishes? You'll do everyone a big favor.

  • socomguy1
    socomguy1 Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    just saying no need to lie about the situation and include someone who wasn't even involved to begin with. Stick to the fact. Don't make an attempt to bolster your argument with false truths. Really couldn't care less who killed who.
  • evrilysis
    evrilysis Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    This thread was long dead. Don't bring it back up.

    The OP fessed up, the trolls are in bed, RQ proved that you guys are bad.

    Good night.
  • socomguy1
    socomguy1 Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    You really don't get what i stated do you?
    Let me say it this way. I'm not for or agains't the OP nor RQ (honestly never heard of this or other small guilds in this game). I'm simply saying don't include others in your argument that are not at all involved. That's a bit of a stain on a persons credibility in a court of law. Regardless if the defendant wins the case or not. It just doesn't look good to lie.

    Good night. Hopefully you will think things through and reflect on it a bit.
  • mystic
    mystic Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    For the record, RQ is the largest publicly known guild on this game at the moment.

    Though we've closed recruitment - we're doing our best to change that. I don't like being the biggest.

    Selfish blood runs through my veins. I gave up everything for fame.

    Pandora - 8X Mage - Lost City (PvP - The only server worth playing.)
  • evrilysis
    evrilysis Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    socomguy1 wrote: »
    court of law

    Welcome to the Internet.
  • delux
    delux Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    mystic wrote: »
    For the record, RQ is the largest publicly known guild on this game at the moment.

    Destiny has maxed guild cap at 200.
  • godcrusher
    godcrusher Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    RQ wants to be the baddest xD
  • evrilysis
    evrilysis Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Want? We're already hated by 90% of the population.

    I'd say we're doing a good job.
  • julio69
    julio69 Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    being hated is so cool ^^
    RageQuit Inc.
  • lag
    lag Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    ZZZZ 22 pages and i had only had to read page 1 to know all the rest fo it was ppl flamming both conqueror+rq and rq trying to make excuses. Nice screenshots, hard to make excuses from any point. Anyways CLOSED BETA IS OVER post something new =]
  • evrilysis
    evrilysis Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    See that's the problem with ignorant people like you.

    If there was 23 pages in one thread, it wasn't all just flaming.

    Let me cut it short and give you a summarization.

    Your guildie "Awsome" took timed screenshots of RQ members PKing to make it look like we were ganking 3v1.

    Little did he know, one of our members had frapsed the entire thing.

    It was actually 2 v 6-7 for the most part.

    Your guildie came out and apologized in 3 seperate threads and asked us to let the incident die down.

    Thanks for bringing it up again.

    Next time, read before you post.
  • xarfox
    xarfox Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Let's keep the guild drama in game folks. Thread locked.
This discussion has been closed.