Official "I have a Suggestion" Thread



  • gaarazero
    gaarazero Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    -Tab targeting
    -Be able to sheathe your weapon/s
  • topman
    topman Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    OK i suggest (this maybe tough) that we make the game a little more realistic and interactive. ok i know its tough to do it but please DO tone down the jump a little, i know that many players enjoy it and u have a quest on it but it is simply not practical and looks kinda stupid at times, u guys may not know but i often witness players "flying" around like the Incredible Hulk with a little less slam. So please tone it down a little and don't make this a Marvel comic.
    And another thing don't you feel that its kinda ridiculous when my character can stay in the sea or lake forever without coming out for breath? I have seen many great games like WoW have a breath meter that tells u when u are running out of air, won't that make the game a little more realistic and more of a challenge? I know it is quite difficult to create this but do try!
    OK one last thing, why not make the game a little more interactive my just toning up the details like the fire ok (sorry for the comparison) look at WoW, when my avatar stand near a fire, its HP gets lowered because he apparently got "burnt". I would like to bring up this matter as the other day, when i was with my untamed character, i jump up on a cauldron of fiery-magma like liquid and instead of sinking in I was standing right on top of it with my full HP. Please it will brighten up the game a little if u do make the effort! Thanks for your attention!
    P.S. I was giving my honest opinion no need for criticism ty
    ~ Topman
  • retarded
    retarded Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    add non worthless HP potz? xD
  • lovea
    lovea Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    i dont know if this has been sugested i didnt see it but i could have missed it

    Embrace for same gender and for girls
    here are my reasons.
    1) squad questing easier if the girl knows the way but the guy doesnt and its faster to fly but the male cant fly
    2) same goes for two girls or two guys
    3)easier to help if needed and of same gender or player is female
    4)there are ****/bis/lesbians who play this game and feel a little left out if they want to play as their own gender.

    please consider this sugestion
    thank you
  • birdie
    birdie Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Suggestion 5: Please, again with fluffy pink bunny slippers on top, allow us to disable the skill description pop-ups on hotbars. They're great at first, but after the 200th time I've cast the same spell I really don't need to be reminded what it does on the 201st time I cast. Honest, I remember. I don't need to loose a nice chunk of my screen to tell me what I know.

    awesome suggestion
  • undeadgoose0
    undeadgoose0 Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    there is an option to increase breast size on female but why not option to increase the size of the booty? cmon mayn thats important too I dun want 2 see chicks with flat pancake asses running around ;)

    that above suggestion should be ur top priority, but i've been reading and tab targetting is a very good suggestion, suprised you guys didnt have something like that, also sheathing weapon great ideas to make the game better.... but my suggestion should be top priority.. rofl
  • lubu1337
    lubu1337 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I suggest change the term "slow" to "release" and "call now" to "summon". Would be nice to have numpad for walking/running direction. Assign "Tab" key for targetting and F8 (or any other key) to target nearest npc. . Add goldfish or asian arowana to the lakes and ponds in game???
  • cheaper
    cheaper Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    please add blue skin -.- why so limited with skin colors?
  • zimmia
    zimmia Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Disclaimer: I haven't read all 13 pages of the thread, so someone might have suggested this already, but if they did it's worth saying again:

    Please let us have some way to target members of the party when grouped, other than simply clicking on their names. A keyboard shortcut would go a long way in making it more efficient to heal and buff. I've done a lot of cleric-ing in a lot of MMOs and this is the first time I've come across this issue.

    Besides, how am I supposed to eat my cereal if I need one hand to click names and the other to drop heals :D

    In all seriousness - there is a whole numberpad on my keyboard just aching to have something assigned to it.
  • sneaky
    sneaky Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    nounours wrote: »
    Increse guild name and char name letter limitaion;):D

    I would like to perhaps see an increase in that as well.

    Also I am not certain I am seeing it correctly, as I'm not in a guild yet, but instead of displaying the text guild rank next to persons name have a special graphic picture or have their name displayed in a color to represent the rank?
    Artemis_Dasins - Eyrda Server
  • muppet
    muppet Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    i have many ideas male venomancer ,female warriour, fishing,and definertly more inventory

    and by the way i have heard many people talking about that our chars is going to be deleted after the closed beta but dont you think that this is going to cours many people to quit the game becuse they hav high lvl chars and there just going get deleted and its not just tat many poeple have been spending a hell of a lot of money makeing guild and there going to its just not fair your punishing the testers
  • skippy
    skippy Posts: 1
    edited August 2008
    muppet wrote: »
    i have many ideas male venomancer ,female warriour, fishing,and definertly more inventory

    and by the way i have heard many people talking about that our chars is going to be deleted after the closed beta but dont you think that this is going to cours many people to quit the game becuse they hav high lvl chars and there just going get deleted and its not just tat many poeple have been spending a hell of a lot of money makeing guild and there going to its just not fair your punishing the testers

    Closed beta is purely for testing. And they only spend a week on these characters.
  • f4ding
    f4ding Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    my suggestion is for an ingame MP3 player almost every succesful game i have played has one so why not put one here i would love it alot of other people would love it and i am sure the gm's would love it after hearing those ingame songs for the 1000th time
  • nin1
    nin1 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Hi there, i dont know if it bothers anyone else but the direction markings on the mini map are too blended with the background colour. I have a hard time making out whitch direction that i am going a lot .It would help if it was just even darker than it is to see it. Thank you
  • loughman
    loughman Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Make a market place in the forum
  • seraly
    seraly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    How about an auto pickup or at least faster pickup?
    Awwie, recruiting officer of Crimson.

    alt account reason:
    You have been banned for the following reason:
    repeated spamming of PW-MS and passing off incorrect info as factual

    Date the ban will be lifted: Never
  • soukyuu
    soukyuu Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    seraly wrote: »
    How about an auto pickup or at least faster pickup?
    i heard something about the F key doing autopickup but haven't tried this myself yet.
    what do you mean by faster pickup, just get the pickup icon from the emote window and place it into your shortcut bar - press it and the nearest itme gets picked up.
    PW has been endless frustration for me #2
  • adria
    adria Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I definitely have to agree with those that would like to see a change in the keyboard movement. It would be awesome to be able to change the keyboard settings. In every other MMO I play, I've got my movement set to e,d,s, when I switch back and forth it gets really confusing. I'm constantly bringing up the emote menu and such. It would be cool to be able to edit out keys to our liking.

    Also, a reverse mouse option would be stellar. I play the game with my boyfriend, and I know it was incredibly frustrating for him the first couple of days in game because he's so used to reverse mouse.

    A better explanation of graphic settings would be nice, as well. It took me a few minutes to figure out how to configure it as there's no real indicator of which side of the bar is the high graphic setting and which is the lower. One end is yellow and the other red. Red usually means bad, but it's at the end of the bar where most games would have the high graphic settings. It's just a little confusing. There are some of us out there that aren't totally computer savvy. :p

    Overall, I'm really enjoying the game. It can be a little monotonous, especially with the limited character selection, but it's definitely fun!
  • lawrawr
    lawrawr Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    All my equipment seems to break really quickly. Please make it take longer to run down equipment
  • f4ding
    f4ding Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    make open beta available two hours earlier for closed beta participants so that we have a chance to keep our name i dont know if it is possible for you guys but i have seen it done several times with other games just a suggestion to make everyone happy i dont care either way if myname is stolen i will make a new one no problem but i do see alot of people that feel differently than i do about it
  • f4ding
    f4ding Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    why not give all these people that think they are the best all meet up at the west gate on the last day of closed beta to participate in a massive PK battle with possible rewards for open beta.
    Like lets say the person with the most red name hours from the event or even the top ten players with the most kills get 1mil or some heirograms possibly even a little bit of zen when open beta starts.
    Just an idea i notice you guys dont really have too many events and this would be a great way to promote the game posiibly even make a video of the event to promote the pk system in this game post it on youtube and get some people interested.
  • adrian
    adrian Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    1. Implementing "Add waypoint" feature directly in Search Mission would be a great help. Also, clicking on coordinates (in mission summary or in mission search) could create a waypoint on map. That'd be very helpful feature.

    2. Would it be possible to add more than 5 waypoints? At some levels there are way more quest points you'd like to mark.

    3. In Guard mode pet could abandon enemy it's currently fighting with when character gets attacked by another monster. That'd be most welcome feature for all Venomancers I know of. Perhaps even more than enabling pet to pickup loot for you ;)

    4. As I know from malaysian servers, game is very cool at lower levels, but get boring above lvl 50, when you have to kill 50-60 mobs of same type in same area, or (worse) get drops from them. Wouldn't it be possible to decrease number of required mobs for quest, or perhaps split quest to kill smaller number of two different mob types? It's really boring when you're stuck for 1 hour+ whacking the same enemies all over.

    5. Could you reserve character names we used during closed beta for us? We met some people, made some friends... I'd be shame if someone else wasted all our community relations by choosing name we was known under.

    6. Consider giving some small, symbolical award for cb testers. An unique, non-tradeable piece of fashion, perhaps? That would hardly influence any game balance, but it would be a nice touch. Nobody's hurt if we get "I was in closed beta and all I've got is that lousy T-shirt" for our char - especially if it can't be traded ;)

    P.S. A little shame there was no mulitiple (double, triple perhaps?) XP during testing period. All characters get wiped anyway, and there may be undefinied number of bugs, inconsistencies and minor glitches in high-level zones/quests.
  • lumino
    lumino Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Stop the double pop up when ur ready for spiritual cultivation. it appears once telling you what u have to do, you then realise its back and have to click again.. my poor mouse!

    But what i'd like most is maybe something along the lines of a feedback thread.. such as 'no we're not changing the name of archosaur.. its named after my cat so tough' or 'Pandas turn into white tigers all the time, i saw it on the discovery channel'.
    Whilst many of us wont like the fact theres no plans to implement auot-attack/target switching or change the name of cleric to derick, just be nice to know that the forums serving a purpose and the suggestions are being read
  • animefan
    animefan Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    A one key "follow the party leader", or "follow the last party member selected" option would be nice. I'm often lazy and just follow other party members, and while the right click party member, left click Follow works, it would be really nice to have a single button option.

    Also, other MMORPG's often utilize the ability to attack a targeted members target, without having to select that target or use the Assist option. I was wondering if that could be implemented here also, at least in the PVE servers when they become available.
  • karmelia
    karmelia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    adrian wrote: »
    5. Could you reserve character names we used during closed beta for us? We met some people, made some friends... I'd be shame if someone else wasted all our community relations by choosing name we was known under.

    Since there are two servers, with possible duplicated names, how do you want to reserve a name if two players can have the same name on two servers?
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • adrian
    adrian Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    karmelia wrote: »
    Since there are two servers, with possible duplicated names, how do you want to reserve a name if two players can have the same name on two servers?

    Reservation could only last for a given time (day or two), on both servers.
  • starry1
    starry1 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    let us use arrow keys to move and an auto run like in WoW
  • adrian
    adrian Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    animefan wrote: »
    A one key "follow the party leader", or "follow the last party member selected" option would be nice. I'm often lazy and just follow other party members, and while the right click party member, left click Follow works, it would be really nice to have a single button option.

    You can double-click corresponding member party bar to follow. No need to right-click and select option.
  • mrl
    mrl Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    oops, didnt see the ofical thread, my bad *copies and pastes sugestion post in here*

    Here are a few sugestions that I think will help make the game more enjoyable for us all :)

    There are rumors going around that Zen will cost 1 USD per zen, thats wwaaaayyyy to much, noone will buy it at that price. In the MY servers its 100 zen for 30 USD, so I would either stick with this rate or lowerer it.

    Also, lower flying machine costs. The butterfly wings(+1.5 m/s) wings cost 24 cubi here, there only like 10 or 15 on the other servers. The reason this concerns me is that when later machines come out how they'll be soo exspensive at that rate. Also, good idea with making dolls cheeper :)

    Dont alow gold sellers to sell PW money(strait up money, not zen), that can mess up the economy horably like offgamers did to ORCILE server.

    Now heres some ingame sugestions =)

    Keep updateing the server with new stuff to do. They never did that to MY and most people quit once they hit level 9X because theres nothing to do. If you keep adding new things to the game at a regular pace people will be happy :)

    Also, I was thinking a maybe having a daily PvP touroment. Have 2 modes, single(use this in duel mode, useing heiros in this wouldnt work if a WB and a WB have to fight) and team(up to a full pt). I can see this being alot of fun if it was added :D

    Well thats all I can think of right now, I hope these sugestions help in anyway =)
  • sevendust
    sevendust Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    orinj wrote: »
    hi again, folks.

    if you have any suggestions for us, we'd love to get your input.

    so going forward please post all your suggestions here.


    - orinj

    p.s. don't post any personal data ^_^
This discussion has been closed.