RageQuit - International PVP/PK Guild



  • t0yo
    t0yo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    shizo wrote: »
    W00t hawt stuff =p Isn't that the Slave of that Girl in red from Fate Stay Night?

    ^__^ He's def from fate stay night because I have pics of the dewd I dunno about a girl in a red dress though D:
  • shizo
    shizo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    t0yo wrote: »
    ^__^ He's def from fate stay night because I have pics of the dewd I dunno about a girl in a red dress though D:

    Ever seen the Anime nub? -____-

    Btw: I want a siggy too ;____;
    Shizo - Blademaster 9x - Conqueror

    Quitted trolling the forums. PM me ingame, if want something

    Sig by Sev.
  • t0yo
    t0yo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    shizo wrote: »
    Ever seen the Anime nub? -____-

    Btw: I want a siggy too ;____;

    No >_> I just troll 4chan for wallpaper images. I have like 1k atm on my pc ^____^

    this being my fav one : http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/aa139/t0yo/Wallpapers/1207111156222.jpg

    Ask sev to make you one now :P he made for others too
  • shizo
    shizo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    t0yo wrote: »
    No >_> I just troll 4chan for wallpaper images. I have like 1k atm on my pc ^____^

    this being my fav one : http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/aa139/t0yo/Wallpapers/1207111156222.jpg

    Ask sev to make you one now :P he made for others too

    Hawt! Well, once he on i will ask him. Do you think **** once is all he want for a sig? :p
    Shizo - Blademaster 9x - Conqueror

    Quitted trolling the forums. PM me ingame, if want something

    Sig by Sev.
  • mystic
    mystic Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    t0yo wrote: »
    no >_> I Just Troll 4chan For Wallpaper Images. I Have Like 1k Atm On My Pc ^____^

    This Being My Fav One : http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/aa139/t0yo/wallpapers/1207111156222.jpg

    Ask Sev To Make You One Now :p He Made For Others Too


    Nice sig, regardless.

    Selfish blood runs through my veins. I gave up everything for fame.

    Pandora - 8X Mage - Lost City (PvP - The only server worth playing.)
  • t0yo
    t0yo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    mystic wrote: »

    Nice sig, regardless.

    Unlimited terrorist?

    I do not comprehend you oh strenuous leader
  • junk
    junk Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    t0yo wrote: »
    Unlimited terrorist?

    I do not comprehend you oh strenuous leader

    I am the carebear of my RageQuit
    Flowers are my body and purple is my blood
    I have created over 600 posts
    Unaware of heterosexuality
    Nor aware of manliness
    Withstood gayness to troll many players
    Waiting for open beta
    I have no regrets, this was the only path
    My whole life was UNLIMITED TERRORIST WORKS!

    Full version.
  • mystic
    mystic Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    junk wrote: »
    I am the carebear of my RageQuit
    Flowers are my body and purple is my blood
    I have created over 600 posts
    Unaware of heterosexuality
    Nor aware of manliness
    Withstood gayness to troll many players
    Waiting for open beta
    I have no regrets, this was the only path
    My whole life was UNLIMITED TERRORIST WORKS!

    Full version.

    Amazing. As amazing as the girl Archer.

    Selfish blood runs through my veins. I gave up everything for fame.

    Pandora - 8X Mage - Lost City (PvP - The only server worth playing.)
  • t0yo
    t0yo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    rena wrote: »
    Well your posting in this thread, seems like you care on one level or another. Repetitively posted at that...

    Well he's caring about not caring ;P
    Really though he's posting just to set the precedent because he is the guild leader.

    To be honest the only problem I have is with TheEmpire thing.

    Clearly a lot of people are using this vulnerable opportunity to bash RQ all they can, and personally my carebear emotions are taking hold of me. All I can say is that you make me want to play the game more and more. In any case anyone else outside.

    Though I stand for criticism so I'll have to bite my tongue, even though you're all quickly to jump on the "Its rq's fault" bandwagon or tenkei's issue with the PR excuse. In some other RQ thread we just went on and flamed everyone who questioned what we did, if you'd rather we go that way next time then don't flame us for doing it ;p

    How can the issue not be relevant to whether our guild members did it or not. Personally I don't see you running a guild for 5 years so whether you like or don't like the way mystic runs his guild you can blatantly bang your head to the monitor as you speak. Sure give your opinion but the fact is that the guild has been running for 5 years, evidently someone is running it right.

    Lazor I want to go further into this matter. I am sure 99.9% that none of the RageQuit members haven't done what you are claiming and because I can sense you don't believe a **** of what we're saying, and frankly its ok because people on the outside totally have a biased view . If you've got any more info about the incident.. names recordings screen shots, or at least you remember how the voices sounded pm me on the forums or preferably add my email which I'll pm to you.

    Gah....I'm never going to hear the end of the carebear jokes am I >_>!

    So yeah xD I'll be sure to talk to you lazor however I suggest you keep the vent issue out of this thread. Although if it does prove to be true then you can post all you want

    I'm not losing my rant post
  • rena
    rena Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Good job on the save =p Caring about not caring works I suppose.

    I dont believe anything revolving vent should even be a issue, its outside of game and forums. I even believe you can be as angry and such in the game. I just personally dont like alot of flaming and such I see from RQ recentely.

    I am sure you guys could understand that, People come here to learn information about the game and find a few in game friends. It distortes what the game is when every other thread is filled with trolling. Not saying its always RQ but you definitely enjoy feeding the troll to say the least :3
  • arcane
    arcane Posts: 1,084 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Terrorists win?
    Doin' it my way.
  • t0yo
    t0yo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    rena wrote: »
    Good job on the save =p Caring about not caring works I suppose.

    I dont believe anything revolving vent should even be a issue, its outside of game and forums. I even believe you can be as angry and such in the game. I just personally dont like alot of flaming and such I see from RQ recentely.

    I am sure you guys could understand that, People come here to learn information about the game and find a few in game friends. It distortes what the game is when every other thread is filled with trolling. Not saying its always RQ but you definitely enjoy feeding the troll to say the least :3

    Forums are meant for expressing opinions and talking. We've been banned before for breaking rules but we haven't been banned as of recent.

    Its people who are calling us out we're going to respond its as simple as that. Honestly if people were dissing Unlimited wouldn't you contest them? Frankly typical RQ attitude is to laugh at biased comments because thats all comments on RQ are based on. No proof.

    I do it because I enjoy criticizing illogical people :C
  • arcane
    arcane Posts: 1,084 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    t0yo wrote: »
    Forums are meant for expressing opinions and talking. We've been banned before for breaking rules but we haven't been banned as of recent.

    Its people who are calling us out we're going to respond its as simple as that. Honestly if people were dissing Unlimited wouldn't you contest them? Frankly typical RQ attitude is to laugh at biased comments because thats all comments on RQ are based on. No proof.

    I do it because I enjoy criticizing illogical people :C

    o u only cry
    Doin' it my way.
  • shizo
    shizo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    FFS, this bs flaming is pi$$lng me off lately -______-
    Shizo - Blademaster 9x - Conqueror

    Quitted trolling the forums. PM me ingame, if want something

    Sig by Sev.
  • rena
    rena Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    t0yo wrote: »
    Forums are meant for expressing opinions and talking. We've been banned before for breaking rules but we haven't been banned as of recent.

    Its people who are calling us out we're going to respond its as simple as that. Honestly if people were dissing Unlimited wouldn't you contest them? Frankly typical RQ attitude is to laugh at biased comments because thats all comments on RQ are based on. No proof.

    I do it because I enjoy criticizing illogical people :C

    I do believe forums is exactly for communication and expression but you have to take in mind that we are good amount of people just coming on the forums to find out more about PWI. I believe that no matter what any sort of discussion should stay within the rules of the forums.

    The issue with the bans is laughable. No one takes the admins serious anymore. I mean Ren was banned 5+ times and now he laughs about the fact. They should only need to ban once -.-

    I do agree that most troll threads are baseless. No many how many times people within RQ troll it doesnt represent the guild. But it definitely doesn't help that general trolls is encourage in the guild. I dont have a problem with it going on in the game but It really does bother me to see it crushing the forums.

    I know its pointless to ask, but would like to request that you guys try to atleast tone it down a bit. Its getting to a point where I dont even want to come on to the forums because I know I will see this sort of behavior.
  • shizo
    shizo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    rena wrote: »
    I do believe forums is exactly for communication and expression but you have to take in mind that we are good amount of people just coming on the forums to find out more about PWI. I believe that no matter what any sort of discussion should stay within the rules of the forums.

    The issue with the bans is laughable. No one takes the admins serious anymore. I mean Ren was banned 5+ times and now he laughs about the fact. They should only need to ban once -.-

    I know its pointless to ask, but I would request for you guys to atleast consider toning it down a bit.

    I do agree that most troll threads are baseless. No many how many times people within RQ troll it doesnt represent the guild. But it definitely doesn't help that general trolls is encourage in the guild. I dont have a problem with it going on in the game but It really does bother me to see it crushing the forums.

    Who gives a **** about the forums once OB is out? They just want to kill some time and annoy us anyways >___>
    Shizo - Blademaster 9x - Conqueror

    Quitted trolling the forums. PM me ingame, if want something

    Sig by Sev.
  • celes
    celes Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    rena wrote: »
    I do believe forums is exactly for communication and expression but you have to take in mind that we are good amount of people just coming on the forums to find out more about PWI. I believe that no matter what any sort of discussion should stay within the rules of the forums.

    The issue with the bans is laughable. No one takes the admins serious anymore. I mean Ren was banned 5+ times and now he laughs about the fact. They should only need to ban once -.-

    I do agree that most troll threads are baseless. No many how many times people within RQ troll it doesnt represent the guild. But it definitely doesn't help that general trolls is encourage in the guild. I dont have a problem with it going on in the game but It really does bother me to see it crushing the forums.

    I know its pointless to ask, but would like to request that you guys try to atleast tone it down a bit. Its getting to a point where I dont even want to come on to the forums because I know I will see this sort of behavior.

    Welcome to EVERY games offical forums.
  • rena
    rena Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Sorry my out of order of my last post, editing got lagged up.

    Well I like the forums ;-; I dont want to see it collapse because of the inadequacies of the admins ability to maintain the forums. Again I just want to ask to ease up on the flaming and such. Even forums is a community :3
  • embl3m
    embl3m Posts: 494 Arc User
    edited August 2008

  • sahrai
    sahrai Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    rena wrote: »
    I do believe forums is exactly for communication and expression but you have to take in mind that we are good amount of people just coming on the forums to find out more about PWI. I believe that no matter what any sort of discussion should stay within the rules of the forums.

    The issue with the bans is laughable. No one takes the admins serious anymore. I mean Ren was banned 5+ times and now he laughs about the fact. They should only need to ban once -.-

    I do agree that most troll threads are baseless. No many how many times people within RQ troll it doesnt represent the guild. But it definitely doesn't help that general trolls is encourage in the guild. I dont have a problem with it going on in the game but It really does bother me to see it crushing the forums.

    I know its pointless to ask, but would like to request that you guys try to atleast tone it down a bit. Its getting to a point where I dont even want to come on to the forums because I know I will see this sort of behavior.

    Rena, I just sent customer service a complain email in regards to administrator behaviour - if you want things to change I suggest you do so too.
    Official PWI irc: irc.deltaanime.net #pwint
    IdleRPG with hilarious customizations included. No chat penalty; others remain the same.
  • rena
    rena Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I do wish for it to change but RQ thread is definitely not the place to talk about it. Sorry if it went a bit off-topic, my appoligies.

    @sah: That what pms are for :3
  • sahrai
    sahrai Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Ah, my email had nothing to do with RQ. I'm just aware you are actively posting here =)
    Official PWI irc: irc.deltaanime.net #pwint
    IdleRPG with hilarious customizations included. No chat penalty; others remain the same.
  • t0yo
    t0yo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Lena you have to understand the issue. We're not the ones who go and seek trouble, its trouble that comes to seek us.

    At a personal level nobody bothers trolling maybe ren being the exception. We are people who scrutinize thee ideas and opinions of others, mostly because of the lack of thought put behind said notions.

    Now as of late this thing has gone from a personal thing to a guild issue so now we're all involved. Though we never , maybe rarely, there is that off chance I don't remember were we have mass flamed. For example me and ren are some of the biggest ranters in RQ yet most of our posts usually go on different threads.

    Now by trolling I need you to be a little specific because there are some variations in the word.
    If you consider a troll to spam which i.e. would be posting irrelevant to the topic then ok in some instances we do that. Then again who doesn't? For example ambie from unlimited, its nothing negative to say about her but even she strays off topic sometimes is it viable to call her a troll?
    Is it actually viable to call /us/ trolls just because we have a realistic view on what people are and how they act?

    We don't believe the internet is serious buisness and quite frankly making this a refuge for people to come and relax to is not our goal. We are selfish pretentious a-holes. Frankly what every human is, we take this for what it is a game, and play it for its enjoyment.

    We're not the ones making these false accusations about the guild without no proof. The vent issue which I have been checking with lazor is still being checked by me. Apparently they want to drop it, but now its gone too far up my **** to drop an issue I find seriously iderogatory.

    Mainly because I want to set the record straight on how hypocritcal people can be when judging us. Yet people who are so...evil...so crazy about this game that a little joke on our part and just generally having a laugh turns them batshit crazy and makes them want to stop RQ by any means possible. Thats why we have such an "I don't give a **** attitude" because if we didn't we'd probably stoop as low as these *******s did.

    and what pisses off me the most is that a majority of the people I deemed really respectful in this forum took it for granted that they were right and we were just covering our tracks. Or as that other guy gave it "PR response" . Talk about humans being like sheep. Really at least people could give us the benefit of the doubt, then you expect us to be this huge hugging carebear guild?

    To be honest I don't know how mystic can take this. Honestly I'd probably send the guild to masacre these idiots, but then again I haven't been running a successful guild for 5 years.

    Tell me though if the issue was turned around and it was your guild being so illogically misjudged, I dare you to tell me you wouldn't do the same. Maybe you'd try to sort the issue, but we already know there is no sorting going on and frankly a majority of the members just don't care. Though how would you react?
  • rena
    rena Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Long post but ill try to hit the issues. My view of trolling is any sort of insulting post thats main purpose is to get a responce. I dont like to be insulted for any reason and I am sure most people dont. Majority of trolling I see from RQ is about a subject you disgree on but besides stating you guys opinion you insult the person.

    Off topic is very very far from trolling. If your going off topic by insulting a person or group then that definitely is which is what I dislike. The reason people are probably assioating a few indivisuals with a group is when someone approaches mystic about the few members he says he proud of them, pretty much condoning their actions as if its rule one in the guild rule book <_<

    If you just saying a joke then its fine but a course if its at someone's expense then someone will get upset, You have a great deal of people upset, making bogus threads ect ect. You think its for no reason ? They are a course hypocrits for backlashing as they are but provoked hypocrits none the less.

    Honestly if I had a few members who were trolling, insulting people, and generally being a prick...well he wouldnt be a member for long. Each member is a indivisual but it also represents myself as a guild leader. I would never allow such behavior. I would give him a single warning, if he went against it I would kick him in a instant.
  • mystic
    mystic Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Haha... It takes some patience that sometimes I even wonder where it comes from.

    The sad truth is that people will hate you if you're famous. That's natural, it'll always happen. I make movies AND I lead a clan, so I end up (in)famous on most games I play, and so I'm used to getting hated.

    People lose it though. They freak and go way over the line.

    I could just throw a vendetta on each one of these douchebags, but what do we get out of that? Nothing. That's exactly what they want, drama and another distraction to pull us away from our future.

    It's in the best interest of the guild that I take things with a grain of salt, handle what I can alone and exercise extreme patience in things like this.

    Selfish blood runs through my veins. I gave up everything for fame.

    Pandora - 8X Mage - Lost City (PvP - The only server worth playing.)
  • embl3m
    embl3m Posts: 494 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    mystic wrote: »
    Haha... It takes some patience that sometimes I even wonder where it comes from.

    The sad truth is that people will hate you if you're famous. That's natural, it'll always happen. I make movies AND I lead a clan, so I end up (in)famous on most games I play, and so I'm used to getting hated.

    People lose it though. They freak and go way over the line.

    I could just throw a vendetta on each one of these douchebags, but what do we get out of that? Nothing. That's exactly what they want, drama and another distraction to pull us away from our future.

    It's in the best interest of the guild that I take things with a grain of salt, handle what I can alone and exercise extreme patience in things like this.

    People dislike you because you're an idiot. Not because you lead a clan and make videos.
  • mystic
    mystic Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    embl3m wrote: »
    People dislike you because you're an idiot. Not because you lead a clan and make videos.

    Weird, I should probably stop responding with advice to the 25+ PMs I get every day of people asking me about PVP, archers, etc. I don't want to give them advice from an idiot.

    Damn, I forgot everyone dislikes me. Oh wait, you dislike me, and you're a fanboi anyway. <3.

    Selfish blood runs through my veins. I gave up everything for fame.

    Pandora - 8X Mage - Lost City (PvP - The only server worth playing.)
  • rena
    rena Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Please dont troll, your troll thread against RQ has already been closed.

    @Mystic: I agree on what you say, alot of people hate RQ because its popular to hate RQ. But there is also alot of insulting getting thrown around that even I have been the recipient of a few times myself.

    I do get how you handle your guild, nothing wrong with having a mature oriented guild. But no matter what age 10 or 70. Insulting people is never makes anyone happy. Well maybe the douchebags that get some odd thrill from it but I just like to be treated with respect.
  • mystic
    mystic Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    rena wrote: »
    Please dont troll, your troll against RQ has already been closed.

    @Mystic: I agree on what you say, alot of people hate RQ because its popular to hate RQ. But there is also alot of insulting getting thrown around that even I have been the recipient of a few times myself.

    I do get how you handle your guild, nothing wrong with having a mature oriented guild. But no matter what age 10 or 70. Insulting people is never makes anyone happy. Well maybe the douchebags that get some odd thrill from it but I just like to be treated with respect.

    9/10 times we're insulting people who insulted us first. The other 1/10, I'm bored and I've decided they don't deserve me to be serious to them.

    Selfish blood runs through my veins. I gave up everything for fame.

    Pandora - 8X Mage - Lost City (PvP - The only server worth playing.)
  • embl3m
    embl3m Posts: 494 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    mystic wrote: »

    Make more threads about us. I'm loving every minute of this ****.

    You guys think making "OMG CLAN SUCKS" threads about a clan full of trolls bothers us? Rofl. You've got to be kidding me.

    Carry on.

    Where just informing the community as to how bad you guys really are.

    Best pvp guilds hide in safe zone

    Best pvp guilds talk **** instead of fighting

    Best pvp guilds try in closed beta

    Best pvp guilds abuse safe zone I.E. running in and out so you dont die

    Best pvp guilds are run by leaders who uses magic vs robe users and uses fury instead of paralize

    Best pvp guilds make pharamacist pots for closed beta

    Best pvp guilds cant win with better numbers and better classes for 3x

    Best pvp guilds need 3 more people then the opposing team to barly ****ing win

    Best pvp guilds are run by people who troll the forum instead of playing the game or ever breaking 6x

    Best pvp guilds have members who base there game knowledge off private servers

    Best pvp guilds talk **** then do nothing in game

    Best pvp guilds have videos that make me lol irl every time i see them

    Best pvp guilds lie about levels so that they dont look pathetic then get proven wrong in there own videos then back off the thread

    Best pvp guilds are called RageQuit when they ended up RageQuitting the last server they where on

    Thanks for the laffz see u failures in game <3

    P.S. plz dont reply to this mystic, just make me that much more correct. Or you can reply once then say you dont want to bump it any more that works tew.
This discussion has been closed.