TW and DC: Your Winners!



  • sin20
    sin20 Posts: 237 Arc User
    superfedee wrote: »
    lmao did you really reply with your brother's account to back your reply up? normal-2.gifnormal-2.gif so sad
    and what benefit i don't need any of the reward items
    also so what about karma, we talking about last season not current one, we did beat karma last season, how was Crisis performance vs Karma? normal-1.gif, also crisis got shat on by us in xtw so crisis should deserve xtw rewards and we don't? normal-1.gif

    your logic is flawless normal-1.gif let's see with which alt accounts you gonna reply to me now normal-1.gif​​

    Ahahaha i am repplying u from my account and idk who even is the 2nd account (which isnt even talking to you it seems but somehow u think its my brothers just cause of name?...)
    Did i say Crisis deserves the xtw reward? I didnt , i said Tempest does xD
    But well i can only imagine how butthurt you must be to go get rekt by Karma like this , i mean 60v60 its ridicilous how you got shat on 2 weeks ago ( whats your excuse for that, then the season was still ongoing?) , and im not even talking about yday where u just got embarassed , competitive xTws lmfao. XD
    And by my logic Tempest should win the season cause they got the most points since the end of last season and thats a no brainer.

    And yea u won against crisis in xtw but like u know our xtw attendance compared to tw is bad.
    Its also funny how crisis got shat on by you in tw, oh wait you attack us and loose ur crystal , instantly out and start attacking a faction that had 30 ppl less for you , and lets not talk about u guys bidding half a map away from us xD

    Idk maybe you should look to strengthen your faction , idk requiem merge? Maybe Curse?Lmfao.
    They should send you to talk to Slevin about the merge.

    Just L M F A O.

    Oh and i can imagine how frustrating it must be that your faction mates are talking **** behind your back , ridiculing you and making fun of you so hard, i heard one even reported your archer, Lmfao.
  • elda3er
    elda3er Posts: 6 Arc User
    xtw didnt reset yet and prizes was already given away for this season what xtw prizes ???? all the factions was doing it for the lulz since it didnt reset yet :)
  • dingo488
    dingo488 Posts: 936 Arc User
    man all this flaming about results B) guess that means Hoorah is the only faction thats still undefeated in 1v1s against top factions

    2-0 Karma
    2-0 Tempest
    2-0 Vindicate (not actually a top faction :wink: )

    just give us all the helmets then I guess B)
  • sin20
    sin20 Posts: 237 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    superfedee wrote: »
    hahahha wow crisis so butthurt posting with all the alts to prevent rewards to be delivered normal-2.gif

    btw now that Crisis finally did what it took to be competitive (on the board), if you are going to fail in TW and xTW again, the blame its going to be only on you and the rest of the leadership normal-1.gif let's see how it will go normal-1.gif​​

    Butthurt ?xD
    Damn u really fried ur brain.
    Is it true what ppl are saying that you really did apologize to rank to get accepted and bent over is true? XD
    And prevent what , if rewards are to be sent , send them to real winners aka Tempest.xD
    And even without new members u were loosing to crisis in tw's , isnt that why you went on different side of the map then us?
    Oh and lets not talk about u guys attacking mayhem who has 30 people less then you and scared of actuall tw against us.
    Funny you ignore the comments how your faction is making fun of you , as soon as you post something on infa forum multiple ppl are pming us laughing about what you say and trolling you. Must be really sad.
    Cmon i mean one even aresassasined u XD
    And lets see how what will go? Wined tws from infa or bidding mayhem with 30 ppl less and avoiding us ?
    Talk about fail.
  • elda3er
    elda3er Posts: 6 Arc User
    superfedee wrote: »
    hahahha wow crisis so butthurt posting with all the alts to prevent rewards to be delivered normal-2.gif

    btw now that Crisis finally did what it took to be competitive (on the board), if you are going to fail in TW and xTW again, the blame its going to be only on you and the rest of the leadership normal-1.gif let's see how it will go normal-1.gif​​

    Fede dont speak like an infa because you will never be you are just an outcast from crisis Wololoooo
  • chary
    chary Posts: 850 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    So long as he's in Infa, he's an Infa.

    In any case, the rankings are concrete. I don't care either way on whether or not they reward for this "inbetween" season if you will, but it was basically the length of a regular season anyway. I see no reason for any faction in the top 20 to complain about getting extra rewards. So what if your guild didn't come out on top. Just take your rewards and be happy. omg.​​
    Post edited by chary on
  • daymond
    daymond Posts: 273 Arc User

    4 months & 16 Weeks Battles (Sometimes as many as 4 a week) have passed since the last time rewards were given out.
    They did fail to reset the map last time, but the winners and placements are different this time.
    A lot has happened in 4 months.

    If no rewards are sent out,
    then the last 4 months of battles our faction fought are rendered a complete waste.
    People will have wasted potions, charms, bid money, 32 hours play time commitment, and more for no reason.

    Rewards should be sent out.
    The Map should reset.
    More attention should be paid from here on out.
    alFcxeg.png | | Twitch.TV/Kniraven |
  • capnk
    capnk Posts: 486 Arc User
    dingo488 wrote: »
    2-0 Vindicate (not actually a top faction :wink: )

    Someone has a short memory. That not-top-faction rolled Hoorah's dragon in 10 minutes with Hoorah defending.
  • nochiez
    nochiez Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    Why are ppl being salty and butthurt and stuff...
    Some of you are talking like those factions never attended XTW for the past few months and never contributed anything and never fought you guys... Excuse me lol?
    Soooo I guess the hours people contributed has all gone to waste? And people waking up like 6am on a Sunday morning or any other ridiculous hours seems like a joke now?
    Might as well not go to XTW next season since we don't even get what we deserved cept seeing people QQ and us wasting charms pots and everything from it (>^ω^<).

    To those who's like those factions don't deserve it.... how much do you think you deserve? From what point are you starting from? Don't just make it seem like we only went to derp without a goal of xxx rank and not aiming any of the rewards. Use your brains before you complain please, not the saltiness.
  • chipboy
    chipboy Posts: 56 Arc User
    So if the server was reset the points would be:

    Tempest = 620
    infamous = 610
    Hoorah = 490

    If you use the data from when we thought the reset would be's-conquest-tournament-ranking

    Pretty sure that would be the first, second and third unless I missed another faction that wasn't in the top 5 ish that got a bunch of points this season.
  • pyschicmaster
    pyschicmaster Posts: 7 Arc User
    commonsense is: Tempest deserve the 1st place. mistaken by this post should be punished. and make everyone else some​​
  • sin20
    sin20 Posts: 237 Arc User
    superfedee wrote: »
    tempest deserves what? they lost to everyone except crisis normal-1.gif

    exploiting the fact you can seize 238912893 T2 lands hoping to be blessed in luck that bids won't go on the lands you own, possibly dodging most of the 1v1s and when the bids go through lose pretty much all of the lands?

    yea that's really how DC is intended and GMs should reward for this right?

    while pretty much everyone that is still playing DCs is saying that this sort of matchmaking + no limit on T1 and T2 lands you can seize it's completely disrupting any sort of competition this event could provide.

    but well yea then, don't reward the factions that were actually solid, go reward who exploited the "random" or don't reward at all lmfao​​

    Well my point about this is basicly same as it was since day 1.
    XTW had the potential to be a really good competitive cross server faction vs faction event but due to some fk ups from pwi (not reseting 1st week , npc not being there 1-2 weeks , not being able to bid another week) and due to event being made for china which has more servers and proly competitive battles are there every week not just wined wars scouting to see if the enemy shows u or not so u go other war and etc (like karma did to go against 42 infas instead of 60 crisis) but thats just how it is.
    Every faction at one point till now bided on multiple t1 or t2 , on our server as far as i remember paparazi bided first to check if it would stack and to go for multiple points (crisis did it , mayhem , and on every other server every faction did it) so thats just 1 strategy bid multiple lower lands and hope u get lucky to get no good enemy and get a lot of points for no effort basicly.

    @orinj Also would be nice if we could actually see who our enemy is like a day before because lets be honest people who still play this game are more or less people that have jobs and responsibilities and them having to cancel their plans or get a day off from work or leave early or what not just to come to xTW and then see that the enemy is a faction that cant compete with you and in most cases wont even show to the war is just bs and imo badly designed.
    So would be nice if you could get the devs to modify the bidding so we see who we fight after the bids are locked in if enough people actually agree with this.
  • sin20
    sin20 Posts: 237 Arc User
    @orinj All that aside can you explain us what is the hold up with new tournament and xtournament?
    Ever since xnw was nuked down and with xtws being how they are people need some more official events to fight each other and in xtourny etc, and also cant farm new weps without the mats that are given as rewards in it. If russians could make it work so should your team aswell right?
  • darkonome
    darkonome Posts: 253 Arc User
    Tempest #1 :)
  • dingo488
    dingo488 Posts: 936 Arc User
    chipboy wrote: »
    So if the server was reset the points would be:

    Tempest = 620
    infamous = 610
    Hoorah = 490

    If you use the data from when we thought the reset would be's-conquest-tournament-ranking

    Pretty sure that would be the first, second and third unless I missed another faction that wasn't in the top 5 ish that got a bunch of points this season.

    This is just as inaccurate as the other ranking they posted. ^^

    If everyone started with the same land count the first week after the end of last season then it would be fair, but some faction may have started with more lands than the others thus being able to generate more points than the other faction couldve possibly generated, which is pretty much exactly what went wrong in the first season. :/
  • bangbang
    bangbang Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    orinj wrote: »
    shopcheese wrote: »
    -looks at xTW winner announcement-

    You realise the map was never reset and the season rewards have already been giving out not too long ago? A new season never started in the first place.

    Is that really the case? (lol) I post what my team sends me, so sometimes the info is off, lol. But if that is indeed the case, the DC message above isn't relevant.

    Yup, the winners all received their prizes again. The fact it never reset means they always kept their top spots since it accumulates all your points. If you guys end up handing out rewards again a lot of players will rage quit the game because it is unfair.

    Also, I think there should be a raffled conquest helm for the remaining 4-20 factions instead. Like every faction that is in the top 20 will get a raffle entry and one would be randomly selected to win a conquest helm.

    XTW is 90% luck based because you will get assigned 3-4 battles a week and most of the time some factions get screwed and always paired with 2-3 of the top factions in the game every week. This causes them to always be pushed to the bottom and will never get to the top of the list. The current distribution just allows the stronger factions to get stronger creating an even bigger gap between the other factions.
  • eirghan
    eirghan Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    Yes, please. Give hoorah the helms. Im going to go make popcorn.
  • arspaulina#4310
    arspaulina#4310 Posts: 347 Community Moderator
    Oh geez this was not the thread I was hoping to wake up to.

    I'll go back over and check any errors I may have made in map reporting for reg TW, but I believe even if its a one land difference the person who won for that server still won it (?) Its been a busy weekend for me since I'm planning for a trip so I'll be sure to recomb over my post as well as post the new maps from this past weekends wars.

    Anyways not to get side tracked, but what is this whole thing I keep hearing about "xTW breaking if it gets reset?" I think I wasn't around for that particular reset (or attempted reset) so if someone could enlighten me that's be great. I'm just getting a garbled message of "so and so faction already got a thing so they don't deserve it again because of reset not working before" and "so and so faction got a point advantage somewhere". Then again, reading forums without tea is a disastrous idea, so it'll probably become clearer after about an hour or so.

    If we are looking for a clean resolution to satisfy all parties, is is in general agreement that just "don't do helms" and distribute everything else? Or do people just do not want any of the rewards distributed and just something like event gold? And if xTW CAN be reset without breaking going forward, will people be ok with the rankings that get generated from it? (Obviously making sure that the season is the appropriate and consistent length.)
    ⋆Have a question? Feel free to shoot me an ask!⋆
  • laikiraski
    laikiraski Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    People who are saying do make helm as gift are just the one who won't receive one ^^ funny point, i guess you should say what you said in the first post and just try to improve that point for the next season as 2 people already said before on this discussion
  • dregenfox
    dregenfox Posts: 713 Arc User
    Oh geez this was not the thread I was hoping to wake up to.

    I'll go back over and check any errors I may have made in map reporting for reg TW, but I believe even if its a one land difference the person who won for that server still won it (?) Its been a busy weekend for me since I'm planning for a trip so I'll be sure to recomb over my post as well as post the new maps from this past weekends wars.

    Anyways not to get side tracked, but what is this whole thing I keep hearing about "xTW breaking if it gets reset?" I think I wasn't around for that particular reset (or attempted reset) so if someone could enlighten me that's be great. I'm just getting a garbled message of "so and so faction already got a thing so they don't deserve it again because of reset not working before" and "so and so faction got a point advantage somewhere". Then again, reading forums without tea is a disastrous idea, so it'll probably become clearer after about an hour or so.

    If we are looking for a clean resolution to satisfy all parties, is is in general agreement that just "don't do helms" and distribute everything else? Or do people just do not want any of the rewards distributed and just something like event gold? And if xTW CAN be reset without breaking going forward, will people be ok with the rankings that get generated from it? (Obviously making sure that the season is the appropriate and consistent length.)

    It looks like you got everything right, that's what I read anyway (also being someone who only came back to the game recently and haven't done much DC).

    I think the fairest way to distribute the DC rewards (the crest of dominator helms) is, as someone stated earlier, to distribute the helms among all participants in a raffle, maybe with a slight weight towards the factions with the most points. There seem to have been way too many problems this X-TW cycle to consider the rankings as fair.

  • dingo488
    dingo488 Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    eirghan wrote: »
    Yes, please. Give hoorah the helms. Im going to go make popcorn.

    But Chinwookie already ragequit the faction cuz he didnt get one, what else could go wrong :D Im just waiting for the day Vindicate wins a helmet, if they ever will...

    Dont think there's many self-entitled manchilds left in Hoorah... that didnt alrdy get a helmet that is :*
    Post edited by dingo488 on
  • vonheltr
    vonheltr Posts: 15 Arc User
    chipboy wrote: »
    So if the server was reset the points would be:

    Tempest = 620
    infamous = 610
    Hoorah = 490

    If you use the data from when we thought the reset would be's-conquest-tournament-ranking

    Pretty sure that would be the first, second and third unless I missed another faction that wasn't in the top 5 ish that got a bunch of points this season.


  • eirghan
    eirghan Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    dingo488 wrote: »
    eirghan wrote: »
    Yes, please. Give hoorah the helms. Im going to go make popcorn.

    But Chinwookie already ragequit the faction cuz he didnt get one, what else could go wrong :D Im just waiting for the day Vindicate wins a helmet, if they ever will...

    Dont think there's many self-entitled manchilds left in Hoorah... that didnt alrdy get a helmet that is :*

    Damn couldn't you have told me before I popped all this popcorn? fox-7.gif Now I gotta wait for Vindi to win. *throws popcorn in the trash* ​​
  • booker27
    booker27 Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    Lol this thread went to **** fast.

    I think the raffle for DC rewards would work. Give something to the factions that kept fighting but giving the rewards as they are again is just plain unfair. Make it a raffle.
  • keihan007#7641
    keihan007#7641 Posts: 1,190 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    For all the crybabies wanting a raffle, thats the most ridiculous decision PWE could make. The rankings arent fair but what fair would it be to potentially give helm to a faction, which had no real chance of winning one?

    There is only 1 faction, which has any grounds to QQ and its Tempest. But even Tempest only won what, Crisis in 1vs1 when Crisis was at its low point? But they did indeed acquire quite a bit of points during this "season". Either way, short of Tempest there is no faction which has any grounds outside of ranked top3 to demand helms.
    BlackList vs Frenzied 3/17
  • hiitsmeguys
    hiitsmeguys Posts: 126 Arc User
    saxroll wrote: »
    For all the crybabies wanting a raffle, thats the most ridiculous decision PWE could make. The rankings arent fair but what fair would it be to potentially give helm to a faction, which had no real chance of winning one?

    There is only 1 faction, which has any grounds to QQ and its Tempest. But even Tempest only won what, Crisis in 1vs1 when Crisis was at its low point? But they did indeed acquire quite a bit of points during this "season". Either way, short of Tempest there is no faction which has any grounds outside of ranked top3 to demand helms.

    I agree, and furthermore it shouldn't matter who a faction beat and who a faction lost to throughout the course of the season. There are more factors at play than just a 1v1 TW, some factions have multiple fights vs other factions and are unable to defend all other factions. The same goes for regular TW, it isn't about how many TW's you won against the top faction, it's about how many lands you have at the end of the season, regardless if it's from ganking the top faction every week or not. XTW is setup the same, it's not about who beat who, it's about who ended up with the most points strategically. I think this is fairly common sense. Thanks and good luck to all and much fun in the upcoming season!
  • dregenfox
    dregenfox Posts: 713 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    saxroll wrote: »
    For all the crybabies wanting a raffle, thats the most ridiculous decision PWE could make. The rankings arent fair but what fair would it be to potentially give helm to a faction, which had no real chance of winning one?

    There is only 1 faction, which has any grounds to QQ and its Tempest. But even Tempest only won what, Crisis in 1vs1 when Crisis was at its low point? But they did indeed acquire quite a bit of points during this "season". Either way, short of Tempest there is no faction which has any grounds outside of ranked top3 to demand helms.

    Exactly, no faction has grounds for crest because of the messed up DC system along with resets. That's the entire REASON the random raffle was brought up.

    I'm tired of arguing about which faction deserves what if even a random raffle is declared unfair.

    Ok. Lets make everyone happy then. Give all the Crest of Dominators to Tempest, or just keep it the way it is and lets just get on with the next season, there's no point arguing about a messed up system anyway.

  • daymond
    daymond Posts: 273 Arc User
    Oh geez this was not the thread I was hoping to wake up to.

    I'll go back over and check any errors I may have made in map reporting for reg TW, but I believe even if its a one land difference the person who won for that server still won it (?) Its been a busy weekend for me since I'm planning for a trip so I'll be sure to recomb over my post as well as post the new maps from this past weekends wars.

    Anyways not to get side tracked, but what is this whole thing I keep hearing about "xTW breaking if it gets reset?" I think I wasn't around for that particular reset (or attempted reset) so if someone could enlighten me that's be great. I'm just getting a garbled message of "so and so faction already got a thing so they don't deserve it again because of reset not working before" and "so and so faction got a point advantage somewhere". Then again, reading forums without tea is a disastrous idea, so it'll probably become clearer after about an hour or so.

    If we are looking for a clean resolution to satisfy all parties, is is in general agreement that just "don't do helms" and distribute everything else? Or do people just do not want any of the rewards distributed and just something like event gold? And if xTW CAN be reset without breaking going forward, will people be ok with the rankings that get generated from it? (Obviously making sure that the season is the appropriate and consistent length.)

    The last time that the Cross-Server Dragon Conquest Tournament ended (4 months ago),
    The map did not get reset. Due to the map not resetting, the new season started with some guilds already in the lead.

    The complaint being made by those who ranked poorly, is that they were started out at a disadvantage.

    So, due to PWE failing to reset the map before this season started, they want you to invalidate the last 4 months of the tournament (16 Weeks, 32 hours of game time, and billions of coins of spent resources) and they want you to cancel the prizes for those who placed well this season.
    alFcxeg.png | | Twitch.TV/Kniraven |
  • dblazen1
    dblazen1 Posts: 1,177 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    daymond wrote: »
    Oh geez this was not the thread I was hoping to wake up to.

    I'll go back over and check any errors I may have made in map reporting for reg TW, but I believe even if its a one land difference the person who won for that server still won it (?) Its been a busy weekend for me since I'm planning for a trip so I'll be sure to recomb over my post as well as post the new maps from this past weekends wars.

    Anyways not to get side tracked, but what is this whole thing I keep hearing about "xTW breaking if it gets reset?" I think I wasn't around for that particular reset (or attempted reset) so if someone could enlighten me that's be great. I'm just getting a garbled message of "so and so faction already got a thing so they don't deserve it again because of reset not working before" and "so and so faction got a point advantage somewhere". Then again, reading forums without tea is a disastrous idea, so it'll probably become clearer after about an hour or so.

    If we are looking for a clean resolution to satisfy all parties, is is in general agreement that just "don't do helms" and distribute everything else? Or do people just do not want any of the rewards distributed and just something like event gold? And if xTW CAN be reset without breaking going forward, will people be ok with the rankings that get generated from it? (Obviously making sure that the season is the appropriate and consistent length.)

    The last time that the Cross-Server Dragon Conquest Tournament ended (4 months ago),
    The map did not get reset. Due to the map not resetting, the new season started with some guilds already in the lead.

    The complaint being made by those who ranked poorly, is that they were started out at a disadvantage.

    So, due to PWE failing to reset the map before this season started, they want you to invalidate the last 4 months of the tournament (16 Weeks, 32 hours of game time, and billions of coins of spent resources) and they want you to cancel the prizes for those who placed well this season.
    To be honest it's perfectly fair to invalidate the results, if said results started out with an advantage/disadvantage due to PWE's failure to reset the map (or any other means how the advantage got in place).
    No matter how much time passed, even if 2 weeks of said advantage/disadvantage occurred, that's still 2 weeks worth of points. And that can make quite a difference.

    It's like saying that someone in a race got a false start, goes ahead of everyone with a 5 second head start, and then that person wins, but it's valid because **** everyone else.​​
    Post edited by dblazen1 on
    The only fitting image for this forum.

  • illuzionnn
    illuzionnn Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    What you are saying is stupid, the first xtw season, there were bug and some faction got more point without do nothing too, they got their reward, I don't see why now those 3 top faction would not have their Chest.
    And stop to talk about raffle, xTw is already a lot about luck for territories, so no need more luck for those rewards...