Any chance to make the "N" key (professions menu) work the same way IN the workshop as outside?
I'm used to my keybinds. I'd like to be able to see professions+tasks even when I'm standing by the delivery box or in front of the Gathering board.
I mean, totally cool if you need to make it "spend Focus to do the thing without walking across the room" just like I was deep in Chult or something, but I'd like the menu and the VIEW options to appear the same way as if I was all the way over in Barovia.
I am curious to hear from one of the dev's / moderators how we are supposed to generate gold in their eyes if the balms get fixed.
Potions no longer drop on the ground which where good to sell for gold. We cannot sell the purple gear, only turn it into RP or donate to the guild.
So please enlighten me dev (no sarcasm) how in your eyes am I supposed to generate gold? Crafting is not done on a single character, I have around 25 running multiple tasks, 5 with a gond hammer. How am I going to supply them with gold ?
Julia, I have a question about the wording on your Patch Notes, subsection titled "Remaining Known Issues". Did the developer use "later build" for the prospective repairs? You can blame my husband for my knowing this, revisions are sooner than builds. For example; we are currently on; NW.105.20181022A.18 The revision number is "18" the build number is "20181022A" and version number is "105" the format is; which scares the pooop out of me, if they are talking about waiting on them until a later build and not a later revision or next build. The last build was on November 6th with the launch of HoF mod 15. Before that the build was changed on July 25th.
So please tell me they meant to say later revision and not build?
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,167Arc User
Yes because Chult is so broken you can't even bother to progress your alt the same way you did your main.
Mostly because after doing it 6 times, I've seen all the sights, had all the fun, and I only want the boons for the last 3.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
I am curious to hear from one of the dev's / moderators how we are supposed to generate gold in their eyes if the balms get fixed.
Potions no longer drop on the ground which where good to sell for gold. We cannot sell the purple gear, only turn it into RP or donate to the guild.
So please enlighten me dev (no sarcasm) how in your eyes am I supposed to generate gold? Crafting is not done on a single character, I have around 25 running multiple tasks, 5 with a gond hammer. How am I going to supply them with gold ?
They added gold bars. These gold bars are purchased for 1 gold and sell for 1 gold. The developers added them so people with gold could easily sell the gold on the auction house.
Last I checked it was over 350 AD per gold bar on the PC server.
I was very vocal on the test server about development selling gold for AD through the wondrous bazaar. As that would take more AD out of the game and be a simpler process, so less overhead on the system. This would be the best option imho. But till then, buy gold or things that can sell for gold on the AH, like potions of grand healing and junk items.
I am curious to hear from one of the dev's / moderators how we are supposed to generate gold in their eyes if the balms get fixed.
Potions no longer drop on the ground which where good to sell for gold. We cannot sell the purple gear, only turn it into RP or donate to the guild.
So please enlighten me dev (no sarcasm) how in your eyes am I supposed to generate gold? Crafting is not done on a single character, I have around 25 running multiple tasks, 5 with a gond hammer. How am I going to supply them with gold ?
They added gold bars. These gold bars are purchased for 1 gold and sell for 1 gold. The developers added them so people with gold could easily sell the gold on the auction house.
Last I checked it was over 350 AD per gold bar on the PC server.
I was very vocal on the test server about development selling gold for AD through the wondrous bazaar. As that would take more AD out of the game and be a simpler process, so less overhead on the system. This would be the best option imho. But till then, buy gold or things that can sell for gold on the AH, like potions of grand healing and junk items.
Thanks for the reply but: buy stuff on AH to sell for gold, is not an option in my eyes
There has to be a way for player to self generate gold to cover his own expenses with crafting. Anything you buy for a crafting process eats away at your final profit. I always made production lines from scratch to end product in multiple games, I do NOT want to rely on other people. If that means I need to run 5 more characters to gather resource X, so be it.
I honestly thought the workman balm was working as intended, as its connected to a low lvl task of the first profession you should work on (alchemy) thus letting you start the chain of your production process.
I would complain less if it was obvious to me how we can generate gold on ourselves, as noted before, potions are removed, purple items cant be sold (don't get it why not). The Devs had to have something in their mind how we generate this stuff as they >removed< gold generating options from the past while at the >same time< implementing a system which its >core< is based upon spending gold.
The guys that adjusted the loot tables has to have communicated with the ones that made the profession overhaul right?
looks like Chult Patronage token will still be impossible to create
So another week I won't able to progress my alt then.
Yes because Chult is so broken you can't even bother to progress your alt the same way you did your main.
I said won't, not can't. Because I don't want this to take twice as long as it has to. I like Chult, but not that much and I am particularly unfond of the first area.
Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end of it.
Thanks for the reply but: buy stuff on AH to sell for gold, is not an option in my eyes
There has to be a way for player to self generate gold to cover his own expenses with crafting. Anything you buy for a crafting process eats away at your final profit. I always made production lines from scratch to end product in multiple games, I do NOT want to rely on other people. If that means I need to run 5 more characters to gather resource X, so be it.
I honestly thought the workman balm was working as intended, as its connected to a low lvl task of the first profession you should work on (alchemy) thus letting you start the chain of your production process.
I would complain less if it was obvious to me how we can generate gold on ourselves, as noted before, potions are removed, purple items cant be sold (don't get it why not). The Devs had to have something in their mind how we generate this stuff as they >removed< gold generating options from the past while at the >same time< implementing a system which its >core< is based upon spending gold.
The guys that adjusted the loot tables has to have communicated with the ones that made the profession overhaul right?
I am just passing along the information that I learned from the developers during the testing. The developers want people to play the game, not just craft. But if you want to just craft, you can still do that because they added the mechanism to purchase gold off the AH.
The developers stated that there is too much gold in the system currently. So they want to drain some of it. Due to the balms, I doubt any was drained over the past week.
Also, the balms were a bit overkill in the amount of gold you made off them. While I enjoyed it for the time, I knew it would not last. There are other low level things you can make that give positive returns. It is much slower than the balms but does allow you to make a slow income. This may not be intended. But it does allow lower level characters to get into crafting without having a gold horde.
micky1p00Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,594Arc User
Julia, I have a question about the wording on your Patch Notes, subsection titled "Remaining Known Issues". Did the developer use "later build" for the prospective repairs? You can blame my husband for my knowing this, revisions are sooner than builds. For example; we are currently on; NW.105.20181022A.18 The revision number is "18" the build number is "20181022A" and version number is "105" the format is; which scares the pooop out of me, if they are talking about waiting on them until a later build and not a later revision or next build. The last build was on November 6th with the launch of HoF mod 15. Before that the build was changed on July 25th.
So please tell me they meant to say later revision and not build?
A build is the result of a compilation process (or/and other tooling and bundling), regardless of its version.
Revisions are not sooner than builds, they are a 'type of'.
While NW doesn't use Semver, here for better understanding of how one system of build versioning works:
I am just passing along the information that I learned from the developers during the testing. The developers want people to play the game, not just craft. But if you want to just craft, you can still do that because they added the mechanism to purchase gold off the AH.
The developers stated that there is too much gold in the system currently. So they want to drain some of it. Due to the balms, I doubt any was drained over the past week.
Also, the balms were a bit overkill in the amount of gold you made off them. While I enjoyed it for the time, I knew it would not last. There are other low level things you can make that give positive returns. It is much slower than the balms but does allow you to make a slow income. This may not be intended. But it does allow lower level characters to get into crafting without having a gold horde.
The balms were too good, but the nerf is quite severe.
The gold cost of crafting is so outrageous that normal gameplay cannot begin to cover it, especially now that potions no longer drop. Perhaps they intend to keep costs high at first to deflate the gold economy and then balance them later, but newer players without massive gold stockpiles will find regular, high-level crafting impossible to sustain in the current model.
Even considering that players will trade some of their gold in the AH, “normal” (read: not crafting tons of useless items to sell to vendor for marginal gain per transaction) gold generation cannot continue to meet the new demand, so eventually that supply will dwindle and become prohibitively expensive.
It honestly makes zero sense that it costs more to craft the balms than you get for selling them. Even with a 50% commision reduction you're still looking at a massively disproportionate net loss. I get nerfing the sell value, I do. But nerfing it to the point where you cannot make any kind of profit off of it in order to help sustain the other, far more expensive tasks, is ridiculous.
I am curious to hear from one of the dev's / moderators how we are supposed to generate gold in their eyes if the balms get fixed.
Potions no longer drop on the ground which where good to sell for gold. We cannot sell the purple gear, only turn it into RP or donate to the guild.
So please enlighten me dev (no sarcasm) how in your eyes am I supposed to generate gold? Crafting is not done on a single character, I have around 25 running multiple tasks, 5 with a gond hammer. How am I going to supply them with gold ?
YEA I've said since TESTS on PREVIEW they really need to adjust several items, or spent more time fine tuning several other items for as well. One area that I wish they'd reconsider is the difference in how many items cost at Professional Vendor like Steel ingots cost 23 Silver, 80 Copper; yet if you choose to sell them at the Professional Merchant you'll only get 28 Copper?
Still they need a little more balance in several items. Perhaps 0% Commission shouldn't make a profit on gear &/or materials, but it also shouldn't be a significant loss either. Given there are more Artisan's with even higher Commissions. I mean it makes sense if you want higher quality items, you'll expect a Artisan who (often not always) yet often charges more, but sometimes that for the speed at which they craft as well.
Related to the Nettle &/or Workman's Balm:
3x [Nettle] is 5 copper each (or gathered is 57 copper for 12 or 4.75 copper to gather at 0%) so cost 15 copper yet you get 3x [Workman's Balm +1] of 15 copper each or 45 copper in total. So one might think 15 copper for 45 copper but you also have to factor in the cost to pay the Artisan commission.
At 0% commission it will cost you 1 Silver 15 copper cost to Commission the project for 3 [Workman's Balm +1].
15 copper + 1 Silver 15 Copper = 1 Silver 30 Copper to produce 3 [Workman's Balm +1] which you sell for 45 Copper - so 1.30 Silver / .45 Silver is a 2.88x loss alone.
Now with even -50% commission it costs 58 Copper, (plus the base cost of 3 nettle of 5 copper each) for a 73 copper cost. 3 [Workman's Balm +1] only sell for 45 so that still represents a 73 / 45 is a 1.62x loss.
Now let's just use the example of 70 Gold Pendant in Jewelcraft:
2x [Raw Gold Ingot] 70 copper is merchant price to sell it or make is (69 Silver at 0% Commission) for each one or 2 would be 1 Gold, 39 Silver, 62 Copper to produce at 0% Commission.
16x [Gold Sand] you can gather 12 for (69 Silver at 0% Commission) or 5.75 Silver each x14 = 81 Silver added to above costs.
2x [Shimmerweave Thread] 68 copper is merchant price or to make is (64 Silver, 82 Copper at 0% Commission) for each one or 2 would be 1 Gold, 29 Silver, 64 Copper to produce at 0% Commission.
3x [Shimmerweed] per thread - cost to gather 6 is 50% of 12 at 75 Silver, 12 Copper or 37 Silver, 56 Copper total added to cost above.
Gold Pendant is 75 Silver, 12 Copper to produce + 81 Silver (Gold Sand) + 1 Gold, 39 Silver, 62 Copper for Raw Gold Ingot + 37 Silver, 56 Copper (Shimmerweed) + 1 Gold, 29 Silver, 64 Copper.
So FINAL cost is 3 Gold, 82 Silver, 75 Copper for an item you can sell to a merchant for 34 Silver, 18 Copper.
That represents a loss of 11.19x which and some 50-70 items with all costs factored in can be worse yet.
Given the [Workman's Balm] example above you'd see a gold loss of 2.88x at 0% Commission, or a loss of 1.62x at -50% Commission. You'll even see a gold loss at -75% Commission. I agree the current situation with [Workman's Balm] was overkill and needed a correction. I still think 'in time' they may need to reconsider some of the commission costs or better scale how much some gear &/or materials sells for to merchants.
Now I understand why they are doing this, they want people either take time to play to earn the gold, not just Crafting items alone in their workshops at the time...
Given the [Gold Pendant] example represents a loss of 11.19x at 0% Commission, some of the 60-70 Rare level crafted gear should sell for a little bit more than is currently identified. I mean it would be nice if Artisan's with -50% &/or -75% Commission could make a slight profit. Still if you're looking to make Gold to advance a PROFESSION, there should be enough Uncommon, Rare, &/or Epic Gear that drops, from Adventure Zones or Dungeons &/or Epic Dungeons than can sell for 10 Silver, 34 Silver, or 1 Gold 60 silver.
Granted not everything is measured in Gold, as the Astral Diamonds is really the true currency. Also I admit there are some very NICE items to craft, even if it does cost a bit of gold to craft them, so some may just require being a little more patient to craft them.
I mean I like several things with the NEW crafting system...
<div align="center"><img src="" alt="" /></div></img> ▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ Drac ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂ There is supposed to be an image here, but the hamsters took it. <div align="center">AKA Draconis of Luskan</div>
Take a backseat boy. Cause now I'm driving. ~ Give it up - Elizabeth Gilies ft. Ariana Grande
RIP Foundry: On that day, when the sky fell away, our world came to an end. ~Lifelight
Simple basics if something costs X to make but only sells for Y and Y is less than X. You won't be in business long. Unless your making MW or top end items which when sold more than make up the cost of crafting you won't keep dumping funds of any type, gold or ad into the workshop and crafting. Hence my workshops now all have for sale/rent signs back in the windows.
Artisan's want commission to complete work for me, OK I want room and board for staying in my workshop drinking all my wine and eating my food.
Most people who are making MW already have a surplus of currency, those that are trying to get to that point will probably give up rather than spend real world money to get there. I know I personally won't spend a dime on the new crafting with the way things have gone so far. Everything people have spent time and ad/zen/money on, wiped out from a rework with no real compensation. Item values being altered. Cost vs value being way out of whack. If you want professions dead then just remove them stop acting like your trying to make it better when it is really just HAMSTER it up more and more.
Devs want new players but this game is far from being new player friendly. With this new crafting system where everything you make is pretty much at a loss, especially if your trying to lvl up and not doing 2 weeks of research to find out the optimal items to make/fastest way. Hint it's a game where your supposed to have fun not seem like a second job doing research and planning.
You want new players and players to spend money? Try bringing fun back into the game not grind for hours only to get a minimal gain. Also remove all the gambles you have to take, make things a specific item to purchase not buy this and roll the dice to see what you get.
The new crafting system was a good concept, however the implementation was horrendous and lackluster. The knee jerk "fixes" are not helping things get better. If something is valued too high take a look at its base cost(gathering + base commission) and add 20-50% for vendor value, that way it's still viable to make and not a complete waste of time and money.
Julia, I have a question about the wording on your Patch Notes, subsection titled "Remaining Known Issues". Did the developer use "later build" for the prospective repairs? You can blame my husband for my knowing this, revisions are sooner than builds. For example; we are currently on; NW.105.20181022A.18 The revision number is "18" the build number is "20181022A" and version number is "105" the format is; which scares the pooop out of me, if they are talking about waiting on them until a later build and not a later revision or next build. The last build was on November 6th with the launch of HoF mod 15. Before that the build was changed on July 25th.
So please tell me they meant to say later revision and not build?
A build is the result of a compilation process (or/and other tooling and bundling), regardless of its version.
Revisions are not sooner than builds, they are a 'type of'.
While NW doesn't use Semver, here for better understanding of how one system of build versioning works:
Thank you for your observations, but I will await for an official response to my question.
Master's Desk is still broken, even though the tutorial quest for accepting artisans is now finished. The tutorial tooltips are still active in Master's Desk where you accept new artisans or manage artisans. Also it seems that I only get adventurers now (like it was still tutorial going on). So this is not quite fixed yet:
"The tutorial quest should now consistently advance past the "hiring artisans" step if, somehow, hiring artisans didn't correctly increment the counter."
I am absolutely FURIOUS about the balm nerf. There shouldn't have been only 1 item you can make to supply with you with gold to run the workshop in the FIRST PLACE. That being said, balm made it work, even if crafting 700 balm per day just to make ends meet was tedious and time consuming.
I have been playing maybe 3 or 4 months and have worked really hard to get my crafting built up. I want to craft AND play the game. I've spent the last 2 weeks doing lots of hours a day of crafting trying to adapt to the new system. I was almost there. I was almost ready to efficiently produce. I almost had all of my artisans selected and leveled up. Then...
The venezuelan economy update hit. I can't pay any of my GOOD artisans to do anything. Running back and forth from the box to the vendor to sell 4 gold is time consuming and tedious. Even then, I can spend all day just trying to craft gold and NOT ACTUALLY ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING! Let alone play the game...
I think the devs need to do more thinking and less doing.
You could not make me happy if you fixed this 3 days ago. Get to work.
#1: There are still items that are decently profitable. They're just not 70+gold/toon/day profitable with an Alchemy of 10. As much as I liked the profits, 100-1 to start with 400-1 returns with a couple of specific alchemists was a little too much. #2: Adventuring is actually a really good way of making Gold. Hunt gear can be sold for like 1.7 Gold each. #3: You can buy Gold on the auction house. Literally: Someone who has Gold buys a Gold Bar for 1 GP and puts it on the AH, you buy it and sell it to a vendor for 1 GP. #4: You can buy Gold directly from other players by trading items
why is this not fixed yet? Put the balm back while you work on a permanent solution. The balm was the only thing covering up the poor design. The writing has been on the wall for days. Your donkey is in a well. Its time to work on sunday. It didn't take long to mess it up it shouldn't take long to fix. If you don't do good work you have to do the work again.
All the old players have about a billion gold in the bank, because for 5 years Gold was useless. As long as those reserves exist, the gold drain is going to keep running.
#1: There are still items that are decently profitable. They're just not 70+gold/toon/day profitable with an Alchemy of 10. As much as I liked the profits, 100-1 to start with 400-1 returns with a couple of specific alchemists was a little too much.
no there aren't unless you consider 50 silver per hour profitable while buggering up your inventory and having to run back and forth between the box and the vendor all day.
If your inventory can't handle a few stacks of items you have larger problems, and the vendor is one keypress away with VIP. Prayer bags and coupons are much more of a problem than stacks of 99 healing potions.
VIP makes crafting much more convenient - the box is ~10 seconds away from anywhere on any map, and the vendor is next to the box. And you only have to log in to a "craft-for-profit" toon once in a while. VIP-teleport to the box before it fills and you'll collect all the jobs for all the hours while you were off playing other toons.
Without VIP, that's much less convenient, sure. But since VIP is the single best thing in the game *and* pays for itself in AD every month if you sell the lockbox contents you don't need, you should get VIP.
#2: Adventuring is actually a really good way of making Gold. Hunt gear can be sold for like 1.7 Gold each.
hunt gear? as in you want me to FARM CHULT LURES, then go on hunts to make 1.7 gold. Is that lure worth more in any other capacity? You do that and tell me how it works out. Maybe you can make 2 adamantine ingots for your 2 hrs of work.
Rather, while I farmed up a full set of Omu lures from zero to Tyrant yesterday (which took about two hours) I also made ~20gp.
Gear that drops is HAMSTER for RP, now, but half-decent gold *and you get it while doing other things*.
And: even with no commission reduction, Adamantine Ore is 75s for 12, and Adamantine Ingots are 64s each and cost 3 Ore. So: That's 64s per ingot and 18s per ore to make the ingot, or 82s total.
.... so, one purple drop that's sellable, from a dungeon or a hunt, will produce enough gold for 21 Adamantine ingots. (And that's assuming you're using crafters with 0% commission.)
And IIRC the Barovian hunt drops are sellable, too, so you can be making progress on the most recent campaign while making your Gold. Or you can go to Castle Never and get drops for Gold. Or you can run around killing monsters and collect their drops for Gold - they're not as profitable as a high-level purple from a hunt mob, but they're not nothing.
#3: You can buy Gold on the auction house. Literally: Someone who has Gold buys a Gold Bar for 1 GP and puts it on the AH, you buy it and sell it to a vendor for 1 GP.
Gee, I never thought of that /sarcasm. Tell me, who can make the gold that I pay a days wages in raw to buy to supply ONE crafter? The guy with 4 accounts and 100 toons who is mass producing potions of healing with alch level 30? Or maybe decorated maple rods with level 11 artificing? So, you're suggesting I work making astral for him to subsidize 1 character's crafting?
I suggest that since you're making AD anyway, and you want more gold than you can produce, you buy it from people who don't want more gold than they can produce. Frankly, there are a lot of people who don't care about the new crafting system and for them, gold is still "something I get all the time and don't need".
#4: You can buy Gold directly from other players by trading items Do you even craft or are you just a fanboy troll?
#1: In the old system I had one character with every profession masterwork to level 3 (maxed out before the addition of 4 and 5, never bothered with 4 and 5), and several others with one masterwork. In the new system, I've started crafting on all my mains and gotten them all to workshop 3 and the "real crafter" is on the way to 4, and also on most of my banks and I'm playing around with the new system but haven't invested in it heavily. So I'm a dabbler, not grinding hard.
#2: Why the hostility? You can literally trade RP for gold, lures for gold, lockbox drops for gold.... all kinds of stuff for gold.
But in the new crafting system, if you want to do *everything* on just one toon, either you need to farm A LOT of low-level tasks for gold to support the high-level tasks or you need to have an alternate gold source. That alternate gold source can be adventuring (which, again, presumably you're doing ANYWAY), or selling things to other players. Thing is, you *can* totally pay for all your own crafting yourself, by making and selling things to NPCs, but that's a) occupying your crafters who now aren't making the stuff you WANT and b) slower than interacting with the rest of the game... by design.
You complained that you can't get enough Gold to keep your crafters running, I presented 4 different ways you can make enough Gold to keep your crafters running. None of them are "no-effort 70+Gold/toon/day" like the Balm was, but they all work.
So: How much Gold do you actually want, every day, to feed your crafters?
I'm used to my keybinds. I'd like to be able to see professions+tasks even when I'm standing by the delivery box or in front of the Gathering board.
I mean, totally cool if you need to make it "spend Focus to do the thing without walking across the room" just like I was deep in Chult or something, but I'd like the menu and the VIEW options to appear the same way as if I was all the way over in Barovia.
Potions no longer drop on the ground which where good to sell for gold.
We cannot sell the purple gear, only turn it into RP or donate to the guild.
So please enlighten me dev (no sarcasm) how in your eyes am I supposed to generate gold? Crafting is not done on a single character, I have around 25 running multiple tasks, 5 with a gond hammer. How am I going to supply them with gold ?
Julia, I have a question about the wording on your Patch Notes, subsection titled "Remaining Known Issues". Did the developer use "later build" for the prospective repairs? You can blame my husband for my knowing this, revisions are sooner than builds. For example; we are currently on; NW.105.20181022A.18 The revision number is "18" the build number is "20181022A" and version number is "105" the format is; which scares the pooop out of me, if they are talking about waiting on them until a later build and not a later revision or next build. The last build was on November 6th with the launch of HoF mod 15. Before that the build was changed on July 25th.
So please tell me they meant to say later revision and not build?
Last I checked it was over 350 AD per gold bar on the PC server.
I was very vocal on the test server about development selling gold for AD through the wondrous bazaar. As that would take more AD out of the game and be a simpler process, so less overhead on the system. This would be the best option imho. But till then, buy gold or things that can sell for gold on the AH, like potions of grand healing and junk items.
There has to be a way for player to self generate gold to cover his own expenses with crafting. Anything you buy for a crafting process eats away at your final profit. I always made production lines from scratch to end product in multiple games, I do NOT want to rely on other people. If that means I need to run 5 more characters to gather resource X, so be it.
I honestly thought the workman balm was working as intended, as its connected to a low lvl task of the first profession you should work on (alchemy) thus letting you start the chain of your production process.
I would complain less if it was obvious to me how we can generate gold on ourselves, as noted before, potions are removed, purple items cant be sold (don't get it why not). The Devs had to have something in their mind how we generate this stuff as they >removed< gold generating options from the past while at the >same time< implementing a system which its >core< is based upon spending gold.
The guys that adjusted the loot tables has to have communicated with the ones that made the profession overhaul right?
The developers stated that there is too much gold in the system currently. So they want to drain some of it. Due to the balms, I doubt any was drained over the past week.
Also, the balms were a bit overkill in the amount of gold you made off them. While I enjoyed it for the time, I knew it would not last. There are other low level things you can make that give positive returns. It is much slower than the balms but does allow you to make a slow income. This may not be intended. But it does allow lower level characters to get into crafting without having a gold horde.
Revisions are not sooner than builds, they are a 'type of'.
While NW doesn't use Semver, here for better understanding of how one system of build versioning works:
The gold cost of crafting is so outrageous that normal gameplay cannot begin to cover it, especially now that potions no longer drop. Perhaps they intend to keep costs high at first to deflate the gold economy and then balance them later, but newer players without massive gold stockpiles will find regular, high-level crafting impossible to sustain in the current model.
Even considering that players will trade some of their gold in the AH, “normal” (read: not crafting tons of useless items to sell to vendor for marginal gain per transaction) gold generation cannot continue to meet the new demand, so eventually that supply will dwindle and become prohibitively expensive.
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
Still they need a little more balance in several items. Perhaps 0% Commission shouldn't make a profit on gear &/or materials, but it also shouldn't be a significant loss either. Given there are more Artisan's with even higher Commissions. I mean it makes sense if you want higher quality items, you'll expect a Artisan who (often not always) yet often charges more, but sometimes that for the speed at which they craft as well.
Related to the Nettle &/or Workman's Balm:
- 3x [Nettle] is 5 copper each (or gathered is 57 copper for 12 or 4.75 copper to gather at 0%) so cost 15 copper yet you get 3x [Workman's Balm +1] of 15 copper each or 45 copper in total. So one might think 15 copper for 45 copper but you also have to factor in the cost to pay the Artisan commission.
- At 0% commission it will cost you 1 Silver 15 copper cost to Commission the project for 3 [Workman's Balm +1].
- 15 copper + 1 Silver 15 Copper = 1 Silver 30 Copper to produce 3 [Workman's Balm +1] which you sell for 45 Copper - so 1.30 Silver / .45 Silver is a 2.88x loss alone.
- Now with even -50% commission it costs 58 Copper, (plus the base cost of 3 nettle of 5 copper each) for a 73 copper cost. 3 [Workman's Balm +1] only sell for 45 so that still represents a 73 / 45 is a 1.62x loss.
Now let's just use the example of 70 Gold Pendant in Jewelcraft:- 2x [Raw Gold Ingot] 70 copper is merchant price to sell it or make is (69 Silver at 0% Commission) for each one or 2 would be 1 Gold, 39 Silver, 62 Copper to produce at 0% Commission.
- 16x [Gold Sand] you can gather 12 for (69 Silver at 0% Commission) or 5.75 Silver each x14 = 81 Silver added to above costs.
- 2x [Shimmerweave Thread] 68 copper is merchant price or to make is (64 Silver, 82 Copper at 0% Commission) for each one or 2 would be 1 Gold, 29 Silver, 64 Copper to produce at 0% Commission.
- 3x [Shimmerweed] per thread - cost to gather 6 is 50% of 12 at 75 Silver, 12 Copper or 37 Silver, 56 Copper total added to cost above.
- Gold Pendant is 75 Silver, 12 Copper to produce + 81 Silver (Gold Sand) + 1 Gold, 39 Silver, 62 Copper for Raw Gold Ingot + 37 Silver, 56 Copper (Shimmerweed) + 1 Gold, 29 Silver, 64 Copper.
- So FINAL cost is 3 Gold, 82 Silver, 75 Copper for an item you can sell to a merchant for 34 Silver, 18 Copper.
- That represents a loss of 11.19x which and some 50-70 items with all costs factored in can be worse yet.
Given the [Workman's Balm] example above you'd see a gold loss of 2.88x at 0% Commission, or a loss of 1.62x at -50% Commission. You'll even see a gold loss at -75% Commission. I agree the current situation with [Workman's Balm] was overkill and needed a correction. I still think 'in time' they may need to reconsider some of the commission costs or better scale how much some gear &/or materials sells for to merchants.Now I understand why they are doing this, they want people either take time to play to earn the gold, not just Crafting items alone in their workshops at the time...
Given the [Gold Pendant] example represents a loss of 11.19x at 0% Commission, some of the 60-70 Rare level crafted gear should sell for a little bit more than is currently identified. I mean it would be nice if Artisan's with -50% &/or -75% Commission could make a slight profit. Still if you're looking to make Gold to advance a PROFESSION, there should be enough Uncommon, Rare, &/or Epic Gear that drops, from Adventure Zones or Dungeons &/or Epic Dungeons than can sell for 10 Silver, 34 Silver, or 1 Gold 60 silver.
Granted not everything is measured in Gold, as the Astral Diamonds is really the true currency. Also I admit there are some very NICE items to craft, even if it does cost a bit of gold to craft them, so some may just require being a little more patient to craft them.
I mean I like several things with the NEW crafting system...
▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ Drac ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂
There is supposed to be an image here, but the hamsters took it.
<div align="center">AKA Draconis of Luskan</div>
Take a backseat boy. Cause now I'm driving. ~ Give it up - Elizabeth Gilies ft. Ariana Grande
RIP Foundry: On that day, when the sky fell away, our world came to an end. ~Lifelight
Simple basics if something costs X to make but only sells for Y and Y is less than X. You won't be in business long. Unless your making MW or top end items which when sold more than make up the cost of crafting you won't keep dumping funds of any type, gold or ad into the workshop and crafting. Hence my workshops now all have for sale/rent signs back in the windows.
Artisan's want commission to complete work for me, OK I want room and board for staying in my workshop drinking all my wine and eating my food.
Most people who are making MW already have a surplus of currency, those that are trying to get to that point will probably give up rather than spend real world money to get there. I know I personally won't spend a dime on the new crafting with the way things have gone so far. Everything people have spent time and ad/zen/money on, wiped out from a rework with no real compensation. Item values being altered. Cost vs value being way out of whack. If you want professions dead then just remove them stop acting like your trying to make it better when it is really just HAMSTER it up more and more.
Devs want new players but this game is far from being new player friendly. With this new crafting system where everything you make is pretty much at a loss, especially if your trying to lvl up and not doing 2 weeks of research to find out the optimal items to make/fastest way. Hint it's a game where your supposed to have fun not seem like a second job doing research and planning.
You want new players and players to spend money? Try bringing fun back into the game not grind for hours only to get a minimal gain. Also remove all the gambles you have to take, make things a specific item to purchase not buy this and roll the dice to see what you get.
The new crafting system was a good concept, however the implementation was horrendous and lackluster. The knee jerk "fixes" are not helping things get better. If something is valued too high take a look at its base cost(gathering + base commission) and add 20-50% for vendor value, that way it's still viable to make and not a complete waste of time and money.
"The tutorial quest should now consistently advance past the "hiring artisans" step if, somehow, hiring artisans didn't correctly increment the counter."
#2: Adventuring is actually a really good way of making Gold. Hunt gear can be sold for like 1.7 Gold each.
#3: You can buy Gold on the auction house. Literally: Someone who has Gold buys a Gold Bar for 1 GP and puts it on the AH, you buy it and sell it to a vendor for 1 GP.
#4: You can buy Gold directly from other players by trading items
VIP makes crafting much more convenient - the box is ~10 seconds away from anywhere on any map, and the vendor is next to the box. And you only have to log in to a "craft-for-profit" toon once in a while. VIP-teleport to the box before it fills and you'll collect all the jobs for all the hours while you were off playing other toons.
Without VIP, that's much less convenient, sure. But since VIP is the single best thing in the game *and* pays for itself in AD every month if you sell the lockbox contents you don't need, you should get VIP. Rather, while I farmed up a full set of Omu lures from zero to Tyrant yesterday (which took about two hours) I also made ~20gp.
Gear that drops is HAMSTER for RP, now, but half-decent gold *and you get it while doing other things*.
And: even with no commission reduction, Adamantine Ore is 75s for 12, and Adamantine Ingots are 64s each and cost 3 Ore. So: That's 64s per ingot and 18s per ore to make the ingot, or 82s total.
.... so, one purple drop that's sellable, from a dungeon or a hunt, will produce enough gold for 21 Adamantine ingots. (And that's assuming you're using crafters with 0% commission.)
And IIRC the Barovian hunt drops are sellable, too, so you can be making progress on the most recent campaign while making your Gold. Or you can go to Castle Never and get drops for Gold. Or you can run around killing monsters and collect their drops for Gold - they're not as profitable as a high-level purple from a hunt mob, but they're not nothing. I suggest that since you're making AD anyway, and you want more gold than you can produce, you buy it from people who don't want more gold than they can produce. Frankly, there are a lot of people who don't care about the new crafting system and for them, gold is still "something I get all the time and don't need". #1: In the old system I had one character with every profession masterwork to level 3 (maxed out before the addition of 4 and 5, never bothered with 4 and 5), and several others with one masterwork. In the new system, I've started crafting on all my mains and gotten them all to workshop 3 and the "real crafter" is on the way to 4, and also on most of my banks and I'm playing around with the new system but haven't invested in it heavily. So I'm a dabbler, not grinding hard.
#2: Why the hostility? You can literally trade RP for gold, lures for gold, lockbox drops for gold.... all kinds of stuff for gold.
But in the new crafting system, if you want to do *everything* on just one toon, either you need to farm A LOT of low-level tasks for gold to support the high-level tasks or you need to have an alternate gold source. That alternate gold source can be adventuring (which, again, presumably you're doing ANYWAY), or selling things to other players. Thing is, you *can* totally pay for all your own crafting yourself, by making and selling things to NPCs, but that's a) occupying your crafters who now aren't making the stuff you WANT and b) slower than interacting with the rest of the game... by design.
You complained that you can't get enough Gold to keep your crafters running, I presented 4 different ways you can make enough Gold to keep your crafters running. None of them are "no-effort 70+Gold/toon/day" like the Balm was, but they all work.
So: How much Gold do you actually want, every day, to feed your crafters?