If your inventory can't handle a few stacks of items you have larger problems, and the vendor is one keypress away with VIP. Prayer bags and coupons are much more of a problem than stacks of 99 healing potions.
So I need to have 8 runic bags of holding before I should be able to craft?
No, but if your inventory doesn't have 3-5 open spaces to collect stacks of potions, you've got a problem.
I have purchased some VIP levels and have dumped tons of astral into the zen market to get more but it takes forever to sell. Its looking like I won't sell enough before the event is over.
That's a different problem - because of the bad economics of events like the current one, trading Zen -> AD always loses, BIG, over trading Zen -> Item -> AD. So nobody trades Zen for AD unless they're in a hurry or don't care about losing money, meanwhile *everyone* tries to trade the other way. So there's billions of AD tied up waiting for people turn Zen->AD, causing a monthlong backlog of requests for Zen. It gets worse every spring and fall because everyone knows there's a "surprise" 40-50% off sale coming for American Thanksgiving and for the game anniversary.
Should I need VIP to craft? This game wouldn't exist without the free players. It would be a ghost town. The game needs free players to populate it enough that the big purchasers don't feel alone and go play an active game.
#1: Most people get their VIP in-game. This is the worst time of year for that and it currently takes a very long time, but that's how it usually works. #2: You don't need VIP to craft, but it certainly gets rid of a lot of your complaints about the time investment.
Have you ever considered you're so game wealthy you are completely out of touch with reality? You're not alone. There are a lot of people who imagine simple solutions that don't work for problems that are actually complex.
Possibly. Or also possibly "the fast ways to do that are all expensive, so you need to spend or go slower" is a real answer.
And: even with no commission reduction, Adamantine Ore is 75s for 12, and Adamantine Ingots are 64s each and cost 3 Ore. So: That's 64s per ingot and 18s per ore to make the ingot, or 82s total.
.... so, one purple drop that's sellable, from a dungeon or a hunt, will produce enough gold for 21 Adamantine ingots. (And that's assuming you're using crafters with 0% commission.)
First of all, your math is terrible. adamantine or = 75.12 /12 = 6.26 Silver per ore. 3 ore per ingot = 18.78 Silver. Crafting an ingot costs 64.82 + the ore cost of 18.78 = 83.6 Silver or .83 gold. Purple drops are 1.6043 Gold. That amounts to about TWO (2) ingots per purple drop. Purple drops are worth far more donated to the mimic. So converting them to gold would be dumb. Low commission artisans are generally bad at crafting +1 items and +1 items are often a necessity. 2 ingots is nothing.
Yeah, you're right, I had an off-by-ten error converting gold to silver.
Second, I got my chult weekly limit twice and was working on the third time before I got my FIRST hunt mark. I've only done one chult hunt, I might have enough marks for a 2nd lure now, maybe even 3 or 4. I've never been to OMU. I unlocked it right before Gond started and as soon as that was over the Venezuelan crafting economy hit.
Good news! The hunts are *much* more common now. Like, guaranteed lure piece drop on every lure-requiring hunt, greatly increased lure piece drop rate on the rare monsters.
It doesn't take nearly as long now.
Or you could hunt in Barovia - the lures are even more common and the drops are better, because everyone in the party gets the benefit of every card played.
So, what, we need R14's to craft? Are we gonna add that to the list of necessary supplies according to you? VIP12, Runic bags of holding, R14's, this is getting expensive.
Why would you need R14s? Especially if you party up and go hunting in Barovia?
I suggest that since you're making AD anyway, and you want more gold than you can produce, you buy it from people who don't want more gold than they can produce. Frankly, there are a lot of people who don't care about the new crafting system and for them, gold is still "something I get all the time and don't need".
I am NOT spending the astral I need for upgrades, companions, mounts, vip, and bags of holding to buy something my in game business should ALREADY produce.
Your in-game business *does* produce it. It just doesn't produce it as fast as you want it to, or as fast as it did initially.
Real life businesses that do not produce a profit do not exist. Real life products that can't be sold for more than it costs to make them do not exist.
Real life businesses rarely get eaten by dragons. Part of the issue is that it's a video game, and part of it is that "Gold" is not a real currency in Neverwinter, it's a crafting material. AD is money. Gold is just another required crafting mat.
(And yeah, if you use a bunch of wood to make a thing, then turn the thing back into wood, you tend to have less useful wood than you started with. That's what happens in Neverwinter when you make something out of gold then turn it back into gold: You get less out.)
I've played a lot of games. Developers with forums are hard to get through to. For instance, several people here TRIED to explain the problem politely and diplomatically and it fell on deaf ears. Developers with forums always have a following of developer worshipping trolls that defend the developer if you point out a mistake no matter how large the mistake. I didn't want to come here. I didn't feel I should have to. I didn't want to, and still don't want to talk to you. I knew you (someone like you) would be here. I wasn't going to go to the steam forum because if I posted there there would be a whole army of you. If I upset them, they'll hack my email. True story. In over 20 years I never changed my email password and was never hacked. As soon as it was, I noticed steam was posting my email address on the forum where I'd just finished stirring up the hornet's nest.
.... leaving aside that the Steam forums don't have people from Cryptic, and that Steam "social" places in general are a really toxic place because they don't police them... you never change your email password? Is it a password you re-use? Is it short? Do you show up on haveibeenpwned.com?
Sucks that some chud did that to you, but it wasn't me, and snarling at me over it isn't going to help.
I have a degree in Systems Analysis (computers(programming mostly), statistics and math, generally it is a major in problem solving and efficiency) I'm not an idiot. I am not the one who has been making the mistakes here. I came here to post about an in game PROBLEM yet you try to make ME the problem. You don't believe there IS a problem. You think I THINK there is a problem because I am failing in one way or another. You're wrong. Your advice is not wanted, needed or appreciated.
Systems Engineering, here. And the only mistake I made was a simple math one, but sure, you're right, I miscalculated how much a thing was worth.
None of that changes that *your* estimate of "two hours to farm enough to make two ingots" was also way, way, way off. The fact that you don't *want* to buy gold with AD, buy gold in trade, farm for loot to sell for gold, or craft your own gold slowly, doesn't change that those are all valid and viable ways of making gold.
And it's not that I think you're failing, it's that I think your expectations are, to put it bluntly, unrealistic.
You complained that you can't get enough Gold to keep your crafters running, I presented 4 different ways you can make enough Gold to keep your crafters running. None of them are "no-effort 70+Gold/toon/day" like the Balm was, but they all work.
So: How much Gold do you actually want, every day, to feed your crafters?
You haven't presented a single way.
That's just not true. You don't *like* the answers I gave you, but that doesn't make them not answers.
500 gold is what I need. 750 is what I want. Balm was not no-effort.
Better get farming. Sell the bound loot for gold, trade the unbound loot for gold or sell it for AD and buy gold. That sort of income is going to cost you a fair bit of time and effort, and you'll likely have to choose give up on some other things to keep that up.
so, I spent 12 hours sitting in protector's enclave trying to craft gold. I got very little, of course, because getting much isn't possible.
You spent 12 hours doing something that only really produces a useful profit if you set it up and go do something else while it stacks, and you knew that in advance, and you're surprised you didn't have fun?
After 12 hours, I decided to try foundry farms. I did one in the past that I thought might yield some gold. I spent 2 hrs running foundry farms before finding it. Really, none of them produced any gold and hardly any drops. I guess the developers don't want us playing player made content.
That's unfortunately true: The existence of "foundry farms" mean that rewards for Foundry stuff are very low, specifically to stop people from killing infinite easy mobs in a private map for profit.
If the only Foundry levels were ones with story, and people didn't create levels whose sole purpose was to get around normal play, the rewards might be better, but they aren't, people do, and they aren't.
Lowborn was right about the increased drop rate of hunt marks. I had a whole bunch of rotting ogre femurs. I figured I would auction them to someone who wants to go through the trouble of making them into lures and then running all the way back across the map to kill one creature that doesn't drop anything of value. Nope. bound. And they are only worth 94 copper.
They're not supposed to be bound. They *are* trash, though, since they're the most common drop from the most common rare monster where all the spawn points are close together. Batiri Brave Trinkets can sell, but Rotting Ogre Femurs are just worthless, even when they're NOT bound.
(What Split-Ti drops that's worth value are the stuff you can sell for 1.7g each. But that requires you get a Fang, and get someone to build the lure for you since I'm assuming you aren't unlocking the hunt progression as the first thing you do in Chult.)
That isn't worth hitting the aurora whole realms catalog button. At least not before I make it mythic. The cooldown is just too long for 94 copper. BTW, I'm now looking like a pro because I didn't convert my aurora whole realms catalog to RP and now the new module made it BiS for primary artifact.
94 copper x however many femurs (and, again, the femur is a BAD choice to farm), + however many other drops, every two minutes or longer. You said earlier you've got 2 Runic Bags - between that and the 4 free bags, what are you carrying around that you complain here and above that you run out of space instantly? Even a half-dozen inventory slots shouldn't fill up with non-salvagables faster than a 2-minute cooldown on your store.
(And believe me, nobody looks like a pro with a Catalogue equipped.)
I think if this were real life my artisans would be working for free to craft ammunition because if the government deliberately destroys the economy, they are likely to want to round us up and put us on trains too.
Ah, yes, because a video game wanting you to play the game in order to make in-game currency is EXACTLY like WW2 Germany.
I don't think you're helping convince anyone you've got a serious complaint worth addressing when you say things like that.
Holy HAMSTER you two - take a breath. Neverwinter is just a game. If/when it makes anyone this upset, that person really should just take a break from it for a while. It's supposed to be fun, and when it happens that a game isn't fun for someone (for whatever reason), then that person should stop playing it. Ranting and raving like this doesn't solve anything.
the current fastest way to craft gold is to hover over the box, sell, change characters, hover over the box, change characters, sell, and on and on.
It isn't. It really isn't. If you're doing that, you're wasting time and "losing" money by not doing smarter things.
I have no idea if your desired "750 gold/day" is possible on ANY single account - it seems unlikely, and also deliberately not possible by design. But hovering over the delivery box and waiting for tasks to complete? That's just not a good idea in any way for any reason.
#2: You don't need VIP to craft, but it certainly gets rid of a lot of your complaints about the time investment. Possibly. Or also possibly "the fast ways to do that are all expensive, so you need to spend or go slower" is a real answer.
Yeah, you're right, I had an off-by-ten error converting gold to silver. Good news! The hunts are *much* more common now. Like, guaranteed lure piece drop on every lure-requiring hunt, greatly increased lure piece drop rate on the rare monsters.
It doesn't take nearly as long now.
Or you could hunt in Barovia - the lures are even more common and the drops are better, because everyone in the party gets the benefit of every card played. Why would you need R14s? Especially if you party up and go hunting in Barovia?
That's 300 Gold a day from just your refining, if you wanted it. But as you said, you want to save your AD and make gold yourself. Real life businesses rarely get eaten by dragons. Part of the issue is that it's a video game, and part of it is that "Gold" is not a real currency in Neverwinter, it's a crafting material. AD is money. Gold is just another required crafting mat.
(And yeah, if you use a bunch of wood to make a thing, then turn the thing back into wood, you tend to have less useful wood than you started with. That's what happens in Neverwinter when you make something out of gold then turn it back into gold: You get less out.) .... leaving aside that the Steam forums don't have people from Cryptic, and that Steam "social" places in general are a really toxic place because they don't police them... you never change your email password? Is it a password you re-use? Is it short? Do you show up on haveibeenpwned.com?
Sucks that some chud did that to you, but it wasn't me, and snarling at me over it isn't going to help. Bad advice like "hey, here are ways to get Gold that you appear to not have considered"? Systems Engineering, here. And the only mistake I made was a simple math one, but sure, you're right, I miscalculated how much a thing was worth.
None of that changes that *your* estimate of "two hours to farm enough to make two ingots" was also way, way, way off. The fact that you don't *want* to buy gold with AD, buy gold in trade, farm for loot to sell for gold, or craft your own gold slowly, doesn't change that those are all valid and viable ways of making gold.
And it's not that I think you're failing, it's that I think your expectations are, to put it bluntly, unrealistic. That's just not true. You don't *like* the answers I gave you, but that doesn't make them not answers. Better get farming. Sell the bound loot for gold, trade the unbound loot for gold or sell it for AD and buy gold. That sort of income is going to cost you a fair bit of time and effort, and you'll likely have to choose give up on some other things to keep that up.
If the only Foundry levels were ones with story, and people didn't create levels whose sole purpose was to get around normal play, the rewards might be better, but they aren't, people do, and they aren't. Dude. They're not supposed to be bound. They *are* trash, though, since they're the most common drop from the most common rare monster where all the spawn points are close together. Batiri Brave Trinkets can sell, but Rotting Ogre Femurs are just worthless, even when they're NOT bound.
(What Split-Ti drops that's worth value are the stuff you can sell for 1.7g each. But that requires you get a Fang, and get someone to build the lure for you since I'm assuming you aren't unlocking the hunt progression as the first thing you do in Chult.)
94 copper x however many femurs (and, again, the femur is a BAD choice to farm), + however many other drops, every two minutes or longer. You said earlier you've got 2 Runic Bags - between that and the 4 free bags, what are you carrying around that you complain here and above that you run out of space instantly? Even a half-dozen inventory slots shouldn't fill up with non-salvagables faster than a 2-minute cooldown on your store.
(And believe me, nobody looks like a pro with a Catalogue equipped.) Ah, yes, because a video game wanting you to play the game in order to make in-game currency is EXACTLY like WW2 Germany.
I don't think you're helping convince anyone you've got a serious complaint worth addressing when you say things like that.
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
I have no idea if your desired "750 gold/day" is possible on ANY single account - it seems unlikely, and also deliberately not possible by design. But hovering over the delivery box and waiting for tasks to complete? That's just not a good idea in any way for any reason.