Hey everyone, Dreadnaught (Panderus proxy post) here. One of the major new systems releasing with the Sea of Moving Ice involves boat travel, fishing, and treasure hunting, so this thread is for any bug reports and/or feedback you have regarding these features on the preview shard. Some things to pay attention to while engaging in these activities:
Boat travel:
- How does sailing around the zone feel?
- Does the boat ever not appear while you’re in the water, or appear while you’re on land?
- Is it clear how to fish?
- Is it fun?
- Do you feel inclined to seek out active fishing spots? (noticeable by birds flying above and splashes in the water)
- Refer to the zone collections page for a list of all the fish and their respective biomes.
Known Issues:
- While fishing, you’ll occasionally find bottles with treasure maps in them. The map images are not yet hooked up to these maps, but should be within a couple weeks.
- Some of the map locations MAY have terrain that is inaccessible.
As usual, please use RED text (
text ) for bug reports and CYAN text (
text ) for feedback.
Guild--And the Imaginary Friends
Guild--And the Imaginary Friends
Guild--And the Imaginary Friends
Guild--And the Imaginary Friends
Guild--And the Imaginary Friends
At least I couldn't get it to work in the circle zone in the water for the "Catch 10 Stone of Fish" quest.
The landing areas need to be more well defined and less cluttered. Some of them can't be entered from one side even though it looks like you should be able to, some of them have small pieces of ice arbitrarily blocking areas where you should be able to enter, and some of them you land and there's no access to quest areas even.
Pathfinding for the quest tracker is really wonky and hard to spot sometimes. Some quests have nothing you need to go on land for yet the path goes through land where you get dismounted (and even get aggro'd by mobs sometimes) for no reason.
I heard this word as "kayak" when I watched the Twitch stream, and I thought having an actual kayak in the northern sea would be reasonable. The boat doesn't resemble a kayak though, nor does it resemble the description in the original manual. In fact, it's kind of pretty.
Boating: Feels slow at 50%. I didn't get far enough for an improved vessel. Steering seems a bit clunky. Echo of Checkmatein's feelings on awkward transitions.
BUG: loss of basic khyek
The very first thing I tried was throwing away the basic khyek to see if it could be reclaimed in some way. Well, not that I could find. So, if you do that, you're stuck. I guess you're meant to toss the khyek as you get better ones maybe, but hello inventory space, and hello, we still need to go lots of places where we don't require a boat. This item needs to be like the trowels, not by expiring (which sucks), but we should just be able to throw them out and pick them up as needed.
Fishing: I caught some fish and handed in a quest and then... the fish are still in my bag, so I vendor-trashed them? There's a way to curry favour in the campaign by catching fish, but I didn't find how to do that. You guys have said you're aware of how horrible refining is for our inventory, and you want to do better. Well... you just added what? 40+ kinds of fish? And yet another different fishing pole, and I saw you could buy bait. I didn't try throwing out the pole to see if my winter event one would still work. The mechanism was ok (it does say press and hold at the NPC, but not the prompts while you're doing it, I guess). Waiting for a bite was boring (how realistic). Mostly, it's a time-sink in a game that already makes FAR too many conflicting demands on player time.
BUG: fishing drains AP?
After my attempt at fishing, my actions points were empty the next time I was on land. I hadn't cast any dailies, so I think it must have drained from reeling in my fish.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Is it fun ? No, not even remotely. I guess that the rewards are similar to the four levels of boons granted when hoard donations are made in Tiamat. I'm not going to enjoy spending a lot of time fishing for possible boons in Tiamat MkII when there are already so many other demands on my time in this game, such as relic hunting and travelling from place to place as slowly as possible !
As the potential rewards seem rather limited, I feel absolutely no inclination to seek out active fishing spots. With the slow moving boat already hampering the rate at which I can travel around in these zones, the last thing I am going to feel inclined to do is make detours to slow things down and delay things even further. Add to that the amount of additional inventory space that would/will be required to carry all the fish around until they can be turned in and I'm afraid that this is already a fail for me. I will not be bothering with it when the mod actually appears on live.
As Beckylunatic also pointed out, you'll be able to gain reputation by turning in fish. Increments of that reputation will allow you to open a special chest in the upcoming trial. In addition, treasure maps gained from fishing reward a wide variety of items, some of which are generally useful and not just related to the new campaign extension.
We'd like everyone to give fishing a try, but it's definitely not an activity that's intended to give thousands of hours of gameplay to everyone. We hope there are a lot of you that will really enjoy relaxing in the Sea of Moving Ice and fishing though, and that for those of you that do enjoy it, that there will be some profit to be made. The variety of fish and the activity of collecting them all is definitely targeted at those who really enjoy fishing. This is currently a limitation of the system we use to swap out your entire power tray. As Beckylunatic pointed out, the process also eliminates your action points. We'll continue to investigate this, but in the meantime thank you for pointing out that some landing areas feature enemies. I believe the bit about using fish to gain favor with the tribes is introduced a bit later on, but I'll make sure the team knows that it may not have been obvious what to do with the fish before then. Although there are around 100 species of fish available to catch, each fishing hole is generally limited to 5-6 unique fish, with only 2-3 of those being common catches.
We don't intend for you to hold onto these fish for long periods. Once you are introduced to the contact who takes fish for reputation, you'll see that we have a new system that allows you to "vendor" your fish for reputation quickly and painlessly, and in any quantity you have on you. So we'd like the play cycle here to be that you fish for a while, hitting a couple of active fishing holes before circling back to the starting island to sell your fish. There are no fish that need to be kept around in your inventory like refinement items.
In regards to rods, you'll need to keep your sport fishing rod. We discussed allowing the use of the winter rod, in the end the team decided against it as it made the whole system of earning and progress with the new sport fishing rods difficult to balance. On the other hand, bait is handled in your riches tab and so you don't have to worry about that taking up space.
Every time you make content that requires a tool, you are occupying one inventory slot, often on a permanent basis. We must have our black ice pick (normal or upgraded to epic), some form of trowel (some are consumable, but it's permanent if you get the epic one), a khyek (permanent unless made more like trowels), and now a sport fishing rod (permanent, but also discardable right now). Also our winter fishing rod if we're into that.
I'm not opposed to having the collection of tools and activities they support (I'm probably the type to like the new fishing if it didn't make me feel anxious that I really *should* be doing something else), and different qualities among them, but there's some merit to the accusation of being "inventory bullies".
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
Upgrading a Zen bag currently still occupies an inventory slot, and even if a way to discard them is introduced, that's going to be something that pushes my anger buttons. I didn't pay Cryptic ten bucks for a greater bag for the privilege of throwing it away a year or two later. That's not how I roll.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Fishing is very funny and relaxing, though once i headed to the shore i found my inventory being fulled in fish and i couldn't get any loot? is there a special reason why the fish don't gather in a bucket and each one takes a slot for it's own?
You might be missing the press and hold a key to play your fish. It's like combat moves that you need to hold to charge.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Also, the explanations (that yellow, glowy box near my power tray) of what I had to press and for how long disappeared before I had the chance to read them. The game shuffled through all 3-4 boxes in less than two seconds, probably because my character was actively moving. I would like it if the boxes stayed a bit longer.
Boat travel:
- How does sailing around the zone feel? Okay.. I guess. Sometimes it's hard to maneuver around objects while in the water.
- Does the boat ever not appear while you’re in the water, or appear while you’re on land?There is weird clipping on the boat around some objects while transitioning from water/land. Also- Why does my augment companion appear in the water? My cat isn't supposed to be in the water
Also- why are my feet hanging out the bottom of the boat?
I'll never retrace my steps.
Some of my best friends are Imaginary.
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Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Seemed pretty intuitive to me.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia