What I dont get at all.... why is SoD on the aoe wk path? Will it be a forced playstyle to hit the biggest mob with SoD first and then go for bladeflurry or smoke bomb to get use of it? Will it get changed back to assasin(exe)? I am on console, but the changes immediately affected us on Ps4. My fl has drowned again…
why dont you take tr out of pvp? result: no more nerf this, nerf that....first it was sod, then bloodbath with sod, then too much stealth, now gloaming cut...lolol what´s next? ppl find a woraround asap and the whine is the same again.....
Hm, I only use exe on bosses, and not even on all bosses. Saboteur most of the time and this feels like a huge buff for sabo, agreed. But I also see the other hand, the No1 single target dps gets nerfed to the ground on single target, again... And that´s a pity,...
and pls not ignore me again like you all did already in this thread, I threw a question in a few days ago and no answer was given,yey, horray...makes me feel like you dont give a hamster on the com, only on yourself. Superb community, me is 13k acdc, on ps4, so perhaps my experiences are worth a bit, but nevermind,…
I guess he means that aa at the start of battle to buff companions to get gift during the 8 seconds, then 2nd aa comes, triggers with own gift and assasins covenat, what means base power is buffed by insignia and defensive slots, so 3rd aa is the biggest and shows maximum powersahre possible cause companion gift still…
I wanna throw in a question.... I play an acdc on my own and I am still wondering about my stats sometimes. I have around 35k base power, and I can buff myself to 90k with 3 defensive slots for r11 bondings... Is this normal or is perhaps Assasins Covenant too strong? I abuse this insignia bonus like hell. So I can triple…
I run around with 100 ArPen, around 1k in combat and no, it doesn´t affect the healing. And I have definetly no problem doing campaign or anything else solo. Btw, I think mysteriously entering combat is fine for dc, cause your bastion and dg does procc the ap gain for the group effectivly, especially at Orcus last…