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  • I used to run on a spec that did not use Astral Shield, keeping up Divine Armor instead. This is no longer possible due to the sunburst AP gen nurf and I once again find myself being forced to run with the identical loadout to everyone else. The bastion cooldown reduction was a welcome change, everything else just served…
  • You can put in place anti cheat/bot precautions that make it very difficult to use a 3rd party program to interface with it. You can also put in place a detection system that would be able to detect use of most 3rd party programs and either discontinue the client or notify an administrator to investigate. There are a TON…
  • I am sick and tired of the hundreds of bots that are ruining gameplay for me....you can't pvp without half your team or half the enemies' team consisting of bots. Now you can't even remove them from your **** group to not make it worthwhile...it's like perfect world cares more about catering to botting players than the…
  • I feel great about my cleric, the patch inspired me to make some major playstyle changes and I am not using astral shield at all anymore. I've successfully solohealed every T2 in the game including an epic dracolich 3man kill. The complainers need to take a step back and look at their abilities, feats and gear and find…
  • Thank you for that fix, now skilled clerics are actually recognizable and sought after. I have forsaken Astral Shield entirely and am officially running a "circleless" spec at the moment with great success. I have managed to solo heal every T2 instance the game has to offer without dropping a single astral shield,…
  • Knights Valor (primary agro ability) for GF goes on cooldown twice in a row every time and half the time bugs out to where the ability can't be activated at all....think you got problems?
  • Immortal title is from pvp as well...50 games without deaths
  • Make only items obtained through need rolls bop...this is a terrible change and I won't be playing this game anymore if you don't reconsider this change. I know you guys don't often listen to your player base but I can pretty much guarantee you that this will be the first step into an early grave for Neverwinter Online.
  • As Cleric, I assure you that I am stoked about these changes. No longer do you have the option to lol through a dungeon with fail clerics stacking AS. Finally a skilled cleric gets to shine for doing his job properly. Not having to share loot with other clerics is a plus as well.
  • How amazing would it be if your patch servers were actually working and I could download this patch?
  • Learn to read the bonus, it does not say it gives you a bonus. It specifically states it only increases your ally's power and defense, NOT yours. It's a party buff, not self buff.
  • That must have been the most fail troll of the day. Unless I'm missing something here and bots are running rampant in Castle Never, your reply missed the mark by a long shot. The solution is valid, there are enough tier 1 sets in the game that are easily obtainable and tradeable. This problem is killing the already…