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  • I could not agree more to all of this. - Lets take TRs - in GG the whole floor is red everywhere, I can basically not move or cast a spell cause its so much smokebombs. - I have taken note that basically all classes have "will stun for reduced time on players" when it comes to spells/feats that stun, slow etc. Also with…
  • I gotta agree, this mount did not tempt me, I have seen people riding around with it. I dont see many things like this from Crypt, only thing i wanna point out is my female halfling on her black steed (dont remember the name, its maintenance, so cant check) but its a armored horse 110% speed. There her legs is so deep…
  • When I saw that paladin was the new class I wanted to cry. Boring oh-mah-gawd-im-so-holy-and-lawful paladin -.- I wanted druid. Now THAT would be fun. Paladin...pffff....snore And of course it will be OP. For a while. So you spend money on it.
  • I got hacked a few months back. Its the first time in my long life as a mmo-player that has ever happened. It happened when I was ingame, started with "you have been logged in from another location" I knew instantly what happened and tried to multitask by constantly logging in to break the hackers prossess, and at the same…
  • I have lost many friends in this game but thats mostly cause of the unfair lootsystem concerning artifact belts and cloaks. They got tired of some players just logged on for a few hours and came out with 5 belts, while they farmed all day and didnt get one. Im kinda in that same boat, unending farming and nothing to show…
  • thank you for info :) Then i gotta say... eye of the storm seems aboslutely lovely imo..
  • This is probably a recidiolus question, but im gonna ask anyway. Since I havent aquired the offhand yet its hard to tell from just looking at pictures. But: F,eks: eye of the storm - increases your crit severity by 5% - Does this mean that the normal garantied critical for 4 seconds still apply, BUT you ALSO get the…
  • I have, close to 2 weeks ago. No responce exept a automatically one. I am not surpriced, tho. At least the majority of the people here agree with me that something isnt working as intended (or working as intended, depends on how you see it.) Noone will ever convince me that this is a fair RNG considering the huge…
  • Its really sad that it has come to that - players considering creating new accounts for a chance for any reward. I have thought about the same, but the amount of time and resources i have put into this game with 10-14 hours playtime a day i really dont feel like starting all over again. I have gotten endgame gear, not…
  • At least youre right about that. It spreads unhappyness to get **** rolls month after month and year after year. Did I mention I have never won a roll on anything of value since I started this game? But ofcourse that is just me forgetting, yes. It was good times when CN was the place to go with good friends who shared AD…
  • Im afraid I do not agree with you. There are many on my friendlist i have daily contact with, and i have followed them for almost a year. I would have known if they had "forgotten" about a drop. As for myself, im afraid it wont work very well to try to brainwash me into thinking i forgot drops in last mod, sorry. I belive…
  • My point is: this is what we do often, me and my group. I always farm a lot and open it up all at once. Altho open them close to the shop keeper seems a bit like supersticion to me, tho. In this cases we do farm together, its always the same players who get the drops. Its not uncommon for some of the players in my group to…
  • I do appologise, im not from a english-speaking country ^^
  • Yet, some of us farm day in and day out, and yet, no drops? Yes the droprate has increased a lot. Just not for a lot of us.
  • This is all well and good, I see answers from both lucky and unlucky persons here, and some of the answers from the lucky dudes and dudette are as i suspected, cause I have heard it before in my quest for finding the red line in all of this. What is classic is that those who get drops usually starts the conversations with;…