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  • Providing limited bag space is a way for them to make money - and a common one at that. It's unlikely to change, as nice as it would be to have some extra space for enchants. The professions bag isn't infinite and won't do either, anyway. However, if you actually have trouble with inventory space, do what most people do:…
  • YES. This. Every dodge roll my TR does is like a gamble. It's really troublesome.
  • Very interesting suggestions, I sincerely hope they receive some attention. Another thing that comes to mind, while we're at it: Being able to make more use of the terrain and implementing helpful objects respectively. Cannons, traps, items to apply certain debuffs to bosses, you name it. Some of these could even be linked…
  • What should be implemented is a chance for adds to drop something good. The greens are okay - if you don't want them, don't pick them up. For people like me, who have more trouble earning gold than AD, they're a way to make some coin. It would possibly greatly improve people's motivation to deal with adds, however, if they…
  • Beautiful. It's much needed, no doubt. I don't suppose we'll be able to make kits with this as well?
  • Agreed. This would greatly improve our ability to adapt to different battles and utilize our skills accordingly. The cooldown makes sense, as it limits our skill usage as it's supposed to be. However, skills are sorted far from optimally and that can sometimes be quite obstructive. I see no reason for us not to have, say,…
  • "You're going to give me a shave? Take a good look in my hand mirror first!"
  • Beautiful thread. One (possibly minor) thing that comes to mind: There's a window that lists guilds, but none that could list possible recruits. It would be nice to have another tab for people who are actively looking for a guild where they could post their requests.
  • This in combination with a vote kick could actually work. Make kicking impossible as soon as the party has entered the boss room - there even is a countdown beforehand, seems perfectly fitting. Also, vote kicking should be something any party member can initiate. That way party leaders would not be safe to leech off the…
  • The companion window actually made me remember Dragon Age. I believe there was an option to set the behavior of each member of one’s party choosing a certain preset like “ranged”, “aggressive”, “passive”, “defensive” and so on. Something like this could in fact be a useful asset to the interface and might prevent the…
  • Cleric mechanics are in need of adjustment, that’s true. However, I believe you focus on the wrong solution. As you and countless others before you have pointed out, cleric aggro is a serious issue. They draw the attention of adds almost instantly and there often is no one who can effectively come to their aid. As a rogue,…
  • There are people whose sole reason for posting is in order to whine, complain and then whine some more. Seriously, everyone got not one, but a whole package of gifts. Just say thank you and kindly leave them alone with your insatiable demands. So, thank you. Really, even if it might not look that way, most of us appreciate…
  • The loot system could definitely use an overhaul. The options, however, definitely are a problem. Round Robin? Prone to abuse, as stated above. Random loot? Would cause just as much crying over items as the current system, although, in theory, it would be fair. Random is random: Someone might get incredibly lucky, but…
  • Why not grant those lucky individuals their one minute of fame in Protector's Enclave, fully provided with a stage, spotlights, pyrotechnics and one or two half-naked, dancing Orcs? That would simply have to make people's envy burst like a volcano, causing every single soul still without a <font…