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What is the Arc Client?
Install Arc


  • Thank you for your kind assistance. I've been struggling to get invited (I even had gifts leftover from last year). I was finally able to disperse all the gifts. The organized parties were the best in terms of honesty and I respected the way the party leaders interacted with us.
  • I don't know how to 1) be accepted into a gifting party and 2) exactly how do you give a gift to someone? Put it in the space for potions and then what? Thanks
  • "Date With Destiny", a Foundry entry for Cult of Dragon, is very challenging. Just about every thing that has tried to kill you while you leveled up during the game will try again ... massive attacks ... surprise swarm attacks. They come literally out of nowhere, sometimes. The most challenging Foundry I ever attempted. I…
  • Well, teach us then because I want to learn. I have a notebook filled with tips I've read on various sites. I have read various Builds. I have read forum posts. I have 4 HRs going now trying out different specs. I die in Dungeons. If the only way I can survive is by buying something, then please tell me. I hate to let a…
  • Look up to the Arc logo on upper left side and see a "v" ... click on "v" (which is actually Arac's version of a downward arrow). This "v" is above the left and right arrows and the refresh symbol. Then, select "Redeem a Code". Good luck. I got an error message for my key so perhaps it has been redeemed to the max.