Due to the Fair Credit Billing Act, your credit card company most likely will let you contest your online purchase. If you don't use a credit card for online payments, than you are just out of luck. So if you really feel you were ripped off, try contesting it.
This is just Crypstic being Cryptic. I remember this same loop reasoning for the Lords Armored Polar Bear zen promotion. Transferred a lot of $$$ for that bonus. Never again. PS - If Cryptic does not fulfill their end of the agreement, then call your credit card company to dispute the charge. Simple.
This reminds me of those people that fret over buying a new Mac computer. Should I do it now or wait until the next release. From the remarks of the OP one should never buy/collect anything since something better is always around the corner. I am rather enjoying my arty gear I just picked up a few weeks ago. It is doing…
Lets all be honest. Artifact Equipment was created as another way for cryptic to make some more $$$ from the players. Each module comes out by creating new and better things to grind for. We're all stuck in the same "look, shiny!" mindset of gear. (I just completed my BI set!!) I hope there are some changes to how the…
Why has this thread been updated to say "resolved"? As far as I can tell, the Arc client is still not actually working. Meaning, it does not load the game!! PS - Did reboot my modem, wifi and pc. Will not lower my firewall setting for any game, that is just silly.
Exactly. My shortcut is actually on the desktop. Launcher started and doesn't advance. Also used the gameclient.3xe found in ->program files(x86) ->Perfect World Entertainment ->Neverwinter_en ->Neverwinter ->Live That got me to Cryptic Account Logon Screen but my password there didn't work.
Did that. Arc is shut down. Found .exe file, launched as admin. Loader says "Loading. Please wait, " Tried creating shortcut, with admin run privileges. Same thing. Arc is still shut down. EDIT: Tried the gamingclient.exe and actually got to the log in screen. After entering password it states "Connecting to the account…
Spinny white guy is like a top from hell but he is avoidable as long as you scoot clear before he starts. The entire group is balanced well, especially if you let the black ones change. I personally have the most trouble with Green Arrow girl. Been caught napping with her to many times.
Hmm, sounds exactly like a fleet in Star Trek Online. Leveling by contributing, Fleet bases, fleet only weapons/shields/etc, functioning PvP system, Fleet vs Fleet action. So what people want is the STO Fleet system in Neverwinter. I agree. STO has done Fleet/Guilds correctly.
Hate how they nerfed the epic drop rate on these. Used to be if you spend $100 or so you would expect 2-3 epics at least. Spent more than that on last pack and didn't get a single epic thing. No more lockboxes for me!:mad:
Why am I not surprised. Some rather happy with their new buffs but unhappy with anyone else's? CW's have been TOTALLY reworked, just so you know. Almost all CW's have to redo and relearn. Obviously you faced some that already played on preview so they were prepared. Today is the first day of the new mod. Learn to adapt and…
Disagree with you here. They could change every single thing and I could still play the game, just not well. Has nothing to do with personal preference. Has to do with how one plays their toon in PvE, dungeon groups, PvP, etc. The powers I am used to using in combination might not work now due to what the devs did to them.…
At BEST it is misleading (I didn't buy this anyway). Retail was advertised as $100 so the $25 off presale was worth it to some. Now Crytpric pulls a fast one and puts the retail at the sale price? If they still had credibility this would hurt them. Add to this that those who did buy cannot even use the **** thing as…
False advertising? Misleading promotions? Shady deals? Not the first or last for Cryptic. Weird nothing has been done about it yet. There has to be lawyers playing this game too.