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What is the Arc Client?
Install Arc


  • well as for me i collected 250 seals and got 2 off hand cw talisman and fragments are very low
  • we aint talking pve here gwf is to op for any class in pvp even a rogue TRdies to easily by one. and its a cws job in pve to do the most damage since we runs control adds and aoe skill. which gwf use single skills with hard damage encounters. thats what makes a gwf so op in pvp he can unstoppable and kill the team 5 vs him…
  • it not only the new players. its old ones as well we all know that cryptic makes alot of money off keys in neverwinter and that we work with keys a if it is our currency in game. we buy more keys for new things to try out and cryptic makes money. we make new toons and cryptic makes even more money because keys is our…
  • Are u going Bonkers O_O u do know if u do this the prices for coal wards will go up and new player wont be able to make what they been wanting right? look at it this way, if u make coal wards bind on account off tarmalune bars. players will buy less enchanted keys from zen market. the reason we buy those keys in the first…