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  • As far as loot and exp, I think Foundry is designed poorly in that aspect because how easy it is to exploit. I think if they designed around a asset resource system, where you pick some basic setup settings and have a pool of points to spend on loot and exp, then you would have less room for exploiting. They could also…
  • I will template my idea like your nice list: Encounters Spawn Controls For mob spawning, properties that allow us to set spawn conditions, like If X lever is hit, Zone X is walked through, After X time has passed... Linkable triggers so you can tie spawns to passing through a zone for a while, or a while after hitting a…
  • I am going to try and make some quests in my campaigns have both a combat way to complete and a non-combat way to complete. Depending on the quest, they will always have a puzzle to deal with. It is dnd, not whackamole.
  • I thought it was a good gift considering the only problem I expereicned was downtime.
  • And as you level up, you can unlock more profession slots. So you can grind more tasks at the same time. If done right, per character, you can get 28,800 AS from the top end leadership profession. So for each character, without doing any foundry or anything else, you can get 24k AD per day, per character slot. Which is…
  • z-store. Grind AD. Opened about 15 with no horse yet. Not that I care about the horse. I do hoever like the idols and the rare chests. Save those till you are near 60.
  • I would like other elements besides ice.
  • I wonder why they don't hard cap the exchange to 320 AD per Zen. I mean, it would lock the exchange to be equal to what it costs for the reward you can get (320AD x 125 = 40000 AD, which is the idol reward you can get from a lockbox that requires a 125 zen key). I can understand some profit margins, etc. So when I last…
  • two weeks and level 50, solo pretty much the entire thing. GWF.
  • At lvl 50, I find myself quaffing more pots than I did in the 40's and 30's. However, I don't see any problems witht he class yet. I play a bit harder now, using some actual gamplay tactics to mitigate damage after my companion drops. But I am still able to solo most content without issue.
  • ngggeah, not an exploit. This is taking advantage of game mechanics as it is written. They still have to do the dungeon, they are just using the time efficiently to get the best out of their DD bonus. Like all other bonus anythings in all other mmos; people do the most they can to milk that bonus.
  • Yes, strafing exists. Just set them in your keybindings. Because I keep looking forward when I step left and or right.
  • WINNING! LOL Awesome!
  • Wait, so the game has a bug. The identify a repro, take the servers down as soon as they can, fix the bug, ban exploiters, and offer a thank you gift to legiter, and you say you arenot sending them anymore money... Ok. 1. It is a free to play game, so do whatever. 2. The bugs in each game are unique to each game. So…
  • Oooor, your friends bug wasn't reproducable internally.
  • I could see a wipe under one condition only: If the Zen Market was not exposed to players. As soon as they start taking in real cash for anything, they cannot erase your data due to bugs or exploits, unless you are one of those using the bugs or exploits to unfair advantage. MMO 101.
  • Thanks for the info on the eta. Totally can understand. BVT's need to pass. ;)
  • Due to the mechanic of the exploit, it is very easy to track and can be automatically reversed. This kind of bug should never have made it to the beta level. But I do know how code changes; no matter how minute, can have far reaching, devastating, and unpredictable results. That is why things like magic numbers and…
  • Depends on what was done. If real world money was exchanged, then yes, charges could be filed. Especially if the money in question came from PWE. Check your EULA sometime.
  • These kinds of bugs should be hit by internal testing way before the beta portion of a product. These things can come out of nowhere, so I can understand if it wasn't hit until after launch, and it sucks it was there, and it sucks even more that no one bug reported it and instead just exploited it. However, think of the…
  • Now that I know what they are fixing, I am glad they are working on it. Also, with the mechanics of this (at least the big one) exploit, it will be easy to track and properly ban accounts who were taking advantage of it.
  • Here is how I think it will play out: IF there is a rollback, it will be for one reason: said explot got out and there was an explosive amount of currency made. Soo much that they cannot wipe all the 'bad' currency without causing other problems, but a roll back works, Otherwise they will find the id's for the bad money…
  • After buying a few zen, unlocking a few boxes, I can see the Exchange, until I stopped paying attention to it, was fairly close to a magic mark. This being the cost in AD = 125 Zen being close to the 40,000 AD you could get as a reward from the lockbox. It comes down to 320AD per zen will get you that 125 zen for 40,000…
  • Again, looking longer term than a week or so. I understand the whole supply and demand aspect of the exchange and market. I want more supply and stronger demand for this product and its services a year from now and ten years down the road. Overall; not a complaint as much as a suggestion based on observation. I don't see…
  • 1. Not saying they wouldn't. 2. Yes I am making up numbers because I do not have the permission to datamine their servers. However, I would if I could, even if I was wrong, dig out the information and share it, because as a paying player, I would love to know if my investment of money is going to pan out long term or not.…
  • That is why I am saying they should do something about how the exchange rate is metered. I am thinking on these lines: If I, who is someone who does not actually care about the rate is seeing it as a barrier for the masses, then the masses will ignore and walk away. I am trying to help them monetize on the majority and the…
  • No, two bug fixes stops that.
  • 4th ed does away with Multiclassing for the most part. Deities do need more influence than they have here. Alignment could have been sweet (ala CoH CoV), but meh, ddo never allowed evil and I am fine with that.
  • Just an fyi; money has been spent by customers on the game. When that happens, wipes stop.