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  • none of these points addressed here matter anymore due to the balance updates and fixes on the way. You can now only Need on an item your current toon your using can use. This being said, as in any MMO ninja looters come and go and its hard to ban all of them. Things I have seen personally happen to them is watch and see…
  • Great work on this game so far. I really enjoy the game and its playstyle and look forward to the updates and such. For those asking for all this stuff like free respecs, upgraded companions and all this other stuff here, please remember its an open beta still which means a lot of things are in the mix. This is tweak time…
  • so just curious in regards to one thing, I see a few people asking for a title and such, I never even thought that up and it would be an alright idea, but eh real question is, with the loss to quite a few people who obtained a mount from the lockboxes what will happen now? I feel that a lvl 2 or 3 mount riding token should…