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  • And of course, now I should read the sticky: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?199842-Feedback-Suggestions-What-to-Add-Change-in-the-Foundry
  • I really like the 3D editing mode - especially for some of the more small detailed tweaks on might make on a map... The only thing making it almost-useless is the fact that you are still grounded while editing... clipping or otherwise if I can't fly up above the objects I'm placing, what the heck is the point?
  • Would be nice to have boss battles.. with cutscenes, custom dialogs, etc... but in the meantime what I would like to see is a generic category of encounters in the Foundry. Specifically arranged by difficulty + special attacks. That way at least I could create a series of quests that at least 'appear' to be becoming more…
  • I am wondering same thing. It's the only room I could find that mentions a door on a second level... I thought it meant either floor could be used as a room-connecting point but it always seems to snap to the bottom floor. I really want to use this to give the map a sense of descent in one of my quests. *EDIT*…