This new rng-based direction the game is leaning is boring imo. The bounties aren't fun, people have been camping them (like they did with the avernus bounties, but at least they had a fun fight! Though that is small consolation) and the stuff is dull, like most of the gear in Sharandar. It's a prettier landscape, at least.
It makes no sense, it looks daft, I am happy to let this one slide by. Got enough problems with balance changes to focus on without worrying about sitting in a bit pot lol
You guys were on the right path. Mattia78 sorted it for me. Deleted my hosts file in the system/drivers/etc folder and BOOM! Updated and connected, downloading again!! Ty guys for ya help.
C:\WINDOWS\system32> tracert Tracing route to [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 2 ms 2 ms 4 ms [] 2 * * * Request timed out. 3 36 ms 19 ms 22 ms [] 4 * * * Request…
So I worked out that the google links weren't working neither typing it in but typing www. into the address bar first would connect me! Weird. HOWEVER the cryptic launcher autoupdate still fails to connect whenever i try to start the game, even running as admin, before eventually telling me theres a connection problem, and…
I'm a tank fan, and I've played a fair few MMO's, but so far I really enjoy this one ONLY because of how the GF plays. GF is a pretty **** solid class who can be specced into moderate damage (you're not gonna match the beavy hitters but that's not your style) or a solid buffer/guard tank. I've finished dungeons this last…
I think it's shameful you've not had a response yet, my friend. I agree with you, gf info is hazy and chaotic. I can't offer you much in the way of facts as I only know what I do from playing, from some nice replies on this forum and hours of reading outdated "facts". I started only recently myself and I'm sodding lost,…
Ah this is all brilliant. I'm working up a similar build to those suggested. Last night did the dungeon for my level with a friend. Was only me and my cleric chum left and we pulled it off. Felt epic. So I definitely feel better about my build. Moderate damage but still able to tank as long as I keep moving. Your help has…
Ah, tips tips tips :) Helpful, thank you. So in pvp it pays to play defensively and use our cc patiently, letting them wear themselves out on our shields, for the most part. I like it :) Any tips on where to focus ability points? I am at 16 dex, 23 con, 21 str. I was gonna stop at 16 dex and keep pushing str and con since…
Is tanking still fairly useless even in the later epic dungeons? I'm still building my character, I'm only lvl 39 so I get I've got a long way to go. In dungeons I don't need to match dps, I understand that's their role, but I DO wanna tear through the mobs and when it comes to the boss I wanna be able to keep his…
Thanks for direct replying :) Here's my problem; I'm new to the game. I got a bunch of friends into it, though, and we love it, but in dungeons I'm fairly useless till the boss, just running along behind. The mobs get swept aside in a storm of dps. Even the cleric is outdoing me. Pulling aggro is useless and I can't match…
Just started game and us GF as main. Love the idea of shielding, but a little bit lost by the changes the game has gone through leaving some builds behind. Honestly, I'm not sure where to focus my character, especially with all the doom-and-gloom regarding the paladin.