i agree 100% this game lack so many balance. they are admit they are losing population in game.New player are leave the game i wonder how the game supposed to run if new player are quiting i wonder how many thread like this appear from day 1 until now and how many they actually really take serious. i wonder what beta…
now change the system how about neverwinter do like this if have 3 or 2 player in dungeons automatic disband that party from that dungeons kick them all out make them start from beginner at least that will improve team work and make player think twice before kicking another player. i would like neverwinter system post name…
oh wow nice review with new player are quit the game for abuse happen in dungeon and bad looting system that make all player greed to greed. i do not see any point on me continues playing. this review will help a lot.
hi all thx for replay i have enchantment stone i put in my character slot head = Lesser Fey blessing Enchantment (utility slot) armor = azure enchantment rank 6 (defense slot) = lesser soulforge enchantment (armor enchantment slot) arms = (zero) (utility slot) main hand = radiant enchantment rank 7 (offense slot) = Vorpal…
i agree voting for kick without unknow reason should be banned.I would like name for person who start voting for kick Hope Dev can Make that happen. Dev team should make change or something like warning to party in dungeon if they kick 3 more time then make them party closed from other player to join.This should Teach Them…