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  • I personally think guild leaders should be able to decide if they are a pvp guild or pve mostly then from there the grind campaign can happen.
  • Newsflash, they need to balance it out so that not only PVP is viewed as the cash cow so that PVE'ers may also get a taste of it as well. Bet you don't like that idea do you? If you don't like it, in the near future you may be given the same speech of going to another game... Pvpers getting new content is in no way shape…
  • Putting down pvpers is okay BUT HEY MAKE SURE YOU PAY SO THAT WE CAN PLAY!!! If you don't like it, right there is the door! You do realize that if pvpers all walked out, they'd have to come up with ways to make their money and it would be off the backs of PVE'ers right or sink. I think people like you should stop…
  • Those that already have legendaries...however and didn't have to buy all those blood rubies means new players will never catch up. You do realize it would cost thousands of dollars if people were to have to buy only from the zen market? So...is this game really worth close to $5,000? Is that really reasonable or is that a…
  • Ceta, how is it killing you in pve? Cw's storm spell does massive damage. How could that hurt in pve? HR's wild medicine still functions like it used to but only in PVE...no longer as effective in pvp. Rogues, the damage done is still the same in PVE but players have the wrath of that one shot kill amongst stuns for life.…
  • Shade, how is problem solved? That would make things worse. They should lower the RP need to upgrade artifacts.
  • I've tried other games and I like this one the most. But thanks for telling me to leave to go to another game. If another clone of Neverwinter comes out with the same combat style, same graphics, maybe nicer people, sure thing!
  • PVPers are forced to do PVE content for artifact weapons, cloaks and even icewind dale if they want the black ice set. Just because something might be introduced that is cool for pvpers isn't a slap in the face for pve'ers. If you feel that way, maybe you should remember this is a MMO with many different playstyles. Didn't…
  • Must be nice being so condescending all the time. I'm sure you're a doll :P Pvpers should have something new. It's not going to detract from PVE'ers is it? I bet if one mod left out PVE'ers completely, you guys would probably sound like us. If in order to PVE, you were required to pvp to get your gear (Tiamat) (Icewind…
  • Yeah having PVE'ers constantly saying we are a minority therefore our ideas aren't welcome or trying to minimize pvpers and getting upset if we talk about adding something new for us. It is a classic sign of oppressing people using minimizing tactics to make sure those people aren't viewed of as welcome. "Minority" "Vocal…
  • I'm supposed to just up and buy linu's favors? How would I go about doing that? How much would it cost for all the items? Does anyone ever tell you to throw money at the game to enjoy your content? If guild strongholds will help with guild vs guild matches I'm all for that. Are you suggesting that would ruin PVE'ers fun??…
  • You just described Icewind Dale and Dwarven Valley. Have you been there yet? If not, it's a fun place.
  • Have you noticed that there are some powers that fully function in PVE but not PVP? Example, wilds medcine was nerfed but only in pvp. I don't think it's something that cannot be done. Every single tree Rogues have is a viable pvp format. Try going in a pvp arena as Archery specced ranger. As trapper you don't do as much…
  • Just because it's not a "main" focus doesn't mean it should be neglected and all pvpers should be marginalized as usual. What part of that do PVE'ers not understand?
  • So players/customers are the ones to blame for everything? Players/customers are supposed to be working for free to tell Devs how to do their job and what is broken? I've played other games before. This community as a whole is toxic. PVE'ers included! If the devs fixed alot of the loopholes, it would drive those types of…
  • Your ideas are rather selfish.
  • Do you think if something new is given to pvp players that it somehow detracts from your wants? When a new mod is released do you ever have doubts there will be something new for PVE? You guys have all of these dungeons, plenty to choose from yet you treat pvpers like we have no right to ask for anything new. Sounds like…
  • Funny thing is, there are plenty of toxic pve'ers too. The ones that exploit dungeons, kick people before they can loot. I know, join a guild but right now people just want to farm Tiamat 24-7. Not everyone in a guild is on the same page as everyone else. I feel that PVE'ers try a little too hard to make themselves out to…
  • Putting refinement on the zen store was a bad idea. Those blood rudies wouldnt even put a dent in refining for how much the average consumer is willing to pay. Coalescent wards are ridiculous to obtain now.
  • Of all the things to nerf...
  • I like the graphics. Once D&D player but that's not why I joined. Just a new MMO to check out. PVP is fun and never gets old because the players make it fun and challenging. The dungeons are fun too. Still enjoy running tier 2's. Tiamat is, okay. Sick of doing it.
  • PVE and PVP belong in the game. If pvpers get something new...it's something we've waited a year for. PVE content is released each and everytime so you guys are never left out. Why act as though if pvpers get a little something it's bad for pve'ers when clearly it's not? PVPers are forced to run Tiamat for updated weapons.…