Got a Hero of the North Pack, got a successful purchase everything. Even got a "transaction successfully completed" message. Also got "There was an error processing your transaction of Hero of the North Founders' Pack." and can't change my title. wat.
There's this guy here to see you, says he's from the most cosmopolitan city in the multiverse, says he's from the Athar and would like to have a word with you. >_> Even in canon D&D, a cleric can get powers without a deity, they just have to believe in something. I've always wanted to play a cleric who believed that in…
Eberron's religions have a bit more verisimilitude in that the gods never actually appear themselves (though worshippers will tell you otherwise), and there are a lot of non-deity specific religions. Rather than D&D's typically standard henotheist setup, Eberron opts to have a wide variety of religions, such as the…