That is the point, you should still be killable, otherwise Transcend Soulforged will be the new GodMode. But I have to agree with you that it's underperforming. When SF procs even with CC immunity, you can get caught in a large AOE, a stray at-will hit, trip on your feet and hit your head on a rock? What about added 50%…
Why even chase a kill! It's way more fun to camp a back node, smash a cocky [insert class] in the face... sit back relax while he runs to the potion. He's bound to come back so you just repeat the process. Yes, I'm lazy like that. But hey, I got the node!
I say when I enter PvP, if I was playing a TR, my default move was to skip ahead and backcap. If a bunch of red people are manning the flag, I might get a good challenge (or I'm screwed) If there's a poor Bambi all alone, he's screwed. If I do my job nicely and the rest of the team happens screw themselves with a poking…