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  • This is not true. If you find a cheap-to-make resource that sells well at auction you can make profit in AD, which can be easily converted to gold by buying trash rares for 3-4k and vendoring them, with AD profit left over.
  • There's a key difference between these, though. Gear farmers sell the loot to other players who already have AD. The net AD in the system stays the same (it actually goes down due to the Auction House fees). Meanwhile someone running Leadership tasks is actually bringing new Astral Diamonds into the economy. So apparently…
  • I really enjoy the feel of Alchemy but as others are saying I really question if it's worth the time in the long run. Healing and rejuvenation potions aren't worth it vs vendor potions. just on gold cost alone. I'm not even taking into account the time and logistics. You'd be better off running Patrol the Mines if you want…
  • Although in fact the thread you linked to is full of people saying it's still bugged after checking for auto-refine, so...
  • I saw someone post this on the NW reddit, how does this relate to what's being discussed here regarding Armor Penetration? It's one of the responses to this thread if you want to have a look.
  • I didn't watch it 100% of the time...there were definitely some kills where I didn't get anything. However I disagree that this is the only useful info to be gathered from the experiment. Yes, this shows that running the quest is not "as rewarding as it could possibly be" which is real problem. But net results are also…
  • I like the snarky comments on the chests and "resource nodes" My findings: Level 32 TR net XP 2220 Net Coin 7.62 Silver Item drops: 2 green, 1 white equipment, 1 green 2 white enchants, 2 potions, 1 scroll didn't think to time my run unfortunately. You should suggest providing this kind of info in the review.
  • That's useful info, thanks! To me that would suggest that the item-drop nerf is actually much more important than the XP nerf at high levels. Presumably harder=takes longer, so hitting the XP caps would be less likely. But, since you need to be able to recoup costs for resources and time, losing out on items would be more…
  • The problem is there are just so many variables that could potentially affect the XP you get. I have to assume that everyone is accurately reporting their results because really, why wouldn't they? So for instance, this morning I quickly tried out A Visit From the Underdark and went from roughly level 19.6 to 20.3. Most of…
  • Doing it that way would make sense to me. Sort of a diminishing returns thing for killing identical mobs again and again. Now, if a linear dungeon of encounters with a solo/elite at the end isn't giving reasonable drops/xp, that is terrible since that is basically what most of the in-game content is from what I've seen so…
  • I think it would be great for people who frequently play Foundry to post some pre/post-nerf specifics so we can see how bad it really is.
  • Okay, good to know, thanks! Can you point me in the direction of some of good empirical posts so I can find out more specifics? I'm following various "Foundry Nerf" threads on this forum and they quickly turn into arguments about whether they should or should not have made the changes. EDIT: I fouhd this thread…
  • I'm not trying argue with you, but what is this based on? Do we know anything concrete about how Foundry XP has been changed?
  • Do we actually know what the adjustments are? I see a lot of people saying that they "went too far" or have otherwise destroyed the viability of doing real foundry quests but as far as I know all we have is the patch notes saying "Foundry experience has been tweaked for balancing purposes" and an admin post stating that it…