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  • > @"trace#7852" said: > The list of bugs after yesterday's patch is too long to list. Can't switch accounts now without unloading the entire game. Used to take 15 minutes to invoke on 50 alts, now takes almost an hour. Keep getting booted out of game at random times, usually right before end chest on dungeons or right…
  • The hunt system that launched with Chult and exists in later mods randomly populates rare variants of critters in specific places on the map. Some of them have roam paths and some are stationary. These special variants have special indicators. They are 5 stars, usually have a yelloeing poster icon next to ther names and…
  • I don't think there is any point trying to shield new players from chat. It is what it is. However, I agree that heroics with a "floating" start time should get a fixed time. Back in EE, we had to keep track of end times of the big heroics in each zone and it was awful. Most people don't know that the timer is 60min from…
  • @zdravk01 To answer your question directly, the timer shows fast queue times because some classes/roles, get in as soon as they queue; namely, healers and tanks. If you try to queue on a class/role not highlighted as needed then you get added to a group that is waiting in a queue for the needed person(s) to queue too. The…
  • I too found out the hard way. Agree with you 100%.
  • Xbox just got a free add on that gives 200zen per account. And you can have several accounts. They have done this before. Seems to me like someone knows how to inject zen into the economy. Just sayin. And, to state the obvious, Cryptic *could* set up accounts that are run by them for the sole purpose of tweaking the…
  • @thefiresidecat it wouldn't be the first time they make a sweeping change that causes community-wide upset.
  • The zax backlog is not a problem so much as a symptom. It reflects the fact that a significan part of the player base does not buy Zen and then trade it for AD. The reasons for this are many and varied. The topic has been discussed ad nauseum. In my view, since CW joined, Cryptic has been deliberately exacerbating the…
  • I craft. I don't spend on mw crafting unless it can generate wealth for me. Gold crafting is a wealth generator. Crafting items to sell on the AH generates wealth (mat and gold costs turn into more AD for me than it costs to make the item). My personal in-game wealth has grown by around 20M strictly through MW selling and…
  • @"hadestemplar#9918" I would not play the game if your changes were implemented. Would you really be willing to pay $ for the things you propose? Remember, this would be an ongoing expense. The game is practically unplayable to me without vip12 perks. I'd sooner quit. And with ESO becoming F2P on Game Pass, xbox players…
  • @thefiresidecat I expect whatever rework is coming will be bundled with a new vip scheme. This was briefly raised in the cdp and is in keeping with the types of end to end overhaul the game has been getting. The deliberate inflation and introduction of updated lockboxes for AD de facto mean: 1. AD sink that helps balance…
  • The ingredients are a random drop from zen bought profession supplies boxes. You can look for the relevant items on the AH but supplies are scarce. Also, iirc you have to look under Misc in the AH
  • @plasticbat I was just about to edit my post to correct that. Thought my favors were wiped but they are still there. I find that UI very confusing. I wish there was a row under the personal progress counter that showed the amount of ZF I have and the cap. That would make things so much clearer, in my opinion. I guess it's…
  • @"cfears#6513" I knew about it from reading somewhere from some pc player and still forgot to claim around 10k favors on more than one character. You are 100% justified in your expectation and this is absolutely either the design team's fault (oversight) or deliberate decision. Either way, don't look for sympathy here on…
  • @"vaultingfrog#2497" you misunderstood my post completely. I don't know how to better explain myself. I demanded no free anything. Only gave feedback and asked that the UI design be improved. Addressed to the devs. That's it.
  • Did you read my original post? I addressed that. @kreatyve Let me try and put it a different way. The fact that you can take preemptive action to protect against a mishap does not mean the system should not have built in safeguards (especially when it is easy and cheap to code them). Wards now have the option to require…
  • Yeah...this is why I stay away from the forums. Clearly I was asking to be told how to better play my game. Not. I don't click the joystick because it only sorts the bag I am in and I don't use one bag with everything but see each bag separately. So I use the sort option and I select the bags I want sorted. Most of the…
  • Make inventory scrolling easier/faster on console. Area of Impact: UI and options/settings menu When trying to attach items to a mail or donate to the guild coffer, the scrolling often becomes a nightmare, especially if your professions materials bag is pretty full. This problem is most noticeable when interacting with the…
  • I'd like to be able to turn the chickens in to the SH food vendor and just get a food item instead
  • Putting this here in case anyone does a search and looks this up. The trick to those jumps is to press and hold A until you land. It is really really important to long press. Makes a huge difference to surviving the lava. I don't know if it's due to lag or something else but it works. One jump at a time. Don't try to rush…
  • > @"jules#6770" said: > (Quote) > I know, I read it. Is that the general principle? Where will we find the posts? Spelldazers posts were put into XBOX iirc. My posts were put there at my request since I play on xbox. There should be a CDP-specific thread for the non-toxic off topics discussions. Although, I personally do…
  • I don't understand the insistence on deleting off topic posts. What will happen to them isn't clear either.
  • I was going to write about CDP expectations and purpose, but I've yet to do that and I'm not sure I want to because I don't think we can get the level of insight we'd like due to lack of NDA etc. and we might be highly disappointed to learn the reality of what this "discussion group" can ultimately expect to achieve. As…
  • I've actually started going to my laptop for the sake of the CDP but it's an inconvenience. I play on an xbox. A PC is just not part of my life, really. If the metadata approach is adopted then each CDP would start out with maybe 5 top level categories. Easy and intuitive to adhere to and also easy to correct after…
  • @"oremonger#9999" Ireally like your suggestions and I'd love to have dropdowns and templates but honestly, sometimes less is more. The form should not be such a huge issue, in my view. Also, I do most of my forum reading and posting on a phone. The editor options are very limited.
  • CDP3Spelldazer3 #Format #Scoping Proposal: Hold a mini pre-CDP phase for identifying common themes and top topics Prior to a CDP, for no more than two-three days, open up the problem space for input. Posts shall be no more than 2 sentences long, no discussion to follow, just high level thoughts--one per post, text must be…
  • Proposal: Add “manual metadata” to posts for ease of reference. Value proposition: Require each post in the CDP to have a header that includes pre-defined and user-defined tags. These can be edited in by mods if contributors fail to enter them sufficiently/correctly, but it should be very easy for authors to maintain on…
  • Public apology to Chris if my words in PM came across as a threat. They certainly were not meant as such. I hope that was cleared up in PM too. I will post some further feedback about the CDP later, just wanted to get this out here ASAP. I have nothing but respect for Chris and what he is doing.
  • While studying Design Thinking, I complained to an instructor that the devs I was working with were limiting their customer engagements to online forums and refusing to do any proper research because they "don't have time". The instructor agreed with me but pointed out that ANY engagement with actual customers is better…
  • Funny, I read the official statement to mean box was working as intended. They developed a lockbox with odds that can be updated after release, but forgot to deactivate it for this release. They don't want us learning the odds on preview and need a way to adjust loot to supply and demand. That's how I understand it anyway..