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  • Because a game is gonna try and make money. Lots of now are f2p with a shop to buy things. I can't fault a company for that. It also means you either take what you get when you get it for free, or, you pay to do what you want. Either way, it's not the company's fault for trying to make a buck to pay for their FREE TO PLAY…
  • The game is f2p.. not free to WIN... Put some thought into your character... plan for end game in your choices... or spend money to respect, or re-roll and do what you should have done to begin with.
  • and I said the same in another thread; pvp kills games. The minute a game goes with PVP, every kid comes out wanting to pwn every other kid and if they can't, they whine how weak their class is whether it's true or not (mostly not). Then the developers jump through hoops, nerf this, buff that, and everyone else leaves.…
  • I'm not saying a dagger across the throat doesn't kill you as fast as a big sword cleaving your guts out. That is why rogues usually get the good crit stats and faster attack rate in games, to balance the damage of the lower base damage weapons. Hit once for a big chunk, or, hit a number times with stacked damage and…
  • Armor has nothing to do with weapon. A big sword slicing you apart SHOULD do more damage than a dagger stuck to your ribs, or, at the least, the same (for the sake of a game). It's just the nature of the weapon.
  • Only thing I hate about these posts are it's the pvp'rs that are whining! "I can't gank anyone with my class... waaaaaaaaa" PVP kills games! The minute a game says PVP, every kid comes out of the woodwork wanting to kill everyone else and if they can't it's whine whine whine.
  • I wouldn't even nerf the rogue, simply bump up the GWF dps a bit so that initially it is ON PAR with a rogue. It just doesn't seem right that a rogue with dual daggers does more dps then big sword cleaving your guts. As the skills get higher, they balance out, it's just the initial I have problems with for GWF.
  • I wouldn't even nerf the rogue, simply bump up the GWF dps a bit so that initially it is ON PAR with a rogue. It just doesn't seem right that a rogue with dual daggers does more dps then big sword cleaving your guts. As the skills get higher, they balance out, it's just the initial I have problems with for GWF.
  • Two things about the OP... First, MANY of us don't even PVP... so whining about how you can't go around ganking a class because they ganked YOU reallllly doesn't mean much to many of us. I don't CARE about pvp, and nerfing this or buffing that because a bunch of kids want to run around ganking each other is what drove me,…