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Once again, another MMO where the Devs have a love affair with Rogues.

monarrchmonarrch Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 164 Bounty Hunter
edited May 2013 in PvE Discussion
I dont know what this disease is but for some reason I can find an MMO where Rogues, for some reason aren't freaking ridiculous. What is it? Cause you guys grew up wanting to be ninjas when you were little? What? Why is it that this class is allowed to do so much damage, lock people out of their hot bars, have ranged abilities as well all while being difficult to kill? Explain this to me.

Know what I am seeing today in the Battlegrounds? Rogues running around WITH NO ARMOR ON! YES...NONE! Ya know why? Because they have a point to prove. In their little world they think they are so good that they dont need armor or stat bonuses to kill you, and ya know what..they are 100% RIGHT!

Fix this garbage. I for one am sick to death of this Rogue obsession every single MMO seems to have. Balance this <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>!
Post edited by monarrch on


  • killzionkillzion Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Rogues are fine. The issue is other classes need considerable buffs.
  • ragerblade82ragerblade82 Member Posts: 42
    edited May 2013
    can't beat them join them. They are not going to balance it. No mmo does. So sit back and roll a rogue. It is fun easy, and I own all classes because I am a better player now.
  • lucious3lucious3 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    YAWN, yet another **** that needs to LTP! Let me guess, you pvp solo and do not play with a organized team and expect to kill every thing and everyone by your self. DO NOT expect to kill a rogue by yourself 1 vs 1, that is what they specialize in, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!

    You Sir are the disease and You Sir are ridiculous.
  • mythrildragonmythrildragon Member Posts: 138 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    rogues are NOT fine, i was lagging with 2k ping and i was still questing i just move into a group and hold down left click, when the game caught up things were all dead. 2/3 thier current dps woudl be about right, they are a striker class after all.

    we don't want another Thief Wars 2...do we?

  • alan0n79alan0n79 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    can't beat them join them. They are not going to balance it. No mmo does. So sit back and roll a rogue. It is fun easy, and I own all classes because I am a better player now.

    Isnt it sweet how that works? You just roll a rogue and your a leet player. My favorite class feature that one.
  • tyler23434tyler23434 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Of course the dev teams prefer the rouge class. How does this surprise you? Did you skip the opening "lol look at how awesome rouges are" video aka new cinematic
  • spellwardenspellwarden Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 357 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    what I love is that there still are alot of rogues on the forums complaining about other classes. I need some valor for a weapon. Beyond that I am staying away from PvP. I cant be bothered leveling a rogue, since the first 35 levels are booring.
  • derresshderressh Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    TR vs GF 1v1. TR gets absolutely destroyed.
  • neocom2aneocom2a Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tyler23434 wrote: »
    Of course the dev teams prefer the rouge class. How does this surprise you? Did you skip the opening "lol look at how awesome rouges are" video aka new cinematic

    You mean the one where the "sexy elfish rogue" accidently shadowstepped right into the clawes of that undead ogre thing? Yeah ...totally awesome.
  • zulendarzulendar Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I once killed 12 rouges in a row - it was a mascara
  • tyler23434tyler23434 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Screen time and kills man. The gf what barrels into some trash mobs for a scene while the tr is fighting a boss. Seems like a good foreshadowing if how the game is going to be played.
  • stereoblindxstereoblindx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 246 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    zulendar wrote: »
    I once killed 12 rouges in a row - it was a mascara

    I lol'd

    10 characters
  • deurkier1deurkier1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 70
    edited May 2013
    Stop crying and learn to play your class :cool:
  • deathtrap82deathtrap82 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I really wish PvP hadn't made it into the game. They really need to just put a 4e primer in the game for people to read so they understand the difference between a Defender, Controller, Leader, and Striker. A rogue is a striker - that means they're all about DPS. If they can catch you, they should be able to rip you apart. If you can stay away, they're basically harmless. It's called dodging. Learn it.
  • vklorthovklortho Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    From my vast repertoire of experience as a level 37 CW, I must say that 1v1 Rogues are a joke if you have even the least bit of awareness to avoid their attacks. On the other hand I am not scared of enemy Wizards because our damage is overall pretty poor in my opinion. However when a Wizard and a Rogue form that very special bond and learn to work together then magic happens.
  • aeriocaerioc Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This obsession you speak of does not ring well with me, since its just not the case. I can name at least 3 right off the top of my head where rogues are not OP. Such a subjective term, overpowered. Maybe your game experience isn't up to cuff yet? CW can own rogues! Or were you upset because you kept being outkilled by rogues in almost every group you ran with? Such petty matters really.
    Let us pray for AD and be happy.
  • antiviolenc3antiviolenc3 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    yogovera wrote: »
    There's no point, game's going to be dead in less than a month. No balance or polish.

    As much as I hate to say this, it's kinda true. Not in a month definitely.
  • twelvetonetwelvetone Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So tired of seeing post like this... Rogues themselves are classes that require high dps towards a single target or else nothing gets done in the game. They have a few aoe spells, but they pale in comparison to the wizard or cleric. If you have a problem with them then you are an idiot. Yes, in pvp they will be good because they focus 1 target down. If you were smart then you would get a control wizard army to cc them to hell or an army of GF's. Get over it, you chose a class that was not meant for single target damage, we did.
  • wolfzilvawolfzilva Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 167
    edited May 2013
    I'm just waiting for all the WoW babies to leave...
  • sinetronsinetron Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Only thing I hate about these posts are it's the pvp'rs that are whining!

    "I can't gank anyone with my class... waaaaaaaaa"

    PVP kills games! The minute a game says PVP, every kid comes out of the woodwork wanting to kill everyone else and if they can't it's whine whine whine.
  • wolfzilvawolfzilva Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 167
    edited May 2013
    i really think games should do away with pvp based gear it kills pvp more then helps it cause they don't have to work for gear to compete its just handed to them though a pvp currency...
  • ltricutlltricutl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    pvp in this game is garbage. but then again its a pve game so thats expected. but yes i do see lots of half naked rogues running around.
  • iconxxxxiconxxxx Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    stop QQing man... rogues are fine l2p :)
  • idontcomehereidontcomehere Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 156 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I think Rogues are just a symptom of a bigger disease.
    1. Because its a 'rogue', its always assumed they will be a high damage character thats the best at 1v1 combat, they fight dirty and have stealth, its universal.
    2. High dps is supposed to make someone the best pvp class.

    I hear that a lot "of course the rogue wins, they're a striker!", but they're supposed to be frail too.. high dmg/low armor hitting low armor/high damage, the numbers should be somewhere in the middle dont you think ? IMO, looking at HP and Defense % and how amazing dodging is, rogues are too durable, just by the numbers. They always use stealth for offense too, you'd think it would be an escape but its not, they always use it for killing, while GWF very often use their Unstoppable to ESCAPE. If rogues were frail enough, they'd think twice about using their special for 100% offense, might have to save it for defense.

    2 facts to consider.
    1. no MMO is balanced at launch, especially 'action' ones.
    2. The balance changes based on your bracket, a few levels can make or sink some classes at some points, wait till your max, it SHOULD even out by then. Scaling is not the same as balancing in that case.
  • purutzilpurutzil Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lucious3 wrote: »
    YAWN, yet another **** that needs to LTP! Let me guess, you pvp solo and do not play with a organized team and expect to kill every thing and everyone by your self. DO NOT expect to kill a rogue by yourself 1 vs 1, that is what they specialize in, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!

    You Sir are the disease and You Sir are ridiculous.
    Let me guess, another person playing a powerful class and attributing it to skill rather then the way the class is and attempting the very poor "LTP" complaint as a backlash. Seriously, igorance is NOT bliss, despite what the song below states (to make it more light hearted)


    Honestly away from ignorance and to the subject, the issue is the way they wanted to make the class. Its meant to do good damage while having tools basically for control and survivability. While they can do work to balance it, the issue is just that in its design its just not very balanced to begin with. Much like a CW (which does insane damage for providing control) its mostly the issue of having ways of balancing survivability with its control/escapes.

    Rogues by design are just rather a cheap class. Old games had them being much more tactical and with games focusing more on action, it makes their work more instantaneous and thus making them stronger then they should be.
    GWF level 60 (Beholder) - The pains of leveling!
    Cleric level 5X (Dragon) - Holy goblin so much easier!
  • arcinetharcineth Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Go make friends with a GF. We obliterate the little gremlins.
  • banicksbanicks Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 66
    edited May 2013
    The "no armor on" thing is most likely their formal dress - nothing - but they still receive full stats from their combat gear. So calm down sweetie pie, they're not naked.

    As for the rogue overpopulation, it's quite normal, they're the easiest class by far to solo and progress through content. But once they reach end game, unless they're guilded they will find it difficult to attain any level of gear. There are what appear to be over 80% population of rogues whenever I take a quick headcount of Protectors. Watching zone chat reveals more than a plentyful amount of low GS TRs trying to find groups for epics.

    So if you want the easy path of DPS, rogue is definitely for you providing you accept end game is practically a long wait time riding around in circles. I think you would find a group slightly easier as GF DPS, CW or CD DPS.
    Oceanic Neverwinter Online Guild: http://19thbattalion.com/
  • thunderspankerthunderspanker Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 713 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    In order to put the DnD name on it, it must follow the rules set forth in the new ruleset.. there is no way around that.. Its the law lol.. This is a pve game with pvp in it.. it isnt up to Cryptic or PW to balance it.. That falls to the ruleset, and that is clearly defined. If you want to complain at someone, Wizards of the Coast wrote the rules.. :)
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    On one side of the mountain, there were bones...
  • exshinexshin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have no idea why people complain about balancing issues with new games. No MMO has ever gotten PvP balanced immediately. Honestly if you're going to bring up huge imbalances, give us examples and numbers. Just yelling out "****** IS SO OP" doesn't help at all. Constructive feedback helps improve games, not whining and crying.

    Also stop assuming that the class you choose is entitled to steamroll everything in its path because you want it to, it doesn't work like that. Figuring out strategies that can counter and/or lock down others is part of PvP. Control + medium damage is greater than high damage + no control.
  • arthas22arthas22 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I play a CW with a friend (he's DC). When we pvp rogues can't do **** to us, they come, they die. You just need to focus them for a couple of seconds and you got someone nerd raging at home. Learn to play your classes it's as simple as that. They all have their strengths and weaknesses just need to know them.
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