Unless I misunderstood, and that suggestion is instead to effectively turn Pres Wards into a currency, and remove all chance from the refinement process? In which case, again... Why would Coal Wards need to exist? .
It WOULD work that way if the system of automatic success at the maximum chance as suggested above were implemented. So, as suggested, if a 5% chance were guaranteed success after 20 Pres Wards, the same rule would mean that a 1% chance would be guaranteed on the 100th Pres Ward... BUT might be achieved at any point in the…
This. Even with the 3%, 100 Pres Wards is a better long term strategy than Coal Wards for anything other than 1%. I think I've probably had 2 or maybe 3 go past 100 (never by a huge amount) and I've more than made up for those losses by hitting a 3% in under 30 a couple of times.
So, basically doing away with Coal Wards? Or making them considerably cheaper than 100 Pres Wards? Since the lowest refinement probability in the game is 1% (or 1 in 100) the most Pres Wards you would need to use would be 100 before being granted automatic success. So since 100 Pres Ward = 1000 Zen, 1 Coal Ward = 1000 Zen.…
Agreed, as long as it glitch free it's no big deal. If there are any glitch issues with stuff not converting to Unbound when the timer runs down, for instance, people will rightly be annoyed. Something that deals with an issue so directly linked to cash spending has to be damn near perfect first time, every time. It's not…
No, but this is new code, and in 7 days, or whatever, that temporary status will change, so I assume the item's default state is Unbound, with a temporary flag on it set to a timer. I'm asking if that has been taken into account during the design of the temporary flag code. It may well be that they are creating a whole new…
Well, I agree with most of what you said, but not this part, (and this is another reason Salvage NEEDED nerfing) I would quite often get to the point where I had upwards of 1Mill rAD sitting across various characters' banks, meaning that I could spend a whole week or more doing nothing more than logging in, invoking, and…
This was my first thought. You create the potential to hamper your whales if they can't offload as they go. Personally, I couldn't care less. I don't get enough good drops to worry about selling stuff, and mot of my loot gets converted for RP, if I do get something I can wait and waiting will soon/eventually become normal.…
Number 1 has LONG been a request. Even back before Strongholds people have asked for Player Housing. Maybe one day... if we all clap our hands and repeat "I DO believe in Faeries". The others are all good ideas, but I doubt they will do the Toybox, as those are the things that help slowly fill up Bags and make us buy more.…
The tooltip may be off slightly, but by a magnitude of 30? It's so far from accurate that instead of 90% it's closer to 3%? But in some strange way that's not a constant, it's just for certan people, at certain times? Get real. And no, I can't state specifically what those odds were, but I CAN state that Trophies were…
Yeah, I've had bad luck with refining. Didn't impact on whether I wanted to work toward new, better, gear that would also need refining because I understand that THAT is how the game works. They're not suddenly dropping this on us as some shock surprise. "New Gear coming with new level Cap" is not going to surprise anyone,…
It is if you are trying to make a point about how expensive it is if you do so, and as a consequence the game is forcing us to refine new gear which is apparently not a good thig. Otherwise, no, you're right its generally cheaper to burn enchants instead.
Hold on a moment... That is a REAL statistical outlier though. I mean... seriously BIG numbers of misfortune. 30 misses at 90% is statistically 30 hits at 10% Or, as it is otherwise known. 1 in 10 to the power of 30 You understand that the odds of that are, literally... 1000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000:1 against,…
Leveling's hard for a Paladin? Is it? At what point in the levelling process is it hard for Paladins? Yeah, OK, they don't do as much damage, but most things don't have that many hit points. I don't see being a veritable brick wall, but not doing as much flat DPS as a disadvantage. It's a trade off. It might take them a…
The new system has 43 boons in total. The current system has about 122. So at face value we are "losing a lot of choice". BUT... many of those 122 duplicate the same effect as many others. (How many of the standard campaign boons currently offer a flat +XX Power, or Recovery, or Crit, or... you get the idea?) I'm too lazy…
I agree. I understand the need for simplicity in designing content. Make the brief too complicated and you run the risk of some people losing interest before they start. BUT... content still needs to have a grounding in simple logic. Given how often the guys driving the delivery wagons dump the stuff outside the main gate…
Now who has an overinflated sense of their own opinion? Neither of us have said this is going to be great. In fact I've repeatedly said that if it is HAMSTER I will say so, based on the factcs when it goes live/preview. You've suddenly gone from slagging the opinions of the "uber rich" having learned that that term doesn't…
I 100% agree with the first 4 words of that statement. After that, you lost me. Your comment to @adinosii previously was in direct response to their comment about a change which they have already stated several times that they completely disagree with and hope will be stopped and how we as a community of players can try to…
Have to say, just from the point of view of conveying the information, I preferred the way the first raft all just stuck to the point, got the information across, and didn't spend more time trying to sound like "Hey, buddies, this is some of the GREAT new groovy stuff we are all going to love in the upcoming major drastic…
You know that @adinosii is part of the alpha test and is privy to the actual information, and details of the changes, right? You don't mind people just making HAMSTER up and passing off subjective guesswork as objective truth, that's fine... no rebuke from you for random outrage at half truth analysis. But someone who…
They're not removing dailies and encounters. Just slowing down the rate at which they can fire. If you really get bored that quickly, maybe don't fire them all at once and leave one for that 4 or 5 second mark when your attention begins to wander? And yeah, as to this all being a sneaky plan to get us to play solo content…
Try and also remember that none of the changes we have been so far told about are being made in isolation. Everything about character creation, advancement and growth is being changed. So don't be surprised if additional Encounter powers or even at-wills are given some form of Lifesteal effect for the squishier DPS…
You're funny. You say that you argue the gist of posts you haven't read, and then talk about blithe ignorance. There's a word for that. It's "Hypocrite" I don't care who or what you trust. That's down to your own insecurities, and no amount of advising you to wait and see what actually happens before MAMSTERting the bed…
There needs to be a balance between Farmers and Buyers to keep the zen-ad exchange active. I don't buy much Zen with cash because a) I am tight fisted, and b) there's nothing I want to buy. I farm as many ADs as I can, but since the cap change I don't have as many. Hopefully the new Professions will see me get closer to…
I'm guessing you don't often max out the 100k per day? I use my gold, I have a lot saved up, but if I didn't then I would much prefer selling it for 300 AD a piece, (given how easy Platinum Bowls and blue gear drops) than running dungeons for ROUGH astral diamonds. Having something you don't use that you, basically,…
On characters and immediate plans, I have 10 characters, 2 that I "main" for end game dungeons, and the other 8 in the 11-13k range (since I'm in a low level guild and don't; have loads of free IL), whom I play when the mood takes me. I'm going to hold off on any new major purchases or big targets till mod 16 is live; AD…
In answer to the question about rerolls... Since paragons are morphing wildly, and feat trees are merging and changing, Powers are changing and pretty much everything about the basic character creation will be impacted in some way, whether by massive factors or tiny increments, I'm going to take a chance here and say...…
You don't have to start over. You just have a new goal to aim for. I know some people think that's bad, but I'm happy to say it; "I don't care." If L71-80 isn't your thing stay in Barovia and Chult. I said several times, I didn't see a need for a new level cap, but people with far more understanding of the game than any of…
I know I'm only speculating here, and why use common sense when outrage seems so easy, but... Maybe... just maybe... Some of the concerns people have over Lifesteal, Recovery, Boons, Gear with now defunct stats and on and on... Maybe... Some of these points were considered during the overhaul and addressed? For instance. I…
I don't want to get bogged down in linguistic semantics, but even if you start a sentence with "I find" and then go to say "May be tired of." you are still speculating. (You didn't FIND that there will be new gear... it's right there in front of your eyes, it wasn't lost or hidden, it took no effort to uncover, the…