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  • in a game where healing pots amount to so much healing, plus you can have a healing companion, plus you can gear for life steal on any character... then yes, clerics DO need to have a selling point imo. i don't really want to deviate from the original thread much, but saying that a cleric shouldn't be required for end game…
  • my main problem, and i guess the main problem of most of the people that argue against rez scrolls is raid encounters. in all mmo's, there are two stages in raids/larger dungeons/whatever you call them: progression and farm. sure, in house the devs said that they can do the content, the question is can they do it in fresh…
  • the way aggro USED to be meassured was a form of AI: you do a lot of damage->the mob "hates" you. you do a lot of healing? the same. then there is a player-forced aggro which is the role of the tank. think of it like if a rogue simply stabs a mob, then the tank not only stabs him, but also saying things about the mobs…
  • some things about DC here: http://nwowiki.co/index.php?title=Devoted_Cleric there is the complete feat list in the above link, even after lvl 30, the feats that do modify playstyle (and not just enhance it by a bit) are limited to a 1-digit number (repurpose soul, cleanse, power of the sun, second sight, disciple, cycle of…
  • i agree that the choices seem kinda fake, at least for the cleric. the feats don't do much, i mean 1%crit or 1%more healing/damage is kinda the same thing. there ARE a few exceptions like the feat where your crits heals for a portion of the damage, but those are also quite limited, both in number and also in functionality…
  • no, everyone is saying that a class without ANY form of mitigration (50% reduced selfhealing and etc) can't handle ~5-10mobs that charge+stun as they spawn. your idea that "other" party members protect the cleric would be valid if somehow those "other" classes could get aggro OFF the cleric. when not even the tank with…
  • i still don't understand why you keep spamming this idea when it is clear that it wont work (you can read why on the answer in the thread you linked). seriously, first play a cleric and then you will see WHY it wont work for yourself.
  • as i said in another post: i don't mind clerics healing as much as they do now: atm, their heals are useful to top people up and to sustain them, pots in a normal dungeon run are used when people fail to dodge or when they take spike damage, so both are useful. what i DO mind is that clerics sacrifice too much for those…
  • rogues are good at what they do, dps. the reason that they seem OP is because the other classes are /meh at what they are supposed to do. tanks are mediocre at best, they can keep aggro on one target alright but with multiple adds in almost all of their fights it is almost impossible to aggro them all. then comes into play…
  • wrong post soz
  • it still wouldn't work. if anything, it would be worse. the reason is that we need to attack to build up divine since we really rely on divine to heal for any amount of damage (divine+firgemaster's, divine +aoe heal, divine+knockback, simple divine and channelling our right click and etc) as everything in this game,…
  • i'm not high level either, but so far, keeping people alive through a combination of ae heals, forgemasters and seal is pretty easy. the way i see it just using divinity forgemasters and in emergency either the divinity knockback or the divinity ae heal is very efficient. the hard (and stupid) part is that you take up all…