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BWE 3 almost over and Clerics need help urgently!

silvernine84silvernine84 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 104 Bounty Hunter
edited March 2013 in The Temple
Clerics are currently the worst and most useless class:

1) they constantly remove agro with their heals and are first to die in high level dungeons. Even when specialized for agro reduction, there is no way to stay alive in high level dungeons. Grouping chances from fighting the dungeon monsters to get the critters off the cleric. This is with a guardian using his best taunts.

2) they die too easily. We have no way to mitigate damage except for pushing mobs away or rooting. Many mobs are immune to these effects at higher level. We can't heal ourselves because 75% of our self heals are reduced.

3) their heals provide a minor contribution to the party at the cost of DPS and control. My highest heal is for approximately 1000 HP when everyone has about 10k HP. That does not sound bad but I can cast that heal once every 20 seconds and it takes a 4 second cast time. I have one AE heal that does about 400 HP every 11 seconds and then a HOT that heals about 700 over 30 seconds. Hopefully you can see based upon the heal to max HP ratio, our heals are pretty lame.

4) healing potions are a more effective cleric. You can use a healing lotion that heals 5k HP every 5 seconds with no casting time. Since we have nothing to spend gold on, you can buy all of these potions to your heart's content. These are not the best potions either.

5) gameplay at level 12 is extremely similar to gameplay at level 50. You are using the same abilities in the same way with minimal opportunities to play your class differently.

6) in PVP, we are useless. Worst at survivability, worst at DPS, worst at control. Rogues can take 90% of our HP in one hit and I can't do anything about it. No mitigation, no healing, just death. Our heals are inconsequential. Healing potions again are the best alternative. With so few classes in can't believe deva messed up balance so badly.

7) they have no basic cleric abilities. No Heal spell, no resurrect, no summoning, no blade barrier, no command. Neverwinter can't be called D&D because it is missing 90% of 4e abilities.

8) there is only one paragon path, "oracle," and it seems focused on DPS. Again, lack of customization.

9) rogues are best at DPSing, guardians are best at taking agro and mitigating damage, wizards are best at crowd control, and clerics suck at healing. There is no trinity - the healing portion of trinity has been replaced by potions.

Overall, I recommend no one make a cleric if you want to be effective. With the game set for release in early May, it is unlikely that these issues will be fixed before release.
Hadekin Unavailable
Seer of Seers, Sage of Sages, Prognosticator of Prognosticators,
The Boss of the Applesauce, Dwarven Cleric Extraordinaire...

Athkatla Arranaur, eat your heart out you gelatinous giant rat!
Post edited by silvernine84 on


  • the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 1
    edited March 2013
    It does seem to be pretty bad, I hate the targeting system myself. Can't target the right person to heal them in the dungeon and wander around wondering why I'm even in there. I know it's not because I'm a healer honestly. Thank goodness I geared for DPS because there would be no other use for me.

    Every time i try to heal in a party situation the same thing happens as when I try to target a mob in the background, something gets in the way every single time. With healing tho there is no margin for error. If someone gets in the way of a directed heal that person is most likely dead if they are relying on you.
  • klaw10klaw10 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I played a cleric solo a lot in bw2 and enjoyed it. However this weekend when I teamed it was definately not fun, lots of complaints of not healing enough, trying to avoid the whole mob charging me, annoying cooldowns.
    I think 30+ it may be better with more recharge and once everyone has lifesteal and regen but 20s need a bit of adjustment.
  • psiwuffpsiwuff Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I havent played very far during this BWE, so I can't speak for issues pertaining to late-game or pvp, but the aggro problem and being useless versus potions? Oh yes. Potions need a CD, the fights need to be rebalanced entirely so that potions are a supplement, not a cleric replacement.

    As for aggro.. I let my friend charge a group - he was a GWF - and do some damage. Then I cast healing word ONCE, and the entire group peeled and came for me almost immediately. This is broken to hell and back, and as someone who was naive enough to pay founders - because I enjoyed previous cryptic games - I do hope I get my moneys worth eventually. But right now the balance is in quite a sorry state, and it desperately needs attention.

    Its a bit messed up atm. Control wizards cant control, clerics cant heal, and GFs cant guard.
  • selonwselonw Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 258
    edited March 2013
    6) in PVP, we are useless. Worst at survivability, worst at DPS, worst at control. Rogues can take 90% of our HP in one hit and I can't do anything about it. No mitigation, no healing, just death. Our heals are inconsequential. Healing potions again are the best alternative. With so few classes in can't believe deva messed up balance so badly.

    Clerics are the best in pvp, great healing, great cc and great damage.
  • whippetmanewhippetmane Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    selonw wrote: »
    Clerics are the best in pvp, great healing, great cc and great damage.

    Heal great Please how?
    My cleric heal is so small i dont use it on myself.healing potions work so much more,there is a skill that says heals on yourself are 50 percet less,skill?its a curse tell me how thats a skill,skill means it benifits you,yes good in pvp on root kite not heal.cleric should have a heal the same as potions do,why a penalty on yourself,ok ill just use a potion,as we have all arggro we are the ones that need healing,good damage in pvp maybe ,id rather we should not,good defence yes and good heals yes be hard to take down ,im wondering do partys need clerics in them?have they been made this way so we no longer need groups with clerics in?just use a potions instead?
  • skeetz77skeetz77 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    only problem with that is unless you do dps full time, you get little glory for heals..yeah you help everyone on your team get glory by healing them and get lots of assists but that doesnt translate into glory for you.
  • freki164freki164 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Currently a lvl 27 Cleric. my gear is not to great I think.
    In terms of pvp I have been loving it!!! Use a devine heal on a party member and you can almost heal them to full health.
    I managed to stand against 3 enemy attacking me in the central node with 1 wiz helping me and we killed all 3 the entire match.
    I died once and have topped the ranking 8 times so far. having that small amount of healing helps a long way.
    forge masters flame works well with divinity as well good healing in a tough spot.

    as for pve. yes we are broken... so sick of tanking cloak tower after 1 heal...
  • ladyshaie1ladyshaie1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 109 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2013
    I mostly have a concern with the amount of agro generated by my cleric. Granted she's still only low level & will remain that way as today is the last day & my husband is working (I'll be playing my wizard). She stays alive quite well at this point, even better than my husbands GWF, but that's little consolation when I can't rez him again after he's died. I either have to find somewhere nearby to hide, stay put & fight the mobs alone until he returns or try to run back to where ever the game rezzed him at.I let him run into a group, do his thing & THEN I cast the spell on each one that heals him for every hit he makes. Unfortunately, they ALL come after me at that point, meaning he has to run after them now to hit them AND I need to start hitting them in order to keep myself alive. At one point Friday night, we had finished a fight & I'd put the HoT on him as we moved to the next group. He ran in while I went to grab an item for a quest but before I could, I had gained agro from the entire group! I'd not hit anything, nor targeted anything & I was well behind him so the only thing I can think of is that the last tick of the HoT drew them all to me. This is not acceptable for a healing class, HOWEVER if THIS cleric is not to actually be a healing class then it's probably working as intended. It might be wise to get a healing cleric into the game prior to launch though.
  • iymalaiymala Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I personally have not had an issue with keeping people alive if they are playing well. Clerics at this state cannot carry bad players... nor should they ever be able to. It is the up to the DPS to avoid aoe swaths and guardians to use their block effectively. Their taunts do work as long as the ! is above the mobs head and a good tank is able to hold agro on a singular mob easily over me (without the threat reduction talents). It is the AOE threat that normally is the hardest for everyone to manage.

    I feel like a lot of clerics are not using their divinity correctly. If you get practice at reticule targeting and play proactively you can easily keep your tank and group alive with your AOE heals (sunburst) (used out of divinity), Forgemaster's Flame (used in divinity) and Healing Word (used in divinity if you need a spike heal +regen) or out if you are just spreading hots around your group... add in Astral Shield at 50 and keeping your Astral Seals up.

    Clerics are not an easy class to play at this point and I hope that does not change. You have to be mobile, proactive and not expect to be able to carry people. My only issue with the current state of clerics is threat needs to be scaled back some... It is manageable at the moment with pots and a good group... but you are not always lucky enough to get the later. Second, the over 50% reduction to self heals (I was showing 65% reduction consistently between what I was healing my Fiance's Guardian Fighter for and myself... so it could be close to 75% reduction like people have claimed) needs to be increased. It is a bit frustrating to be able to keep everyone in the group topped off except myself. I end up using more pots than anyone else which seems a bit... backwards.
  • stormhammystormhammy Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    klaw10 wrote: »
    I played a cleric solo a lot in bw2 and enjoyed it. However this weekend when I teamed it was definately not fun, lots of complaints of not healing enough, trying to avoid the whole mob charging me, annoying cooldowns.
    I think 30+ it may be better with more recharge and once everyone has lifesteal and regen but 20s need a bit of adjustment.

    Everyone has "Lifesteal" in dungeons as long as they have a competent cleric with them.
    Just get a cleric to use the leech attack every few seconds. Also level 20s with Cleric is laughably easy. Can tank everything, consistently getting most kills in dungeons & one of the top damage even if me use level 17 gear.

    Unless level 60+ dungeons suddenly shoot up exponentially in difficulty, Clerics are easy mode.
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows./Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope.
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
  • babylonbabylon Member, Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    stormhammy wrote: »
    Everyone has "Lifesteal" in dungeons as long as they have a competent cleric with them.
    Just get a cleric to use the leech attack every few seconds. Also level 20s with Cleric is laughably easy. Can tank everything, consistently getting most kills in dungeons & one of the top damage even if me use level 17 gear.

    Unless level 60+ dungeons suddenly shoot up exponentially in difficulty, Clerics are easy mode.

    Yeah just saw your video, you have no idea what's coming. Stop talking, you're L23.
  • silvernine84silvernine84 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 104 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2013
    Yeah, it all changes at level 50 and gets progressively worse at level 30.
    Hadekin Unavailable
    Seer of Seers, Sage of Sages, Prognosticator of Prognosticators,
    The Boss of the Applesauce, Dwarven Cleric Extraordinaire...

    Athkatla Arranaur, eat your heart out you gelatinous giant rat!
  • angrynordangrynord Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Keeping other people alive in instances isnt the prob i feel, the prob is the self heal.
    First of all the heals and healers should be 10X more effective than potions, potions should be used as a OH **** button.
    Heals on self should be just as effective as on others. Didnt they realize that IF Cleric get aggro they need heals too. At this point if u gonne keep cleric up u need to bring a 2nd cleric to heal the first cleric.
  • shphgrshphgr Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    i'm not high level either, but so far, keeping people alive through a combination of ae heals, forgemasters and seal is pretty easy. the way i see it just using divinity forgemasters and in emergency either the divinity knockback or the divinity ae heal is very efficient.

    the hard (and stupid) part is that you take up all aggro almost instantly and you have to keep running around the whole boss battle...

    apart from the aggro problem, i like healing in this game more than some others, and 'ive always played healers in mmos' (and clerics in pnp^^)
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