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  • Zone chat in city... ive only had a few fail... these groups generally work out fine if you look for ppl of your same gear that have max'd cat/stone.
  • LOL read the whole section.... higher levels... you get 18 slot bag in first zone then around few more zones last bag with 12 slots. Those are NOT high level. You need more help then this guide can provide.
  • Your a CW... control is u main job, then dps. So don't compare dps!
  • Righto I get ya. And the fights I was kind of talking about would be the epic dung. fights that do take a long time (bosses). Because if we are going to be realistic anything but an augment companion atm is pretty <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> in these unless ur doing t1's. It just seems to me that, that seems to be…
  • Hey that's great... i'm not running around telling ppl they have to use augments... But even with green cleric... wouldn't it be a lot nicer if u didn't have to turn around every 5 seconds and res it? (high lvl area's and dungs) Oh and stone doesn't change ur GS
  • Well the way I see it with my cleric (10k + stone) is that if im in a group with ppl that don't stand in red circles my healing is enough and they don't need pots. I think astral shield is right the way it is now... but if the cleric is really supposed to be a support class... then we need either more boost group abilities…
  • Question... why buy gear if your never going to use it (by this I mean going into a dungeon)?
  • So u don't want to use an augment pet to get around 2000 - 2500 extra stats? Ya OK...
  • Ya, it's a pain leveling with stone out as cleric... I did it but w/e that and the cat are the only 2 pets worth having at lvl 60. I posted on another thread this idea... since augments cant die why do the other pets die... would anyone take a dps/heal pet for end game if it wouldn't die (dies when u die)?
  • First.... that fire bird (w/e its called) is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> end of story. Second all they need to do is make combat and healing pets immune to dmg... augment pets don't die... that's why they rule. The dmg pets when equipped properly do good dmg and have good abilities... but once you start playing…
  • This game really needs 10 or 15 or 20 or 25 man raids. They would add soo much appeal to NW. As is: - GG - you need to be in a guild but don't need the guild other then to be able to go there. - Dung's - guild groups may go a bit smother but a good friends list works just fine.... even trade isn't bad - PvP - no real end…
  • I know it seems like the cleric is pretty good atm for you... but in about 10 or so levels it becomes almost useless, because it just stands still and casts... this means it will stand in the wonderful red circles and get one shot... even if u could rank it up to 25 or 30 it would die very fast. I only say this because if…
  • Anyone else wish bosses had pants or shirts to drop?
  • The reason they should lower dps stats and raise def. in PvP (only) is that no one should be able to one shot or even 2 shot anyone else. There is no reason why it shouldn't take 30 - 40 seconds to kill someone. I went in today on my cleric.... lol my daily did 75% of their health or just one shot undergeared... it wasn't…
    in Why? Comment by shadowmystry July 2013
  • This what they need to do to make PvP viable in game. 1 - rank... start at 50, gain 1 for a win and lose 1 for a lose and match within 5 points 2 - pillars only add points if someone is standing there (everyone tags and runs away and it does nothing) 3 - lose 25% of all stats except def. when u enter PvP and add those lost…
    in Why? Comment by shadowmystry July 2013
  • GG pvp should have had no points or pillars or w/e u call them... 20v20... once u die ur out (sidelined) and team with last person standing wins in a smaller area. That would be pvp!
    in Why? Comment by shadowmystry July 2013
  • This post is mainly aimed at regular pvp... but the pet is jagged dancing blade I think. GG pvp isn't pvp at all... everyone run in a big circle and whoever is faster wins! LOL Loot is ok though.
    in Why? Comment by shadowmystry July 2013
  • Well that's it... why worry about pvp at 60 in this game? If you are a pvp fan go some where else... ya pve is a bit dry here as well but its new and that's a whole bunch of other "why" questions.
    in Why? Comment by shadowmystry July 2013
  • Ya that's the rule to create a guild. - lvl 15+ and - put some money into the game. My advice is that u and ur friends join a guild if you plan on doing new content as it requires being in a guild. Other then that guilds aren't needed. Just find any old guild and get an invite, loads of guild recruiting atm.
  • From what I have seen, you can gather from one kit 5 times in a short period of time before it starts giving garbage. Might be just based on how many kits u get... but seems this way to me. The reason they needed to add this was players were picking up a quest that leads into a dungeon/building/cave that has multiple easy…
  • IM new to this game.... only lvl 35ish. But I have found once u hit lvl 30 the best way to do the dungeons is just travel to a lvl proper zone and watch for ppl forming groups and jump in those.... saves the hour que time and much better groups most of the time. OR Give players access to a better healer companion (mine is…
  • 1 - Calimport 2 - Memnon 3 - Almraiven GL all!