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roninthehood Bounty Hunter


  • BOP is awesome. It is needed and BADLY. My only beef is they should of known it before and should of had it in game before open beta. will take a few months to balance better now
  • get ready for rogue nerf. longer cd to many needed skills. less damage from daggers. adjustment to critt damage. GF threat buff. GWF buff in most areas. MAYBE cleric circle stacking will be changed. I hope so and im a cleric mostly.
  • he said clearly. "very soon" does that help.
  • Marine. You seem rational ( unlike so many others sadly). can you briefly and with the facts explain to me the exploit? the problem that is causeing all this? I have not been able to play in a couople days and I camne on today to play and server is down and I see nothing but these threads... What in a nutshell is going on…
  • Most could probably agree with this. BUT it is not true.. there is nothing "squishy" about us rogues. I can tank most dungeons lol. I can be adult about it. I know rogues are a tad insane. I get 12-18k critts regularly. and all other classes at best abd best geared best builds can get 6-10k. NO.. before you say "rogue…
  • It is a ignorant question. In any scenario, In any dungeon, With any group that has a tank.... Tank should go first. ( no it does not matter if it is easy or hard). Tank goes in. gathers mobs. hits his aoe taunt. ( tanks at 60 have 4 aoe taunts). tank hits one or two of his aoe taunts THEN.... the team opens up. It is…
  • OK tards.... yes this is PART a pve game.. it is also PART a pvp game. NO MATTER what else you want to pretend otherwise. it is IS a pvp /pve game./ and MENT to be one. NEXT NO rogues are not made to one shot people. that is a plain dumb statement. your dreaming. no wrong and again NO.
  • I would hope you are jokeing by this BS thread. asking for new content within 3 months of the game ( soft launch or not) makes you a *$&#&$#*^%$#$ tard. period. Should not of rushed to the end like all complaining &^#&@^@(*&()*& tards do. then come here to *&$&^#& complain. this thread is stupid beyond nice words.
  • Hello. What time abouts will server be back up or did they say? Just figuring out my timeline for tonight. Thank you ahead of time .
  • I would rather have a "Logout" to char screen.
  • #1. Just stupid. Ruins the game. ruins the look. ruins the immersion I could go on. theres too many reason this is dumb. #2. They are in game later.. and more to be added. this is old news. #3. Not bad but... shrug... #4. I could see this one. Like. #5. Like .. they do need more looks. #6. hmmm sure why not.
  • If I could buy you a beer or few for posting this I would. perfection.
  • Yes TR does a stupid amount of damage compared to other classes. ALL of them. TR should have 30% more dps but the TR has as of right now about 60-80% more then ALL other classes. GWF needs a small dps buff yes. but the GWF is a viable and fun class. the people that cry that it is garbage are sadly ignorant . people that…
  • Id pay another 200 just to be able to reach through this screen and &%*%^ SLAP the hell out of you ignorant babys complaining about first day game release lol. They need to turn game off for 4 hours and tell people to come back tomorrow and be happy you get to play at all
  • To all the truly moronic people out there complaining. IT IS FIRST HOURS OF RELEASE !!> If it is like this in a week THEN talk <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. You all need to get a box of tissue and shut your weeping holes.
  • better question is what kind of total moron &$^% tard buys something and DOES NOT READ. it has said this for months and repeated more times then able to count on every site game related. it is YOUR fault .
  • hey there Ambi !. you guys getting that new class all set and ready? is that what the downtime really is?...come on we know you know. ;;;snickers;;;
  • It is disappointing but we all should know they will very soon buff the gwf up. it is how it works it is expected yes they will fix it. just hang in there.
  • Sad part about this is I purposely made a woodelf with the white hair and darkest skin option it is 90%+ the exact as these "drow" I mean most people I tested it with couldn't believe my woodelf was not drow... sad. Half the drow hair on the whitest option is still slant grey. and wheres the midnight black skin? wheres the…
  • no nO NO AND no!. good god man it has been proven too many times already. the devs say it is a damage dealing class. the official foroms and wiki all say it is a damage dealer class. it IS A STRIKER CLASS. AOE DAMAGE is a striker class . sorry 2+2 is not 5 and the gwf is not a defender.
  • There is NO chart for damage in pvp...... a few of you saying you did this or you swear to that are well... liars. The only chart in pvp is a general overall effect you had in the full pvp instance on all catagories. it is not damage. Also I did many pvp games today and the rogue is still 70%+ topping the charts and…
  • first 2 days 70% of the server. day 3 about 30% if that. day 5-7 10% if that. that's my opinion.
  • why? because the TR is hitting for average 2500 damage in 3 seconds. and ALLL other classes using their very best of the best skills are hitting for 800-1200. you can bring the numbers up for higher levels or down for lower levels but this is the facts of tested numbers around 30th. and to answer your question this GAP of…
  • HOW BOUT THIS ONE TOO lol Quote Originally Posted by ambisinisterr View Post "As for how much of a change there will be, I haven't the slightest idea. It could be as simple as removing the early access and CBW from the packs. Your guess is as good as mine. But if they do add a class, well I'll be just as happily surprised…
  • ok ok I do officially feel bad for you now.. Moderator Ambisinsiterr " " The Founder's Packs will change April 30. We don't know how yet but they will change. Some items may be kept. Some items may not be kept. Your guess is as good as mine. So there is a chance what you're interested in paying for will still be there…
  • I might be starting to feel bad for you.. not sure yet but might... Ok you can still buy THESE packs til the 30th.... therefore NO you cant get the new packs the 25th. please try to think.
  • psssst you need to quote the next line there kido.. the one he agrees with me about the new packs lolol.. you sir are a funny little guy. Im still waiting to hear how im wrong. please do continue. correcting you is fun.
  • ummm amisinisterr agreed with me that new packs will be there at OB. he also said he has no clue whats in them. ( I still believe he knows more but that's me) anyone that reads my post and how it says "I have no facts on this. and it is what I BELIEVE will happen" if these sad sad people think it is a fact then they need…
  • SOooo your GUESSING like the rest of us and you have no idea if it is wrong or not. thank you for showing me im right .
  • wait wait wait.. I just have to have a laugh and ask... what is wrong? that I said there is new packs starting with OB? that is a FACT there son. That im guessing that a new class will be with the new packs? that's my opinion there kido can not be wrong yet until after the 30th lol. that I think( heres another opinion…