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  • According to players of their other games, its not going to change. We're basically not pvping, we're playing a game of node capping. Any change to pvp would have to address EVERYTHING that means, encounter nerf, daily nerf, maybe at will nerf, cleric mitigation would need a nerf, heals would need a nerf, and health would…
  • I think what he means is that everyone, even GF can kill someone no contest under the right conditions. Its just not the combat style people who play fantasy games expect in PvP. If we wanted a simulator that allowed us to electrocute each other with a single glance, we wouldn't be playing this game. We came here for…
  • I wouldn't go so far as to say PvP in this game is impressive. Its like playing with CoD weapons in a fantasy setting, nobody signed up for this system where everyone go around headshoting everyone or using an RPG to blow everyone up. TTK is WAY too fast. When TTK isn't too fast, people are getting controlled to death.…
  • So you're saying that GF guard is strong enough to prevent two DPS guys like a CW and a TR from causing a no contest kill on the cleric? I have a hard time seeing that happen. TTK 6 seconds. Cleric is still useless. About the only way to mitigate instant cleric deaths (or any instant deaths) is to have the cleric stand…
  • There seems to be alot on anecdotal evidense to suggest PvP will NEVER be balanced in this game and dying extremely fast will remain the normal. It reminds me of Vanilla WoW battlegrounds where it served primarily as a place for raiders to show off their gearz and smash people almost instantly or CC them to death. It was a…
  • NOOO!!!!!! That's my secret sauce spec! You let the genie out of the bag! Seriously though, idc. Here's what I've learned: Ice Knife is a must in PvP especially for use when our crit chain procs. Enfeebling is pretty much the touch of death when slotted for spell mastery, click twice and even guardians and double clerics…
  • You can switch out your abilities anytime....
  • I will post my pvp build here this one time since it works pretty well in pvp: basically i went with ice. I drop the conduit of ice on a group of mobs, then I freeze the ground and pick a srong target to hit with chill strike. Now while they're all standing on the ice and conduit of ice is lashing them, Spell Storm will…
  • I've said it before, I'll say it again: reroll = respec I'm personally glad there isn't two specs or easy access to respec, it means that only those who really want to succeed at a particular portion of the game will do so. Making things more difficult for low information people is fine by me.
  • Want to repaint my house for free? You can wash my ar afterwards and mow my lawn every week too while you're at it. Why don't you buy me a cup of coffee on the way over from Starbucks too and as a tip, i'll give you a bit of advice: F2P is F2P. You want to resspec but can't afford 6 bucks? OK, here's a little secret:…