Haven't played since 2016 left because GWF were dumb OP. I came back last week and to relearn I leveled my lvl 38 Warlock to 80 and been having a blast. I am super low geared got maybe a 16,000 gear score. Was excited to try out end game and pvp, but this thread just bummed me out!
Life Steal just needs to be normalized so that every hit merits the same amount based on LS %. So say LS can only give a maximum of 20,000 hp at 100%, so you get LS to 10% = 2000 hp with an ICD. Something like that would benefit classes that dont hit hard and often enough to benefit with the current formula.
I haven't pvped in weeks... I do my dailies and farm then log off! I find it boring, monotonous, I feel like an automaton being placed in phase 2 of assembly board building and my job is to place resistor #4 in socket 22 over and over and over and…
If unmitigated cannot be stopped, and it is going to continue to be allowed then it needs to have a limited amount of damage based on targets Hp! Its moronic to have such an attack that cannot be stopped? If thats the case then people need immunity bubbles to counter it!
Absolutely not! This is a game based on dice rolls and everything having a counter. There should not be any damage that cannot be defended/ blocked/ dodged/ or absorbed. Period!
Gaunt should be an open world pvp area that opens every 2 hours and allows teams or pugs to join in on killing the NPC giants or the opposing team without the ridiculous run to node horse race!
Hahahaha Thats me sometimes! I get zoned out and focus on 1 buttpirate on the opposing team acting like they're the Cheese... So I hunt them the entire match! Most the time I direct the team best I can, and cap, back cap etc.
Come on Arts Dept! You clearly cannot be happy with these weapon skins? Please consider changing them this is supposed to be the ToD Artifact Weapons, and they are obtuse and displeasing at best!
I say make it a Black Ice Campaign completion, meaning after you get your gear you can purchase Unlimited ( No Decay ) BI gear for XXXXX Refined Black Ice!
Those sound like great ideas, I would only want a party buff in that slot though IF , or IW. If you allow KV in that slot pvp would suck to many people would spam that not afraid to lose a better encounter.
Black Ice Weapon: Corrupted has more offensive stats but lacks regen defense etc. Purified has more HP, Regen, Def, and more Power ( What I chose ) Just take a peek and see what you like! http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Artifact_weapon Artifact Weapon has more Offensive stats, you lose set bonus but gain at legendary and…
There have been some weird stuff going on, is it hacking I cannot say. Was it happening prior to Mod 4? No! I know some matches we will be winning against a Premade next thing you see they run down to Node #2 and my entire team are lagged out almost stuck until we are killed?
Its less offensive then the Artifact weapons, but the Purified Weapon and shield together give better Tenacity and regen. I was regen stacking for pvp was up to 2200 but now I have the Artifact weapon I gained ARP / Power lost tenacity and regen some deflection
I farmed and farmed and farmed I just got my BI Mainhand last week!!!! I have an Epic Audacity Artifact Weapon now but still keep my BI weapon because it took 3 months to get! I wouldn't bother, I complained daily about the poor drop rate for GFs, I think as a matter of fact a GM might have awarded me this weapon feeling…
Hell, even if you just made it look like the **** thumbnail on the site would be cool? http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/File:Inventory_Primary_Longsword_Goldendragon_01.png
I cannot believe the Visual Dept. would allow such poor images for the first Artifact Weapons ever in the game? These should look amazingly fantastical and people that see them should be in awe... But its so small and has no detail and its bronze? I am equipped here with the…