I had the same issue with my pally tank, but then when I joined a group (including 4/5 dps), I did get credit. It seems as though NW is trying to decide if you were impactful in the fight and if not - you don't get credit.
I freeze when logging into toons with no email and dozens of empty inventory slots. I don't think it's an email or inventory bug. I freeze when logging into a toon with no enchantments AT ALL slotted.
Want to know how to repro this? Try logging in w/ a character once. It freezes. Kill the game, restart. Try logging in w/ a character once. It freezes. Repeat.
GEARBOX, if you are watching, could you please institute a better communication system for your customers? We pay for service. The best we're getting is rumor of a server restore with no info on ETA. We deserve better than rumors and crickets.
I can confirm this. The order in which I was pathed, I did the first 4 with no problems. #5 was actually on the opposite side of the wall as implied by my tracks and #6 was nowhere to be seen. Hopefully this can be fixed within the double professions week. I have 14 more scrolls in the ruins to farm. :)
I think this is a better designed system than the prior. If this game were in beta, I would absolutely agree with the change before release. However, this game has been in production for 8+ years now. Shouldn't we be done w/ the earth changing modifications by now? What this, and the recent companion nerf has taught me is…
I can't post my own threads yet, but steal time also seems to have a bug wrt Elemental Reinforcement. If I cast at a dummy, ray of frost OR storm pillar OR icy terrain OR disintegrate OR arcane tempest, I see (accurately) that I am at "double reinforcement" of the appropriate damage type. However, when I cast steal time I…