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Bard weapons missing

grumpy#9072 grumpy Member Posts: 15 Arc User
I have seen so many posts about bard campaign weapons being bugged but not one acknowledgement that you are looking at a fix and nothing in the upcoming patch notes, so how about this basic fundamental aspect of the game allowing a class to actually complete campaigns is looked at, 6 weeks and nothing its sad


  • thomasisalonethomasisalone Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    The main issue seems to be that the weapons are in Collections, so they do exist, but there's no way to claim them. Examples of weapon sets that I can't claim are:

    - Tyrant
    - Cloaked Ascendancy
    - Watcher (they don't seem to drop from any of the Watchers, as far as I can tell)

    I'm curious if other sets, such as the Ostorian or Sunset, can be claimed or restored.

    Making bard weapons available should be a priority. That the class was released without all of them ready is a pretty bad look, but it is taking an extremely long time to get them up to speed. It is a put off to play the class if you can't get good weapon sets for it.
  • dmoe#9311 dmoe Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2021
    Also there is very little of any difference to the look of the lutes between the different kinds
  • karistianakaristiana Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    The Hellfire weapon set seems to be missing in the Avernus campaign store for bards.
  • littlevclittlevc Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    The fact that as of Monday (Sept. 13, 2021) my Bard has ALL campaigns completed and STILL no Campaign weapon sets have been released (The Cloaked Ascendancy, Jungles of Chult, Ravenloft, Path of the Fallen - only Legion Guard released, etc) the Devs have shown a CLEAR disdain for their players (the people who actually pay their checks). They do not care how many Bug Reports are put in about the weapons. The weapon sets show in collections, but are unobtainable by Bards... They should just GIVE all Bards a weapon set choice pack, at Legendary level, because by now, Bards would have ANY weapon set they wanted at Legendary level. It is sheer and utter ridiculousness that players even want to help the Devs improve the game anymore, they Do NOT listen.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,524 Arc User
    littlevc said:

    The fact that as of Monday (Sept. 13, 2021) my Bard has ALL campaigns completed and STILL no Campaign weapon sets have been released (The Cloaked Ascendancy, Jungles of Chult, Ravenloft, Path of the Fallen - only Legion Guard released, etc) the Devs have shown a CLEAR disdain for their players (the people who actually pay their checks). They do not care how many Bug Reports are put in about the weapons. The weapon sets show in collections, but are unobtainable by Bards... They should just GIVE all Bards a weapon set choice pack, at Legendary level, because by now, Bards would have ANY weapon set they wanted at Legendary level. It is sheer and utter ridiculousness that players even want to help the Devs improve the game anymore, they Do NOT listen.

    Blessed is also available to bard.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • nitocris83nitocris83 Member, Cryptic Developer, Administrator Posts: 4,498 Cryptic Developer
    This was passed on to the rest of the team earlier on. A thread was replied to on September 8 indicating that no updates were available. I will check on status again.
  • redfist#9572 redfist Member Posts: 20 Arc User

    This was passed on to the rest of the team earlier on. A thread was replied to on September 8 indicating that no updates were available. I will check on status again.

    Do you have an update? Thanks in advance...
  • smagahsmagah2smagahsmagah2 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    Hi everyone,

    It's been a full year since the last time this thread receive any update and I got myself very frustrated. I opened a ticket regarding the missing Bard weapons and, as GM Orvic told me to do, I'm here to complain about these missing weapons.

    I opened a ticket about the appearance items from Underdark being unable to be equiped to the Bard. If you buy one of the boxes from the NPC, it will just give you rogue equipment (and you AD will be lost, and you'll need to open a ticket to get your funds back, like I did in April 2022). In the same opportunity, I asked for directions on how to obtain the Golden Watcher set for the Bard. GM Valxr "copied-and-pasted" me a link from the internet, a very outdated one from way before the Bard was even born. As a result, I got the usual "something bla bla bla escalated":

    As for the Watcher Set for the Bard class, I appreciate your update and feedback on this.
    There is no specific information about it at the moment and this is duly noted on our end.
    Kindly wait for upcoming news or updates on our official news page and forums.
    -- GM Valxr, answering to Ticket #729032.

    I let some months pass by before asking for the weapons again. Yesterday, I got another answer from GM Orvic, which give me an answer worst than the usual "something bla bla bla escalated".

    I've checked our database and found out that the items you were referring to is the Set of the Watcher. Our records appears to be a little outdated since they do not list any Bard items on all the sets that you have concerns about. I hope the developers would be able to make the desired Bard weapons obtainable in-game soon so said class would not be in a disadvantage with other classes. I recommend that you post your concern on our official forum if you have yet to do so. -- GM Orvic, in response to Ticket #807943.

    Not bad enough, check it out:

    As for the missing Alabaster and Celestial weapons for Bards, our records show that these items were introduced in-game before the Bard class was created so this may be intended. If you haven't done so already, I would encourage you to post your findings on our official forum to help the developers in collecting data and would increase the chances of the weapons being added in-game. Below is the link to the forums. -- GM Orvic, in response to Ticket #807943.

    So, I'm here to "post my findings", and give some of my opinion (at least from the part of me which is not p****d off).

    - Some MMORPG have a vote system in which VIP players can decide on what features should be implemented next. This would be a very very very nice idea to have something similar in NW, as we can see that the Bard is not a priority. Instead, we got "changes" on the Wizard class. As far as I am concerned, most complains about the Wizard were about some buffs not working properly and the lack of overall power of the Wizard. I've seem a lot of Wizards delivering pretty consistent damage, so why is the Wizard being "fixed" and the Bard is not? That would be great to consult players regarding the priorities of the dev team (at least with respect to fixes, maybe balance is out of the scope). Please, fix the bard, we're having problems with the Performer feat (e.g., encounter get "red stuck" very often, the Musician Flow feat seems to be always active). The band of air nerf (that was a very bad move in my opinion) reduced the power level of the DPSs, including the Bard Songblade. To fix the **** that comes with the nerf, we need to experiment with the available weapons and find a way to proc Butcher's Might and Ruthless Might again. This may be no problem to endgamers, however it may negatively affect players playing <70k IL. Please note that there's not much options for DPS gear in the game. Some alternatives were introduced in the last mod but most classes are condemned to use the canonical "goristo+ribcage" combo. This is even worse given the previous ribcage nerf (which I totally agree). Performer is a great feat. However, Bard encounter's magnitude are too low (Performer's additional encounters cause half the damage and can trigger no ****).

    - Second, the Bard weapons are still missing from the game. If I'm not wrong, no Watcher set (unless you buy the 30k box) and no Celestial set so far. BUT, you have SKT weapons, and a bunch more of useless pieces of gear. The weapon can "drop" from the box, but cannot drop from the game? Watcher and Alabaster sets are the only decent choice of weapons before Tral weapons (like Lionheart). How can you accomplish to finish a Trial wearing seal weapons? I could not think of a progression option for the bard reagarding weapons without passing through Undermountain sets (Celestial is optional for progression, although desirable for some builds). Just before someone suggests Dragonbone campaign weapons, they're not as close as Watcher (+3% to 3x offensive status stacked vs. some small bonus based on the role). Yet, artifact weapons are known to perform better in paragons which the damage comes mostly from at-wills. Please, fix the Golden Watcher's drop for the Bard. When new players ask me "where do I get these weapons", I feel very sorry to say "you have to buy them, they only come from the 30k box".

    Bard players, please share your toughts.
    Support, please update your database, you look a little lost.
    Devs, please fix stuff :(
    Lorah,Leader of FORJA guild,PhD. CS, and pet owner.
  • volfangxvolfangx Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    Their treatment of the bard is ridiculous:
    • Missing weapons like Watcher and Celestial.
    • Unequippable crafted armor like the leather visor.
    • Pressing the keys too much on ad libitum and volti subito will lead to skills out of cooldown that deal minuscule damage because they're actually on cooldown.
    • Unequippable cosmetic set from Mantol-Derith, which the game doesn't tell is unequippable until the player spends the AD and opens the pack.
    • The stupid bind exploit that allows players to instantly play songs and benefit from the manual play buffs despite not actually playing the song.
    • The difference between loremaster and performer and how much easier it is to do basically anything with performer while loremaster actively encourages the player to only use at-wills until they get a mildly buffed encounter.
    I'm sure there's more I don't remember because it's been a while since I logged in, but I'm saying what I said above with confidence because I know Cryptic has a single drop of care about fixing the bard and nothing else, so the class will probably be actually working at a minimally consistent level by 2026 or something. It's not even me jabbing at the developers for "failing" or something, just making an unfortunate observation as someone who loves the class and sees the potential that's being squandered by inaction; I'd have imagined at the very least that the bind exploit HAMSTER every player who plays bard as mechanically intended would've been a priority, but from the bard's launch to the day I went on a hiatus I saw nothing attempting to fix it and it came to a point where I decided to use these binds as well to keep up with the rest of the healers who simply can't mess up their skills.

  • smagahsmagah2smagahsmagah2 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    @nitocris83 could you please provide us an update on the matter?
    Lorah,Leader of FORJA guild,PhD. CS, and pet owner.
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