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reallyrecon Bounty Hunter


  • I pledge to never waste another dollar in support of this game ever again.
  • His stats are fine aside from his obscene crit rating and ridiculously low HP. Maybe a bit high on the Recovery side as well. If it were me I'd move points out of STR and into CON unless you can find a way to reitemize for HP and reduce your crit at the same time, maybe bump your defense up to 3k while you're at it.…
  • Why do you put 2 points in Resounding Beliefs when Shield of the Divine removes all of your direct healing and turns everything into HoTs? Literally the only thing that would benefit from that 4% extra healing is Divine BoH and Empowered BoH... it seems like a complete waste of 2 points.
  • The only soft-cap for Crit depends on what level Vorpal Enchant you have, and that's only the point at which Power beats Crit for sustained DPS. If you're PvPing you want burst damage, and Crit is where you get it. Likewise, 2400 ArPen is only the cap in PvE. In PvP you literally want as much as you can get. Most players I…
    in 19k hit? Comment by reallyrecon May 2015
  • Icy Terrain doesn't have a stun component. It roots enemies and adds stacks of Chill. You're thinking of Entangling Force. They're two separate abilities. Clearly you have some more learning to do. CWs aren't OP.
  • That's the beauty of it though, you're more than likely getting matched up against teams that are also running with no Tenacity gear and using PvE builds, etc. It's nice that you realize how important it is that you have a PvP centered build, because a lot of complaints are invariably from those people who think they can…
  • Mod 5 will bring Class Artifacts and Artifact Offhands, as well as Artifact Cloaks and additional belts I believe. We'll also get the Tiamat raid with the last part of the Tyranny of Dragons campaign that's currently blocked off in the Campaign menu. It should be the next big chunk of content we receive, because it makes…
  • That's a trick question and the answer depends entirely on you. If you're playing Divine Oracle and healing, then Sacred Flame has the highest Divinity gain per second, however you can swap it with BoTs for high movement fights that require a lot of dodging where you may not have time to stand still. If you're DPS spec,…
  • It was sarcasm, lighten up and get your panties out of a bunch. I was making light of the fact that you're a TR complaining about something in PvP, because 95% of the time it's the opposite: everybody else whining about TRs in PvP. I realize the topic wasn't about class balance, but it was ironic and I thought it would be…
  • The strategy I'm referring to involves abusing mob pathing and aggro mechanics; every time the two Thumes (??) spawn, if your entire party is on said platform/tile they'll immediately despawn and you can freely DPS the boss. Allowing them to pull your group around while you're that close to the edge of the arena is like…
  • The mini-bosses you're referring to are probably actual bosses - there are 3 total in the dungeon. If you die during those fights you have to run the entire way back from the previous campfire, which for the first two bosses is pretty much half of the dungeon. It typically takes 2-4 minutes to run back, and when you do…
  • Dude needs to be banned from the forums IMO, he contributes nothing and only posts if it'll start/continue a flame war.
  • Why does this sound so familiar? Oh, now I remember! It's because it's the same argument used by every scrub sore-loser that gets stomped on in every game I've ever played! WoW, GW2, Age of Conan, Lineage II, ESO, in no particular order... every time somebody loses they blame everything but themselves. Seriously, your…
  • Perhaps you missed my sarcasm, but it was supposed to imply that not everybody is in your income bracket. For some of us, $200 is chump change. I'm not trying to be all high and mighty; there's nothing wrong with your income if you're happy with it, that's just how it is.
  • I believe they call this "having a job". It's quite a rare occurrence among the console crowd, so some surprise is expected. I assure you though, he didn't sell one of his children. Typically people with "jobs" have this thing called "money" they like to spend on their own enjoyment and entertainment. Some people like…
  • According to 90% of the forum, you should have been able to carry your entire team to victory by permanently stealthing and one-shotting everybody on their team while you defended all 3 nodes. What went wrong? I thought TRs were "sooo overpowered".
  • It's a toss-up because they're about equal - I believe it's +12 AC (which is +6% DR) and +6% deflection from Anointed Armor, and Foresight gives +6% DR or +11% DR when feated. If you add in the +6% from Blessing of Battle you have a little bit more with AC paragon compared to DO, and keep in mind Foresight is applied to…
  • Wait... you're telling me I have a heal that can one-shot people?
  • I don't notice a damage reduction component, and there isn't one stated in the tooltip. However, there's a small heal-over-time upon rez; is that what you could be thinking of?
  • I wasn't being serious about the solo part but really... would you rather do 10mil damage or 45mil? Archery is hands down the worst spec in the game and the least contributing to group success. Quit being stubborn.
  • Not sure which game you're talking about, because ESO definitely has an optional $15 sub for Tamriel Unlimited on both Xbox and PC - you receive all DLC content and an allotment of Crowns (e-currency) every month it's active. Richest enemy combat AI... no. I can't recall any boss mechanics that I hadn't seen before. The…
  • Replace Sun Burst with Astral Shield, use it, then sit inside of it doing pushups while everything hits you for 0 damage.
  • This guy is talking about Artifact Weapons, not actual class Artifacts. Class artifacts are indeed part of Icewind Dale, but that's Mod 3, not 4. Once that Mod is released we'll be able to pick up the class specific quest to obtain the artifacts. It's worth noting that you can obtain the artifacts on every character…
  • fffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu how did i not know this was possible?
  • 1. Respec Trapper 2. Solo the dungeon 3. ??? 4. PROFIT
  • Waste of Zen when you can get from 1-60 in a day with double XP. Not to mention the absolutely worthless amount of XP you actually receive from those boosters. Save your money or AD.
  • They can barely field a working game at the moment, what makes you think they have the resources to produce a companion app? Not to mention if they did make one it would need bi-weekly maintenance... Just use a keyboard, problem solved.
  • Any new recruits or future prospects want to run some CN or Epic LoL? Message Recon in-game or ReallyRecon on Xbox Live for some pro Cleric heals.
  • There's no report function available for starters, and naming/shaming is against the ToS. Play with a guild group or group of friends if you want to avoid problems like this.
  • I'd wager that animated cloaks count for maybe 0.5% of the problem, while the ridiculous amount of bloom and other effects that almost all Cleric spells have accounts for the rest. It wouldn't be a problem if everything was optimized but that's not the case.