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  • Another GF coming to say that guard is not working right. Experiencing the same problems as everyone else. Also, Cryptic. You should fire this man for insulting the intelligence of every single GF playing your game. And for representing your company as a bunch of passive aggressive cry babies. What this dev said is what…
  • Haha first off I feel like the amount of damage the GF shield can block is being massively exaggerated. A few Magic Missiles rotations will eat most of it. I have seen this with my own eyes as a GF, and as a CW attacking a GF so don't try to tell me I'm lying. SO. A GF cannot simply sit on a node with his shield up and…
  • Well even though I didn't get a dev post in this thread. We did get that State of Neverwinter post. The way I read it, is they want to make sure that all game mechanics and exploits are ironed out. Then they want to make sure that all the abilities and feats of each class are working as intended. Then they will look into…
  • Still waiting on a dev post here. Cryptic we want to know what the plans are for GF and GWF.
  • Lol not trying to be rude I don't feel like you read what I wrote. I said almost everything you just said. But don't exaggerate. GF can get "near" striker level dps with a PvP spec, but its "near" striker level dps and we are not as squishy as CW by a long shot. But that just means it takes three giant crits to kill you,…
  • Well GF is not worth playing at end game at the moment. But your assumptions of the class are a little off. GF if actually specced as a tank is pretty much unkillable. Problem is we can't do enough dps to maintain agro as a tank specced tank. Also GF does not put out a lot less dmg. With proper gear and spec a GF can get…
  • Honestly, once geared, late game GWF AOE dmg is not far off from being in a good spot. The problem is, why have a GWF there to burn down adds, when you can just control them for infinite amounts of time or simply knock them off a cliff. However GWF ability to tank, or off tank is pathetic outside of initiation of fights or…
  • I would honestly like to see an entire rework of the mark system. It is not fun to use and it really seems to do very little. At lower levels I could tell marking had an effect. At end game it almost feels pointless to try and maintain marks. Another reason why I hate the mark system is because it makes me waste my guard…
  • Will I see the effort paid off? Because as far as I can see, Cryptic thinks their fighters are A-OK. Sure a group with a GF or GWF can complete end game dungeons, but they are not needed, nor wanted.
  • That is ALL I want. I don't expect the GWF or GF to be fixed right now. I understand that it takes time. All I want is Cryptic to get on these forums, acknowledge the fact that GWF, GF, and any form of end game tanking in general is broken. And let us know that it is one of their top priorities.
  • Don't get me wrong. I love this game. I had so much fun leveling up. Now what am I supposed to do? PvP the same map over and over? Foundrys are awesome, but you don't get anything from doing them. So that feels pointless. I just want to tank a dungeon without feeling like I have to not only fight the monsters, but also the…
  • With an Instigator build you 100% have to do this to maintain enough DPS to not just be a wasted party slot. Take away animation canceling and yet another GWF build will be broken. Though I'm not sure if this ability counts, since its an after image that is attacking while you break animation and start your wicked strikes.
  • edit- whoops
  • Every class I have played so far is capable of animation canceling.... SO I doubt it is an exploit. Most animations can be stopped mid animation, and if time right, will still cast the ability. I do it with my CW all the time. I have perfected canceling Sudden Storm mid cast, and getting Chill Strike out, sometimes even…
  • Yesterday I was kicked out of 17 dungeons in a row...
  • OH WOW. Thanks for mentioning this game. Never heard of it, but it looks amazing.
  • Though you don't think it is ping. I am almost positive that it is. You are saying that port mitigates damage even if the blow has been landed. I simply cannot believe that the devs would have designed it as such. And from a CW or GF perspective fighting rogues, I see the same things happen with dodge. Ability goes off,…
  • Erdokan. Go to about 1:35 in this video. It was the only actual 1v1 vs a rogue I saw in the video. I am willing to bet this is why you are losing to CWs. That rogue he is fighting at 1:35 did almost everything wrong. He starts off smart, dealing dmg from stealth at range. He then successfully gets some nasty burst onto the…
  • I am speechless... I completely agree that this bug needs to be fixed. But this alone does not explain how a CW is as OP as you claim they are. You had an entire list of reasons you think CW is OP, then you find one bug that has almost zero impact outside of a CW camping an objective. So unless every CW you have ever lost…
  • Just finished testing this on my CW. I spammed Storm Pillar for 1 minute and produced 1/4 of my AP bar. This is a bug as it does not occur on any other spell that can be cast without a target. I honestly cannot see how standing still for 4 minutes spamming storm pillar on myself has any advantage what so ever. This is…
  • Here is one TR in your own thread. I agree with everything he says. And why should I have to provide additional evidence if you don't? Still waiting on those combat logs... though a simple video would make this much easier. You've also made zero valid points. You have only stated, in so many ways, that you can't beat…
  • LOL. If a CW actually took the time to stand around and spam self cast spells to build AP he would not be at the top of the charts. He would be standing around doing damage to no one the entire match while he builds a FRACTION of the AP he can build from engaging targets. I have never seen this done in PvP ever, and…
  • This is what i mean by repeating the same garbage over and over again. The only part of caydyn2's post that you addressed was how CW gets points from holding objectives, and uses its range to pick off fleeing enemies. You did this with the same information you have already provided, multiple times. You completely ignored…
  • Getting PvP gear from being in the top spots on that chart again proves nothing in regard to your ability to skillfully play your class. However if you would like to say that it does prove your skill in PvP that is fine. But that also means that all those CWs you see at the top of the charts are also there because of their…
  • Again bro you say nothing. I'm not calling you a bad player because I disagree with you. I'm calling you a bad player because of the evidence you have provided. As I said, go gather data of you fighting CWs. Either your combat logs, or preferably video. Or just record your PvP matches in general. Then we can examine what…
  • Besides that. OP! Myself and Epicerlol put out threads that made your entire argument extremely weak. Instead of replying to those threads, you just ignore them? Besides the universal excess of damage across all classes, any mechanic you have pointed out as OP can be countered by a TR. The class has all the tools required…
  • I have done the same thing you are explaining multiple times. But what you are saying has already been stated, and is missing the point. This thread is about whether or not CW is OP. The fact that a CW does enough damage to drop an opponent in one burst rotation means nothing because every other class can do the exact same…
  • You didn't really say anything. You already said all of that. I posted something that countered your argument. You reply with the same information... Besides that, I did agree that CW does too much damage. Why you use this bit too defend your previous statement escapes me, but you did it none the less... Besides that, you…
  • I can completely see where you are coming from here. I also totally agree that some serious tweaks need to be made in the PvP department. However most of those tweaks would be aimed at every class except TR and CW. I agree that CW does too much dmg, but I feel that is true across the board. What that chart says at the end…