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  • you have a Nook. If you were smart you bought a nook not just for the fact that it can read books from B&N but it can read books from virtually any e-book vendor in the e-pub format. Buy the book from another site and put it on your nook.
  • I agree there needs to be some kind of correction to the threat generated in the game. I don't mind a little back and forth having to worry but when you can't get the adds off the healer with out them being dead its a bit silly.
  • so quesiton I notice we have 2 spots on our UI for passives. Does this mean we can only have 2 passives up at once?
  • With out going into a HUGE philosophical debate about game design and throwing up charts and examples here it is in a nut shell. Rogues take on more risk then mages and have a much more DPS centric design. It comes down to that simple fact.
  • They are still there but not nearly as diverse in ability as they originally were. They are more diverse in game then other classes but other mechanics are in play.
  • As Follows: 1. Ability to cast Magic missile while moving. If moving slow the amount of missiles we fire. 2. Change the animations please for moving 3. Add some REAL area of effect abilities. Or some more interesting DnD centric abiilties. 4. Up the damage to a more competitive level 5. I don't really care what element you…
  • I personally found the targeting system to be refreshing and gratifying. Bringing an element to the game. I would say challenging but the reality is that it is not that challenging. It is just a different way to deal with the idea of collision and making squishy/priority targets a bit more work to get to. I can definitely…
  • Well in all honesty. The only really solid thing is the Bag of Holding. The amulet of Protection is only +1 AC and you only get one period per account. I think the Mastercraft Item and access to the beta weekends is a bit better. Not to mention a third character slot. I am also very interested in find out what we will be…
  • Give its relation to 4th edition its highly unlikely. 4th edition doesn't really have a "healbot" per se. You can make them, but you really don't need to. I expect that they will have similar health regen out of combat and the leader classes will have their heal abilities, and I am curious if they have second wind.
  • My confusion is why there is a comparison being drawn between AD&D this game and 4th being attempted in this thread. This game is barely a glimpse into 4th, has no real ties to AD&D aside from lineage. Those looking to draw any sort of insight into 4th from this game will be sorely mislead. Unlike the good old gold boxes…