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  • Give them a pat on the head and say; "There, there, little one, do not cry, a lot of people lost some items and even a level or two, while going about their business and living their lives". It was painful to a lot of people, but stuff happens, put on your big girl panties and accept the fact that this was caused by a…
  • As long as he doesn't run a political organization and apply as a non-profit he should be good.
  • Which would only take one monkey with one typewriter about 5 minutes to re-create
  • Actually, there is logic in banning the testers if, instead of testing and reporting exploits, they decide to use them. Some people don't understand what "BETA test" means, it isn't just to jump in and play, it means that if you find something doesn't work, or something looks broken, you report it. If you just intend on…
  • Well, at least the maintenance this weekend isn't effecting the other Cryptic games like last weekend, that ticked me off, but as they say, don't put all your eggs in one basket (could mean don't have one log-in server for all your games (Cryptic) or don't rely on one single company for a back-up game in case one game…
  • This "beta" has crashed every game that Cryptic runs. Star Trek Online is down, Champions Online is down and of course Neverwinter. This isn't a "beta" issue this is a problem with Cryptic not giving their games seperate log-in servers.
  • It's not just Neverwinter.... STO and Champions online is down as well, and those are not in beta.