HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you are a CW. YOU are not worth my time. I thought you were a TR, oh man this is hilarious. Get the **** out puny CW. I'll crit your *** with a 50K+ Anvil of Doom while I fall asleep on my shield while you try to "Freeze" me, ****ing lol.
I asked you first, you give it. lol'd at page 2, the leaderboard just started, grats? PM me your handle unless you're scared that I will ridicule you :) Here's my guess: You're one of these wanna-be Trickster Rogues currently abusing Shadow of Demise :] wait until that's fixed and you'll be 1-rotationned as usual.
They are removing the Foundry from the game, it's over. Kaputt I'm joking Foundry authors don't hurt me, but this happens at the start of each module IIRC.
What's your in-game username? i will toy with you lol, and possibly record it. dont ditch, post it here. that child doesnt even pvp at all lol. ignore him, its the typical pve player that wants to be accepted in the pvp realm.
Combat TR's (No matter the buffs) are the worst to have in a team. They're all clueless, especially the ones in the 10-12K range. I HATE seeing one or two (oh god..) of these in my team. They fight on the STAIRS (in both maps) miss their lashing blades and die 3 seconds later. Truly revolting.
Shadow of Demise is a bit on the OP side, and favors TR in PVP. Dialing down the damage or number of stacks may help in balancing this ability, but this makes it hard at present to PVP against TRs.