I would love to have a key to play neverwinter. although I can't pretend to be an old fan of Dungeons and dragons like some, I can say I'm new and quickly falling heads over heels in love with the entire universe, along with this game. I'm stalking the forums and front page daily, anticipating any new content and…
The hell is wrong with you people? You're still getting drow, just not instantly. There giving the people who spent money on this game a little be of exclusivity. There is nothing wrong with that. You get Drow, you get drow free just not instantly. :/ Stop being a bunch of spoiled little brats who need everything now and…
Well I have 160 reasons that you're wrong and just angry the game isn't a 100% carbon copy of the table top game. The game is DnD it just isn't the DnD you grew up with. Get over it.
I think the article is poorly worded or you guys are just reading into it. Devs have been heard, on record, on streams, etc saying all the content of the game will be free. If they back peddled now they'd be signing there game's death warrent 100% and although the company can be greedy at times, they're not stupid.
It's pretty closed for an open beta, wouldn't you say? For an open beta they still have some stuff in alpha testing and alpha testers are still NDA...So...wha?
The game will do fine, the game will be fairly popular at launch as it's already widely, widely anticipated. The opinions on these forums, mine included are fairly worthless. This is nothing but an annoyingly loud minority.
They'll add them soon and unlike many of the ungrateful kids on this forum as of late, I highly doubt they'll be in the cash shop. That is not Cryptic's style and I've never seen PWE do it. They'll get released when they get released.
To any cleric who got around the level 30 region, I was wondering does your damage still stay some what relevant as you get higher as it was in the low levels or does your role just take a complete shift to pure baby sit healer? I ask because I dream of making a DPS/Healing hybrid.
Well written and as someone who was never able to play table top D&D (Ignorant parents) but has always been fascinated by the franchise, by the universe by everything it has to offer you captured how I feel perfectly even as a outsider looking in. I can't tell you how excited I am to finally be able to play this game soon,…
Correct me if I am wrong but didn't DnD online have around 60 levels if you count the ranks within the levels? Vanilla WoW's damage was not high. High compared to PnP DnD? Sure, but what doesn't look high in comparison? Numbers are going to look bigger because, believe it or not the damage numbers don't mean much...at all.…
Feel free to call my bluff, but if I had to guess the Control Wizard isn't going to have massive damage, but what he will have is decent damage and mass amounts of area control and possibly denial. If i had to guess in parties his job would be to apply various debuffs and status effects making everyone's life easier.…
Although I don't know the most about DnD I do know MMOs, that said with the cleric do I have the ability that, if I so choose I can be a hybrid of DPS with a few big heals to help out the party as we go along? Or at later levels will I be diverted to the same stand back and be the heal HAMSTER, so to speak? I've always…
I would like to join. I'd give anything to be able to contribute to testing this game :(. I want to be able to say that I helped shape this game when it comes out.
Heh, i would love a key if you happen to have an extra one e.e Been playing DnD for as long as I can remember and one way or another..the beta shall be in my hands! D:
I am looking forward to playing a trickster rogue the most. I've never really been into the rogue thing in other mmos but in neverwinter they just look so astoundingly fun i can't help but swoon over it. Everything from the flashy yet deadly ultimate ability to the simple yet devious clone just has me so in love with this…