Had the same problem, as an earlier poster said, use safemode in the launcher options and move your char somewhere less demanding (Moonstone mask worked in my case) and restart the game as normal.
Beta or not, if they can not close down these exploits (some are client side) and be willing to wipe or get there **** together and ban every account(and there mules) that used exploits then this game will not last till release. I would go as far as to say any item/gold/ad that is tracked through an exploited account…
I report of spam anyone that has a message that looks something like this ========SUPER CHEAP!================EPIC!=========================[Junk no one wants]=======================[To much AD]======================================================================!!!!!!!!! EPIC!
make the XP gain based on final score, the closer it is the more XP rewarded, make XP scale based on round length so a 5min match only grants 10% of a what would be a 20min match.
im fine with most of the payed features what bothers me is stuff like damage boosters and Resurrection scrolls, that is not as much pay2win as it is pay to trivialize content.
Rather then removing maps (Might not be the map makers intent) why not put a reasonable cap on XP per min gains from foundry quest? this would remove the reason to make these non-sense maps without restricting the ability to do so if they really feel the need. (Perhaps some people want to see how many ogres they can kill…