The PS4 Login bug seems to be a huge on going issue even so I've only experienced it a few times myself I have friends who experience it almost everyday and are forced to login to another character for the time being. that being said it seems to be a zone bug players logging off in zones that are known to be bugged these…
Bug: When pressing in the touch pad on the controller it's popping up The Reward Of Devotion it's seems to popup a lot and gets in the way of the loot system I have lost loot as this window once closed keep repeatedly popping backup becoming a majorly annoying.
The font needs to be increased as well as better spam control needs to be added to stop these spammers from flooding the chat over and over should be put on a timer for like 30 seconds before being able to post again in places such as trade chat, zone chat and guild chat should be left unlimited. Also these advertisement…