Hey, Looking for a fun easy going casual guild, I play most days and currently have 70 Ranger and 69 GWF, i live in australia so different time zone might not work, but your Guild sounds interesting and if you have the room i'd like to be considered. I've asked to join the FB page and hope to be able to speak to you…
Update Recently moved to a new suburb, went from Broadband to nbn, which for those that don;t know from phone line to cable/ fiber, thought i'd see a bit better performance, but no, things still go bad at the same time. So, so far, no improvement. Disappointed.
What i find the most interesting is logging in and getting the "no shards available" message, then closing the game and reloading and miraculously there now is, still cant get in but there's now shards available.... like tonight, almost 10pm here, about 8am US and still cant get in.
Seems like it's nothing to do on our ends then, or very little, seems to be server over load, if it's happening at the same time it has to be the servers not bring able to cope and the further away from the servers physical location the worse it affects you. pitty really. Right now at 7:57pm 5:78 am NY, I've spent the last…
Havn't been on the last few nights, bad flu, tonight though it's back to the usual Get to the "Play" connection, then get dropped due to time out on connection to the account server to retrieve character list. 7:30pm Brisbane 5:45am NY
Rubberbanding started about 5:30 pm last night and was dropped 15-20 min later after numerous "server not responding" errors. That's 3:30 am NY Going to keep a note on it for the Dev's, unless told otherwise. Shame really.
K, Should have added that, Brisbane is on the ease coast of Australia, and is 14-16 hrs ahead of the US east and west Coasts, not sure which is which but i'm thinking east 14 west 16? Did a time track and 6pm in Brisbane is 4am in New York.