That's "remove", not "fix". Frankly speaking the smokebomb rotation is nothing but pure service to your team as well as an insurance for whatever situation that may overwhelm it. If the Sabo wants to really go max-efficiency he can simply target smaller numbers of enemies at a time and simply slot ITC -- BnS -- SS... in…
Just do something about Sanctuary and its perma-CC-immunity and I swear, it's fine. If they can be CCd reliably when someone has the moves to flank them and land one, then heavy-CC builds, especially the OPP CWs, they can take care of it. Even as of current, once the OPP CW can find the opportunity to land a CC then things…
Well, not using LoL set and no Shadowy Opp, so whatever piercing I have comes from Opp Dark. It's pretty weak on its own, but satisfactory when combined with DF, I guess.
No lack of damage for me so far. Unless it is premade level OP/DC, the rest can be dealt with at an adequate pace. The new scoundrel build really does wonders. Although the difference from the previous enchant I equipped -- T.Feytouched, I'm seeing a bit higher incoming damage.
Except in my POV the suggestions are initially flawed in that without the specific request to revise combat mechanics as well as address the inefficiency of the class, ultimately this form, these limitations of the GWF class is probably the best that the devs can come up with. For example, the PHAIL with the Destroyer path…
While your assessment is not much but a jumble of fragment-complaints with many of them simply untrue, you've got down one thing right -- TRs don't need piercing damage. We already have a class feature that adds piercing damage to our attacks, which is way more balanced and closer to the original intent behind the whole…
Dunno. How did us TRs receive the goodies at the beginning of mod5? Many TR players had open discussions about all those ideas between mod2~mod4... and when finally mod5 came it was a big surprise to us that they implemented many of the ideas we've talked about, especially dividing the play styles of the different TRs by…
Sabo TRs don't need any piercing damage. If anything, they should be the WEAKEST OF ALL TRs in terms of damage-dealing capacity... not this 1-button CoS spam that auto-procs passive damage. If they want piercing damage, they can give up one of their class features and use Oppressive Darkness. This is all you need. If this…
An example: Swordmaster's Strike in the Swordmaster paragon. In theory, this at-will power seems just ideally matched with Inquistor path, since a crit-strike from behind will prone(stun in pvp) your targets, and SM Strike does just that -- it conjures up a phantom illusion of yourself and strikes from behind. This…
It's one of those things which do not turn up in the numbers or descriptions in the tool tip, the actual troubles and difficulties of managing the powers in real combat, as opposed to just theorycrafting their effects/mechanics or observing from the opposite end. I've leveled a GWF before I went serious with my CW, just to…
I've mentioned this in the past, but the problem with GWFs is that their powers are: ...what do I mean by this? You can give the GWF players all they want, and still the GWF players would be extremely in trouble and complaining about it when they meet an opponent that plays his el matador role well (Olleh!). How you gonna…
Try stepping out of the mutual babysitting premade-greenhouse and see how it's in the shoes of the rest 90% of PvP players, and then tell me if it's "FUN." You see, this is like a big local sports event, where the organizers promote it by saying it's gonna be a gathering of everyone who likes that sport, so anybody can…
As it is, the event is pointless. It's just another gigantic premade roflstomp against PuG players. Just another way of hording all the benefit to the premades at the expense of PuG players lured by the prospect of prizes. Get the fek rid of team queues in the event -- because your matching/ranking system SUCKS, devs. IF…
Noble idea, but unfortunately, like others have mentioned, its currently a premade farm fest. Separate the ****ing queues, otherwise its nothing but just pushing all the better gear to the premade pigs and alienizing any pugs. Those pigs don't really need any more gear. If it's anyone the devs need to tend to, it's the…
In mod5, yes, when you go max possible DEX+CHA with a Halfling MI Scoundrel, all the deflect related features and boons and feats, and then rack up a huge BiS level amount of gear to bring up the teeney tiney HP to at least combat standards. Not so sure in mod6. Probably can get it up to around 60% or maybe little more...…
My mistake then, thx for the correction, though the point stands. On average roughly 6~7 out of 10 attacks will land. I'm actually queuing my resources up to try and see how much the -35% deflection chance might work out with T.Frost enchantment as well.
There is no "85% deflect" since mod6. Even in mod5 the 60% base deflection builds were close to gimmicky builds with pathetic amounts of HP that was deemed unsuitable for PvP purposes. My own deflect-heavy build which has increased stats when compared to mod5, currently has 10% less deflection than I used to tote around in…
Actually he'll deflect around 1/3rd of the attempts, since after the new stat curves deflection chance is also diminished. With the same specifications you have around 10% more deflect chance at level 60, than you have when you reach lv70. Sabos don't put points into deflection stats, and the rest of the TR types have…
People just simply giving up fighting so they can earn 6 coins at a rate of 7~8 minures, than enjoy the fighting and earning 12 coins at the rate of 30m matches... oh yes, we've cerainly never seen something like that happen before. :rolleyes:
Then I'll be sure to leave a flower at your tombstone. :D Seriously though, I'd suspect in that case you would probably need to resort to team tactics and have someone else notice you being locked down by a trapper. But looking back upon just how frustrating it is to see team compositions with stuff like 2 DCs and an OP on… a 1v1. In a multi-v-multi engagement, general tactics become more important as the side with more powerful CCs and better focus-fire can clear out opponents one by one. Of course, I admit this is in theory, because in reality usually the side that has negation enchants are also noticeably better geared than the side…
It does, but the slow is pretty weak. Slows become noticeably effective around 30% or more, becomes a real factor at 40% -- empirically speaking when a 40% slow sets in (i.e. Vengeance's Pursuit/Determined Pursuit) this amount is strong enough to slow down your target enough to hit melee at-will combos stably, as long as…
In case of my OPP-CWs invested in CC stats and Icy Veins, a pre-emptive Icy Terrain is about the only thing needed to break permastunning since the routine inadvertently includes a melee attack sequence to reinforce the root duration and reapply dazes and stuff -- in which case the moment they set foot into melee range a…
You're right, which is extremely embarrassing for me. My apologies to vaulwyn -- while I am extremely skeptical anyone actually uses T.Bilethorn at all in mod6 (...except me..), regardless, I acknowledge there is, in fact, an enchantment that slows, and therefore the shame of any comment of mine that might have been…
It's another bad habit that's sprung up since the recent mods since the SS-stormspell proc-based builds have had admittedly damage so high, that anything the MoF could offer to the team was always, simply trumped by SS CWs. In that environment it was difficult to really convince anyone that there's something the MoF can do…